Odds ‘n ends over the week about books and reading that caught my eye. You’ve probably seen some/most/all of them, but just in case:

    A Couple of Book-ish Related Podcast Episodes you might want to give a listen:

  • On the latest Crime Time Podcast, Lee and Eddie end the show with the beginning (I hope) of a discussion on writers focusing on the gory parts of murder scenes — particularly featuring female victims.
  • This week’s Two Crime Writers and a Microphone has an interview with novelist, and first-time Crime writer, Harry Brett. Brett also teaches in MFA programs and hearing his thoughts on the genre is thought-provoking (and the kind of thing I want to shove down the throats of all my “don’t you read real literature” friends?).

    There was only one New Release This Week that caught my eye, but next week has a bumper crop — don’t despair:

  • A Rare Book Of Cunning Device by Ben Aaronovitch and Kobna Holdbrook-Smith — an audio-only Peter Grant/Rivers of London short story. I listened to it yesterday and thought it was pretty fun.

Lastly, I’d like to say hi and welcome to passmethatbook (am sure with a moniker like that there’s a blog attached, but I didn’t get a URL with the follow notification) and Tannat for following the blog (in one form or another) this week.