Odds ‘n ends over the week about books and reading that caught my eye. You’ve probably seen some/most/all of them, but just in case:
- You Don’t Have To Destroy A Book To Love It: A Plea To Readers — I don’t know anything about Claire Fallon, but she’s one of my favorite people on earth at this moment for writing this piece. “A book is happier handled gently and slotted neatly next to its friends than bent, falling apart, and shoved onto an over-jammed shelf.” Yes.
- In Defense of Reading – Why All Books Matter — 1. This is almost as good as the previous post (actually probably better, but fewer people make the above argument than these); 2. this is the kind of thing I wish I had time to write; and whatever 3rd point I had was, it’s gone.
- Learn About the National Book Award Nominees From the Best Adjectives Used to Blurb Them — I hadn’t heard of most of the National Book Award Nominees (maybe 1?) until this week, so I could use all the help I could get. There’s some very strange adjectives on this list — at least when applied to books — if you ask me.
- Where to Start Guide: Don DeLillo — this is a handy list, and a good reminder I need to dive a little deeper with DeLillo so I can talk about the books not on this list. Frankly, I don’t see the appeal of the last one, but otherwise, this is a good list.
- 11 Ways to Love Goodreads Even More — some good tips
- Author Query – Michael R. Underwood — A nice little interview with one of our favorites.
- Michael R. Underwood, author of HEXOMANCY, on His Favorite Geeks in Pop Culture — Another Underwood post? He must have something new out…A near-perfect list.
- Reed Coleman talks about THE DEVIL WINS — glad he’s talking about it, since I couldn’t find the time this week
Good interview with Coleman. I’m for either/both of the cross-overs he mentioned.
- Almost (Robert B. Parker’s Jesse Stone 101) — Reed Farrel Coleman introduces Jesse and talks about his approach to the series. Good stuff.
- 21 Signs That Prove Booksellers Are The Absolute Best — if these don’t bring at least a grin to your face, there’s something wrong with you.
- Found the coolest site last weekend, Today in MYSTERY HISTORY — “A daily note on some event in the history of mystery fiction.” Finding all sorts of fun tidbits there.
- Should you lend someone a book? — there’s a pretty decent tie-in with this and the first link. (Hat-tip: Paul Nelson)
- This Week’s New Releases I’m Excited About and/or You’ll Probably See Here Soon:
- Hexomancy by Michael R. Underwood — the fourth Ree Ree adventure, and the end of her first story arc. Should be good geeky fun!
- The Scam by Janet Evanovich and Lee Goldberg — Fox and O’Hare are back. ’nuff said.
- Yes, My Accent Is Real And Some Other Things I Haven’t Told You by Kunal Nayyar — a collection of autobiographical essays by the actor.
Thanks to Benedict Jacka for the shout-out.
Image credit: Grammarly
Thanks for the shout-out, glad you liked the post.