Odds ‘n ends over the week about books and reading that caught my eye. You’ve probably seen some/most/all of them, but just in case:
- Revealing A Plague of Giants — A cover for Kevin Hearne’s upcoming epic fantasy. Oooooohhhhh….
- Michael Connelly to publish next Bosch book and begin new series in 2017 — if that headline isn’t enough to get you clicking, nothing I say will
- Patrick Rothfuss Announces The Name of the Wind Tenth Anniversary Edition and Shares Updates on The Kingkiller Chronicle Book 3 — if that headline isn’t enough to . . . . etc.
- Editor Anne Sowards On Working With Patricia Briggs — about Briggs, Mercy and the upcoming Mercy . . .
- FIVE HABITS of an Efficient Reader — The best part of the Confessions of a Readaholic blog joining Facebook is that he’s posting links to old posts like this one that I haven’t seen before.
- The Book That Scared Me — Brad Parks talks about his upcoming book — which I’ve been trying to write about for a week (stupid Influenza B, etc.) IT’S (almost) INDESCRIBABLY GOOD. This essay by Parks should get you interested in his book.
- Top 3 Reasons Why Thrillers are the Ultimate Comfort Read — blah
- Breaking Barriers: Against Restoring Monarchy in Epic Fantasy — I didn’t mean to lean on Tor.Com so much this week, but Thoraiya Dyer’s piece was good enough I had to.
- The Two Sides of Every Heart a Doorway/a> — I had very similar thoughts a time or two while reading McGuire’s book — but then got swept up in the story and forgot about it. Really wish I’d written 94% of this post myself. Thankfully Alex Bledsoe did.
- This Week’s New Releases I’m Excited About and/or You’ll Probably See Here Soon:
- The Hanging Tree by Ben Aaronovitch — Peter, Nightingale, Walid, Bev and the rest of the whole gang are back (plus some new faces). In case you missed it, here’s my $.02 about it .
- Wires and Nerve: Volume 1 by Marissa Meyer — a graphic novel about Iko from the Lunar Chronicles.
- Six Wakes by Mur Laferty — a gripping (looking) murder mystery in space. With clones. ’nuff said.
- Behind Her Eyes by Sarah Pinborough — I can’t stop hearing great things about this thriller (especially from the folks at Two Crime Writers and a Microphone who devoted an entire episode to talking about the book).
Lastly, I’d like to say hi and welcome to tripleblacktri, SnoopyDoo, discobarbizar for following the blog this week.
I realize you don’t write those articles, but my goodness, that Pat Rothfuss one really blew my fuse. It left me speechless. However, since you seem to bear the brunt of my wrath about Rothfuss, I’ll forbear this time
On an unrelated note, do you have any people you follow who you could suggest for scifi/fantasy? I’ve recently cut some of those I’d followed due to them not posting in over a month and am on the lookout for a handful of new people. I’m searching using various books I like, but if you have some, that would be great. I can’t figure out how to search through your list of people you follow. Not even sure it is possible here on WP.
You know, that’s a good question. I’m not following any bloggers for the moment that focus on SF — a handful cover it regularly. http://danrymes.blogspot.ca/ and http://www.scflynn.com/ would be where I start…