Skimpy results for odds ‘n ends over the week about books and reading that caught my eye. You’ve probably seen some/most/all of them, but just in case:
- How the dusty Merriam-Webster dictionary reinvented itself. Bigly.
- Please Stop Writing in Library Books — who are these monsters? (hyperbole aside, it’s a monstrous thing to do)
- Here Are The Media Hottakes We’d See If The Chronicles Of Narnia Were Released This Year
- Book Storage Ideas for Apartments and Small Living Spaces — many of which I’d like to incorporate into my house
- This Week’s New Releases I’m Excited About and/or You’ll Probably See Here Soon:
- The Accidental Detective by Michael RN Jones — Meet Victor Jones, Mr. Robot with a less creepy, humorous and Farenheit Press-ish twist.
- Kings of the Wyld by Nicholas Eames — a fantasy novel about a mercenary group “getting the band back together” in a world where they’re treated like rock stars.
That media hottakes made me laugh.
As for that small apartment thing.
First, anyone with a 750sqft place isn’t going to have 12foot ceilings. But floor to ceiling is the best way to maximize space usage.
Second. Books in the bathroom. Really bad idea. Steam from showers and running hot water would mildew them faster than I eat icecream.
Finally, it is just about identifying and making use of empty/wasted space. Living in a 900squft place myself, I can identify with trying to make the most of what I have. Part of that is downsizing when needed. We’re just too object/own oriented and need to cut back. Don’t buy it unless you NEED it. And that would help peoples finances as well
*gets off soapbox*
you’re suggesting that I don’t have to buy all the books??? Madman.
(but yeah…books in the bathroom?)
Crazy revolutionary here! Sometimes I think I need to grow a beard and move to Cuba