Odds ‘n ends over the week about books and reading that caught my eye. You’ve probably seen some/most/all of them, but just in case:
- What I’m really thinking: the failed novelist — what a whiny, entitled piece. I actually have a lot more I want to say (like everyone online who’s read this), but I think Joe Zieja probably summed up the reactions best in his post.
- The Longest Winter: Or Why It Took Me 15 Years to Finish My Novel Max Winter wasn’t writing in reaction to the Guardian piece, but he might as well have.
- Coming Soon: Shadow Ops: Reawakening Nocturnal Media announces a miniature based strategy board game based on Myke Cole’s Shadow Ops novels!
- The Dresden Files – A Wizard And The World Around Him — I’m not sure I can disagree with this
- The 20 Most Popular Books Throughout History — from Electric Lit
- This Week’s New Release that I’m Excited About and/or You’ll Probably See Here Soon:
- Bound by Benedict Jacka — yahoo! The 8th Alex Verus novel is here — the worst thing I can say about the last two books I’ve read is that they’ve blocked me from this one (library due dates and whatnot). There are few (2, maybe 3) Urban Fantasy series out there as compelling as this one — if you haven’t tried them, you really should.
Read that Guardian article. Oh my goodness.
But, I’m not surprised. My run ins with Indies have shown me that a majority of them think just like that writer.
And thanks for that second piece. More indies should get a bat in the privates, just as a warmup so they know what they’re dealing with
Christy Luis
That Guardian article is so whiny. I bet the comments are full of complaints about “the spoiled Millenial generation” Lol The Zieja article is spot on, though, thanks for the rebuttal.
So have you ready Bound yet? I’m dying for someone to discuss it with
Sadly, just a couple of chapters – check back in few. I hate that feeling when you can’t find anyone else who’s read the thing you’re excited about.
oh wow . . . I’m with you on dying to discuss Bound. Trying to sort out my thoughts so I can post about it. The ending isn’t as devastating as the last one — but I may have been more shocked by it.
He has an AMA scheduled for tomorrow on reddit. I’ll be participating, and I’ve already got a pair of questions hashed out.