Ugh. Three posts behind for the week (stupid body requiring sleep); my scheduling was defeated by apparently hitting “draft” instead of “schedule” twice in the last week (took me 7 days to notice one of them); just got a shipment notification for a book I preordered so many months ago I forgot to expect it Tuesday — which means I have to reorganize my entire week; basically, life as a book blogger is hard, yo.
Anyway, enough about my travails and woes. Here are the odds ‘n ends over the week about books and reading that caught my eye. You’ve probably seen some/most/all of them, but just in case:
- A Life of Reading Is Never Lonely — worth it for the first paragraph alone.
- The Great American Read: Author Patrick Rothfuss weighs in — this is a good one. (I haven’t read the translation mentioned of the World’s Greatest Play, but between Rothfuss and the linked review, I might have to track it down).
- Patience Pays Off: An Indie Success Story — I don’t know anything about Fredric Shernoff, but it’s a nice story.
- The Best Science Fiction & Fantasy Books of 2018 So Far — another one of these lists — this one from B&N’s Sci-Fi & Fantasy blog.
- The Books We Refuse To Lend
- One of The Books That Has Most Influenced Me Was One I Hated — an interesting take on that Facebook book challenge that’s making the rounds.
- The Best Country Music Is Crime Fiction: 12 Country Classics That Capture the Spirit of Noir — I wouldn’t have thought that Mark Billingham was the right guy to write something with this title, and I would’ve been wrong. Good stuff.
- 12 Famous Authors at Work With Their Dogs: The Most Literary Take Your Dog to Work Day — Yeah, this is technically a week late, but I’ll take any excuse to look at dog pics.
- TTBG’s Bad Blogging Advice 101
- A Book-ish Related Podcast Episode you might want to give a listen:
- I meant to mention last week: Episode 147: Michael Koryta of the Speaking of Mysteries Podcast.
- This Week’s New Releases I’m Excited About and/or You’ll Probably See Here Soon:
- My Plain Jane by Cynthia Hand, Brodi Ashton, Jodi Meadows — you know me, I’m a sucker for takes on Jane Eyre — even when they come in a YA Romance with a supernatural accent.
Lastly, I’d like to say hi and extend a warm welcome to cagedunn and Aspen Kendrick for following the blog this week.
I wondered if you were sick or something. I usually expect a post almost daily from you and it seemed like you’d skipped a couple of days. Glad it wasn’t because you were in the hospital dying but just tired ?