Odds ‘n ends over the week about books and reading that caught my eye. You’ve probably seen some/most/all of them, but just in case:
- Emily Brontë’s Wuthering Heights – in charts — I’m not the biggest fan of Wuthering Heights, but this collection of charts/infographics/etc. is great. I love #4.
- The Dos and Don’ts of Supporting Your Local Library
- The Torture Box: A Critical Look at Flannery O’Connor and Her Disproportionate Retributions — I’m not sure I agree with everything here, but this is a really good article on one of the best writers this continent has produced.
- How World War One Gave Rise to the Traditional Mystery: Restoring the Status Quo in the Golden Age of Detective Fiction
- Memories From the South: In Elvis We Trust — This has nothing to do with books or reading, but this is an interesting piece of writing by Ace Atkins
- Rob Hart on Ending a Series — I’ve meant to read the series he talks about, but I haven’t gotten to it. But still, there’s some good thoughts on ending a series.
- Chet the Dog Writes About Happiness — a lot of this is silly, but there’s some great Chet & Bernie stuff here (what isn’t great about Chet & Bernie?) — and an interesting use of the series.
- There’s Something About Harry: A Look into Jim Butcher’s Character Harry Dresden
- Ten Changes Made in the Lord of the Rings Novelization — this was just great fun to read. Hat tip: Harry Connolly.
- I didn’t see any new releases this week that really appealed to me — as is generally the case for a fifth week of the month. More time to catch up.
Lastly, I’d like to say hi and extend a warm welcome to http120111324 (which is one of the stranger monikers I’ve come across online, which isn’t a bad thing), Clarissa, and Jenn for following the blog this week.
Yes, they do appear to be a real person. Here’s the link:
I’m rather curious myself how that name came about, but I couldn’t find an About Me page so I guess it’ll have to stay a mystery…
I tried a couple of other things. Too dim-witted to try WordPress. Thanks!
Always glad to help out
I always find a good click on your lists!
Excellent! Good to hear