Saturday Miscellany – 9/15/18

Odds ‘n ends over the week about books and reading that caught my eye. You’ve probably seen some/most/all of them, but just in case:

    A Book-ish Related Podcast Episode you might want to give a listen to:

  • Episode 461 | Reed Farrel Coleman Interview on Hank Garner’s Author Stories Podcast. A lot of this I’d heard before, but not all of it. I also assumed Coleman got the Jesse Stone gig the way he did and was surprised to learn otherwise — great story.


Dear Mr Pop Star by Derek & Dave Philpott: Hilarious, Unique, Addictive are some Adjectives I use to describe this Incredibly Entertaining Book


BOOK SPOTLIGHT: The Tainted Vintage by Clare Blanchard


  1. Fan poster is great!!!

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