I started a new job this week, which is what I’m blaming my relative silence on — I did almost complete a few posts, to be honest (and a little self-justifying). Just nothing I’m quite ready to push “publish” on. But I have an ambitious schedule for December, so I need to get busy (and I have a little bit of November to finish with, too — oops). Here’s hoping next week is busy around here.
Anyway, here are the odds ‘n ends over the week about books and reading that caught my eye. You’ve probably seen some/most/all of them, but just in case:
- Reasons for Blogging Slumps. — The Tattooed Book Geek’s post seemed an appropriate place to start with (although I’m not technically in a slump, I don’t think). Also, it’s a good one.
- The joy of not finishing books: if you don’t like it, don’t read it — James Colley’s piece is entertaining and wise — worth it for the last ‘graph alone.
- Why We (Still) Love Crime and Comic Book Heroes: On the Flawed Heroes and Superheroes of Modern Genre Fiction — I started this week off with a post about Meghan Scott Molin’s debut novel. Seems fitting to end it pointing to this from Crime Reads.
- Behind the Scenes: The Making of ‘Storm Cursed’ — I’m a fan of Dan Dos Santos’ work (and looking through his portfolio this week, I realized much of what I’d previously liked I had realized was his). This is a cool look into his process in designing the upcoming Mercy Thompson cover.
- It’s that time of year — best of lists. TBR pile fodder abounds. Here’s a few that I liked:
- The Real Book Spy’s Best Thrillers of 2018
- Guardian best books of 2018: across fiction, politics, food and more
- Lit Hub’s Favorite Books of 2018: 59 Books That You Should Probably Read Some Time in 2019
- Michael Connelly’s Favorite Reads of 2018 — blah
- Best Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror, and Graphic Novels of 2018 — from Powell’s Books’ Staff
- Who Is The Most Instagrammed Writer Of All Time? — huh
- ‘P Is for Pterodactyl’ alphabet book teaches kids some anomalies of the English language — this just looks like a lot of fun
- This Week’s New Releases I’m Excited About and/or You’ll Probably See Here Soon:
- The Frame-Up by Meghan Scott Molin — a comic writer/artist consults with the LAPD in a hunt for a real-world costumed vigilante in one of the most enjoyable debuts of the year. I talked a bit about it Monday
- Blood of Ten Kings by Edward Lazellari — The third volume of the Guardians of Aandor — an Epic Fantasy/Urban Fantasy hybrid of sorts — hit the stores this week. Listening to Lazellari describe the books on the latest Once & Future Podcast sold me on volume one.
- King of the Road by R. S. Belcher — I missed the first novel in this UF series last year, but a group of Truckers descended from the Knights Templar who defends the roads of the US from supernatural threats — and a biker gang, apparently — has got to be worth a read.
Lastly, I’d like to say hi and extend a warm welcome to awesomeyou (nice blog, but I can’t read that side bar — as pretty as it is), whinney, Di Salvo Cambiamento (I assume the blog is nice, but I can’t read that language), Arganise Campbell (a very busy young woman) and Shalini for following the blog this week.
Good list from Powell’s here!
Nice work on your Sat Post as usual!
Thanks, Paul!
Ooooo that’s me… I still get a child-like thrill when I get a shout out… Golly, it is so wonderful ?
Am here to serve
Thanks for including a link to my blog.
Drew @ The Tattooed Book Geek
Thanks for the post mention.