A little blast from the past (October 13, 2015) when I was just starting to get to know Fahrenheit’s brand of magic to get the month started . . .
(that is, if your father had a publisher)
Fahrenheit Press is a new publishing house with a “punk ethos” that describes themselves as:
…intent on doing things differently and we’re building a publishing company that’s heavy on curation and deadly serious about marketing.
And yeah, they’re doing something different with their second book, to be published at the end of this month. Take a look at the Amazon listing:
One day, I hope they’ll explain how they got Amazon to play along. Be sure to click the link to get more details on this book.
Their founder, Chris McVeigh, explains the deal, the thinking behind it and a few more things in this post at fromfirstpagetolast. I hope this experiment works for them (and that the book is worth the effort), if only so I can see what they try next.
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