Odds ‘n ends over the week about books and reading that caught my eye. You’ve probably seen some/most/all of them, but just in case:
- Why It Matters That Amazon Shipped Margaret Atwood’s “The Testaments” a Week Early—I am honestly indifferent to Atwood’s success and inherently suspicous about the novel (for reasons I’ll leave to myself and I know I’m in the minority about); nevertheless this move by Amazon, and what this indie bookseller says about it, truly disturbs me.
- Almost Everything About Goodreads Is Broken: Despite Amazon’s innovation elsewhere, Goodreads has stagnated for 12 years, and its problems are endless—this is somewhat overblown, and I’ve seen a lot of pushback about it. But, it’s worth a read. What do ya’ll think?
- We asked for your favorite crime-fiction authors. Boy, did you respond.—from The Seattle Times. “Boy, did you respond” made me smile—there’s not a lot to chew on here, but I liked the piece and it pairs nicely with:
- Is crime fiction the new working-class novel?: Perhaps genre books are so popular because they speak to the people who buy them—from The Irish Times
- The Crime Hub—launched this week and I predict I’ll use it frequently
- Eating waffles in San Antonio – with a real-life fictional character—Andy Martin, who has turned writing about Lee Child in to a cottage industry*, sits down and talks to someone who won one of those charity auctions to get your name in a book.
- The Best Sci-Fi and Fantasy Defies Easy Genre Categorization—Yes. I know nothing/next-to-nothing about the works discussed here, but yes.
- Strong Women Are Taking Over the Thriller: 7 Badass Female Protagonists Helping to Redefine Modern Thrillers—A piece from last year that popped up on a social media feed this week, not sure how I missed it last year. Anyway, some decent TBR fodder and one great point about the plethora of “psychological thrillers featuring unreliable female protagonists”
- It’s not recreation, it’s research!—Even if you’re not a fan of Nero Wolfe (I pity you), am sure most people reading this can enjoy the piece and maybe even feel envious.
- How I Fell In Love With Reading || Ft. Bedtime Tales and A Magical Storybook
- Eight Reading Habits to Increase Your Reading Speed Plus Some Bonus Tips to Tackle your TBR!—A fun piece including some decent tips, a couple I’m not sure of and then: “Don’t Purchase Any More Books Until You Are Done With Your Current Ones” because the writer is some kind of monster.
- What Reading Has Taught Me, and Why it’s Still Important Today
- Five things that can make you dislike a good book—#1 is a big one for me.
- Ten Problems Only Booksharks Have—1. I like the term “bookshark,” it may quickly replace “bookwyrm/bookdragon” as my go-to. 2. I’m not sure these are problems, aren’t they just a thumbnail sketch of my personality?
- A Protest Sign I’d Carry/T-shirt logo I’d wear/Bumpersticker my Car Needs
* Which I heartily endorse and enjoy.
- A Book-ish Related Podcast Episode you might want to give a listen to:
- Drinks with Tony: Robert Crais – #49—On Facebook, Crais said: ” This is one of my favorite podcast interviews, gang. I think you’ll agree.” I do agree—not just regarding interviews with Crais, either.
- This Week’s New Releases I’m Excited About and/or You’ll Probably See Here Soon:
- The Bitterst Pill by Reed Farrel Coleman—Coleman’s (sniff)last (sniff)Jesse Stone (sniff)novel (not the last in the series, I should stress). Opiods in Paradise—a strong one to go out on. Now I live in fear about the state of the series. Here’s what I said about the book.
- An Orc on the Wild Side by Tom Holt—I need to make room for this on my schedule. In the meantime, here’s what Paul’s Picks had to say.
Thank you so much for including my post! I hope you enjoyed it
You bet! I did enjoy!
Oh lordy, another “Amazon is evil and is secretly ruling the world post”. And yes, I did read the article. Full of hyperbole, fear mongering and a complete lack of how business actually works. The writer talks about their business experience, but the words and ideas coming out of his mouth shows he either learned nothing from it OR he’s a communist.
Truth is relative? No wonder fantasy is being taken over by the the sjw’s and ruined.
After those complaints, I have to say I fully agree with you about stickers on books. And used books are the worst for that ?