Odds ‘n ends over the week about books and reading that caught my eye. You’ve probably seen some/most/all of them, but just in case:
- One for the books: the unlikely renaissance of libraries in the digital age—Obviously, things for us Yanks are a little different than the Sydney Morning Herald’s audience, but there’s some good overlap
- Who Decides Which Books Are “Great?”: The concept of “Great Books,” the historian Tim Lacy explains, developed in the late nineteenth century as an attempt to foster a “democratic culture.”
- Along those lines, here’s a nice little post from The Orangutan Librarian that I somehow overlooked last month: In defence of classics- again!
- Michael Connelly reveals how ‘Bosch’ was born and other tales of his humble rise to fame
- The 15 most iconic Harry Bosch haunts across L.A.—I’m not one for traveling, really, but I would gladly organize a vacation to L.A. around this.
- Removing the Mystery From Mystery Writing: 13 Tricks Used by Acclaimed Novelists—geared more toward the writer, but there’s some interesting behind-the-scenes nuggets for readers.
- The 40 Best Novels of the 2010s—Paste magazine compiled a list of their editors’ favorites.
- The Ultimate Print On Demand Guide for Nonfiction Authors—another one pointed at the writers in the audience (or would-be writers). I find this kind of thing interesting even as a reader, tho.
- The 21 Best Science Fiction and Fantasy Book Series Ever—at least according to Thrillist. Hard to argue against these though (as much as one might want to argue for others)
- A Book Bloggers Guide to Book Blogging – A Resource Guide—A very handy little “guide to help with some of the confusing things found in book blogging” from Before We Go Blog
- 4 Things About Blogging That Seem Scary, But Really Aren’t That Bad
- DNFing Books – A Discussion—I’m Fully Booked weighs in on the practice
- Top Ten Tuesday – Character Traits I Love—Caffinated Fae provides a nice little list.
- STET! Dreyer’s English: A Game for Language Lovers, Grammar Geeks, and Bibliophiles—This has been out for awhile, but I just saw a link for it this week. I’d love playing this (although I’m afraid I’d be wrong too often for my ego)
- This Week’s New Release I’m Excited About and/or You’ll Probably See Here Soon (I probably missed a few, but…):
- Ghosts of You by Cathy Ulrich—this flash fiction collection is compelling, haunting, and thought-provoking (and includes some really good reading, too). My post about it describes the book better.
Lastly, I’d like to say hi and extend a warm welcome to kbbookreviewer, _forbookssake, thelostwoman, amanja and Steven Colborne /a> for following the blog this week. Don’t be a stranger, and use that comment box, would you?
…use that comment box, would you?
How’s that working out for you? With your comment mod on I almost exclusively deal with any back and forth with you through the notification bar so I never come back to see if anyone else has said something else.
As for that 21 Best Ever SF, phhhhhhhh. Bunch of pandering woke pansies wrote the majority of that list! ?
Not well, honestly.
You really don’t like that moderation, do you?
I may try lifting it to see if it helps (on a former blog, I got hammered hard with porn spam and spam in general, made me gun shy)
When I said hard to argue against, I clearly forgot to take the Bookstooge into consideration
I’m sorry to hear that. However, one observation I’ve found is that it takes comments to get comments, or have commentsy type followers
No, I don’t. I completely understand why you do it though. 99% of my spam gets caught by wordpress’s akismet thingamajig AND I don’t have a straightup dotcom site, which makes me wonder about ever switching over. Are you WP dotcom or dotorg hosted?
Thank you so much for sharing my post! So curious about a lot of these too!
You bet! Great points!