What the World Needs Now - Trees!

What the World Needs Now – Trees!

by Cheryl Rosebush, Zuzana Svobodová (Illustrator)
Series: What the World Needs Now

PDF, 34 pg.

Read: November 21, 2020

What’s What the World Needs Now – Trees! About?

This is a cute little book about an orangutan named Jefri, his home in the Sumatran rainforest, deforestation; and what can and should be done about to prevent it.

Okay, so only some of it is cute—it’s hard to make deforestation (in general) and the elimination of rainforests (in particular) adorable.

In addition to the main information, there are little boxes with additional/supplemental information, ideal for whatever adult is reading to/with the child to give more information or to launch a discussion.

How were the Illustrations?

The art is wonderful. Svobodová balances accuracy with an attractive, cartoonish style. The illustrations are full of small little touches to keep the attention of the youngest readers as they come back again and again.

So, what did I think about What the World Needs Now – Trees!?

I wanted a little more from the text—either something to hook the reader a bit more, or another detail or two. It’s hard to put my finger exactly on it—but I thought something was missing. That aside, I thought it was a good introduction to the issue without being alarmist and suggests common-sense solutions.

It’s good, important information delivered in an attractive package. A great way to kick-off this series for young readers.

3 Stars

My thanks to Love Books Group for the invitation to participate in this tour and the materials (including the book) they provided.

Love Books Group