Sorry for the coding that didn’t work here, I copied and pasted some of this from the Challenge sites as requested.
So, sure, I’ve said (repeatedly) that I’m cutting down on Challenges for 2021, but I’m doing some, because I find them pretty fun.
For 2021, they’re going to be:
The Goodreads Challenge
Because I’ve been doing it for as long as I can remember.
2021 Library Love Challenge
hosted by Angel’s Guilty Pleasures & Books of My Heart.
I think I’ve been doing this one for 4 years or so, there’s a nice group involved.

2021 Audiobook Challenge
Hosted by Caffeinated Reviewer and That’s What I’m Talking About
As much as I’ve been doing Audiobooks lately, why not?
The TBR Tackle Challenge
Hosted by @books.are.42 @mystorynook and @theartsy_bookworm88
Because I could use the help focusing on reducing that stack.
2021 While I Was Reading Challenge
Hosted by
For the fourth year running.
20 Books of Summer
Hosted by
(assuming that’s a thing) It was a great help to focus last summer.
Allyson Johnson
OK< I signed up for the Goodreads Challenge – 75 books. Wish me luck!