that caught my eye this week. You’ve probably seen some/most/all of them, but just in case:
Sleep Comfort Month: Rethinking Night Reading—Passing this along as a PSA. Something I should pay more attention to, I know.
Is Superman Circumcised? favourite to win Oddest book title of the year—I’ve somehow not heard of this prize before, but you know I’m going to be looking forward to the nominees every year.
Fahrenheit 451 Is Controversial Because It’s Honest—it’s (sadly) an evergreen topic, but this week made this piece seem especially relevant.
Loose Ends: A Literary Supercut of Sci-Fi Last Sentences—These 137 last lines have been arranged “into a sequence of interconnected vignettes. In these ways “Loose Ends” doubles as narrative and archive, short story and data analysis.”
Books and Bookish Gifts for Every Reader on Your Holiday List
What Makes a Long Book Feel Too Long?—Molly Templeton muses on book length
The #R3COMM3ND3D2021 series over at Damp Pebbles offered up another good-looking batch of recommendations this week. Check out the contributions from:
Davida @ The Chocolate Lady’s Book Review Blog
Modern Gypsy
Kate from The Quick and the Read
Anitha @ Series Book Lover
Author Rachel Sargeant
On Writing Negative Book Reviews
What I’ve learnt from reading fiction – part 5—Love this idea (I tried it here once, and then had a few weeks where I didn’t learn anything worth passing along).
Episode (or two) you might want to give a listen to:
Blood Brothers Podcast Episode 73 with Michael Connelly—a fun chat with Connelly
That I’m Excited About and/or You’ll Probably See Here Soon:
The Dark Hours by Michael Connelly—Ballard’s on the hunt for a murderer and a pair of rapists. You know, the typical light fare that’s Connelly’s trademark. I’m a little over a quarter of the way through and it’s great.
Swashbucklers by Dan Hanks—is one of those books I can’t imagine summarizing in a few paragraphs, much less a sentence. Click that link there to learn about it. Looks fun.
Emma @damppebbles
Thank you for including #R3C again this week, HC
The least I could do.