Saturday Miscellany—12/25/21

I cannot believe anyone’s actually reading this today, but stranger things have happened, I guess.

Eh, maybe you need a break from the festivities, here’s a little to occupy your mind. It’s not much, I think everyone was lightening up on content this week.

Odds n ends about books and reading that caught my eye this week. You’ve probably seen some/most/all of them, but just in case:
bullet Libraries enlist states in fight over ebook rules
bullet The Most Popular Books and Audiobooks on NetGalley in 2021
bullet The most popular US library books of 2021
bullet 2022 Ultimate Book Blogger / Reader Spreadsheet Template—2022 will be my third year using this template from Reader Voracious—I still don’t use all the features, but those that I do are more than worth it. Even if I wasn’t blogging, I think I’d prefer this to what I came up with on my own.
bullet It was the last week for The #R3COMM3ND3D2021 series over at Damp Pebbles. The posts over the last week were by:
bullet Podcast Audiobookish
bullet BookBlogger Karen Cole
bullet BookBlogger Rae
bullet Author Joy Kluver
bullet BookBlogger Emma—the proprieter of Damppebbles herself chimes in to wrap up the series
bullet A few more installments of this year’s Best Of Lists…
bullet 12 Authors Share the Best Books They Read in 2021—from the We Are Bookish blog
bullet from FanFiAddict: Tom’s Top 10 Reads of 2021
bullet Witty and Sarcastic Book Club declares the year a win: Operation 2021: Success! (or Favorite Books from this Year)
bullet Why I’m not seeing a numbered reading goal for 2022…
bullet Blogging VS. Social Media: why having a book blog still matters—I’ve seen a little of this conversation online, but this is a pretty full response to the idea that book blogs are obsolete.
bullet Why Book Blogs are Relevant & Valuable Marketing Tools—okay, the above was a full response, this is…um…fuller I guess.
bullet The Die Hard Book Tag—a holiday-season Book Tag I can get behind.


The Friday 56 for 12/24/21: A Dream About Lightning Bugs by Ben Folds


Faith in the Time of Plague Edited by Stephen M. Coleman and Todd M. Rester: Reformation and Post-Reformation Voices Speak to Our Moment

1 Comment


    Thank you for including my post, especially since there have been so many amazing ones over the last week!

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