This prompt was submitted by Penelope @ The Reading Devil:
Do you have any bookish posters or artwork on your walls?
Yes, some. I should really have taken photographs here, but it’d be better to go look at the art at the links instead–I know what my photographs look like 🙂
On my walls are:
a pair of Dresden Files prints by Mike Kuloda
a print from Bearded by Jeremy Billups
a print by Gene Mollica of Atticus, the Iron Druid (signed by Kevin Hearne)
I also have a nifty print from No Country for Old Gnomes> signed by Delilah S Dawson, Kevin Hearne, and the artist (but I can’t read their name)
a print by Chris McGrath of The Brightest Fell (October Daye) cover art
and a mash-up of things like The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, To Kill a Mockingbird, Ready Player One that my daughter painted for me a few years ago.
I’d get more, but I’m about at the point where I have to decide between space for bookcases and space for art. So something’s gotta give. (although I saw three prints while getting links for the artists I almost bought today, so…)
How big are the prints? Paper size or poster size?
The Hearne prints are paper-sized, the others are larger.