Glorification: An Introduction
DETAILS: Series: Short Studies in Systematic Theology Publisher: Crossway Publication Date: April 19, 2022 Format: Paperback Length: 121 pg. Read Date: March 20,
What’s Glorification: An Introduction About?
This book is focused on a particular aspect of individual eschatology—glorification, although Cole touches on the other aspects of eschatology, too. The first chapter focuses on the glory of God—it is His glory shared with believers, so it’s right to start there. The fifth and final chapter gets a bit speculative about who will and won’t be glorified. The three chapters in between those two are the heart and focus of the book. Cole begins by sketching God’s project following the fall in restoring the image (and glory) lost. He then shows the beginning of the work of glorification in the sanctification of believers in this life. He ends this portion of the book by looking at what we know about the glorification in the New Earth—which is where the cosmic and ecclesiastical aspects of glorification are looked at, in addition to the individual.
So, what did I think about Glorification: An Introduction?
Cole talks a little at the beginning of the book about the lack of book-length looks at this topic. I’m not convinced that this is the best way to address the lacuna. It’s good and useful, but maybe it’s too speculative. Maybe setting out to do more than it needed to for this introduction. Throughout the work, Cole takes some close looks at pivotal texts on the topic of glory, sanctification, and glorification—these are the highlight of the work and are very valuable. I’m less convinced that what he does outside of those exegetical portions are nearly as useful. Maybe if given more space to develop some of his ideas, I might have a different impression. In the end, I’m glad I read this and will return to it for the exegetical moments and gladly recommend it.
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