Saturday Miscellany—5/21/22

Odds ‘n ends about books and reading that caught my eye this week. You’ve probably seen some/most/all of them, but just in case:
bullet Where to dispose of unwanted books? Try a library bookstore—worth a shot, right
bullet What Do We Lose—and Gain—As Book Tours Move Online?
bullet A Quick Note on Dear Fahrenheit 451—Yes, this book looks like a great read, but I’m linking it because of this review. Wish I could write something as good as this.
bullet A Deep Dive Into The Book Community’s Toxic Cancel Culture—I have a degree of trepidation in using the phrase “Cancel Culture” because of the way it’s being used by a lot of people from all over the spectrum, but…there’s a lot of good things to chew on in this post.
bullet Why I Keep My Books
bullet Borrowing Books and Stuff – A How To—There’s a mental list of people that I want to send this to. I won’t, because I prefer that they still talk to me and not about me, but they could sure use it.
bullet A Guide: How I Read More Than Most Probably Do
bullet Let’s Talk: Self-Published Authors Appreciation Week—SPAAW is coming back this July.

This Week’s New Releases that I’m Excited About and/or You’ll Probably See Here Soon:
bullet Adult Assembly Required by Abbi Waxman—”When Laura Costello moves to Los Angeles, trying to escape an overprotective family and the haunting memories of a terrible accident, she doesn’t expect to be homeless after a week. (She’s pretty sure she didn’t start that fire — right?) She also doesn’t expect to find herself adopted by a rogue bookseller, installed in a lovely but completely illegal boardinghouse, or challenged to save a losing trivia team from ignominy… but that’s what happens.”
bullet Dead Against Her by Melinda Leigh—the new Bree Taaggert looks like it’s going to take care of most of my ongoing complaints about the series in one fell swoop. Can’t wait.


The Friday 56 for 5/20/22: Heroic Hearts edited by Jim Butcher and Kerrie L. Hughes


The Doctrine of Scripture: An Introduction by Mark D. Thompson: A Strong and Helpful Entry this Series


  1. Aww thank you so much for the kind mention! <3


    Thank you for including my post about SPAAW (I’m awful at naming things). It’s going to be fun!

    • HCNewton

      Next year, you need a crow logo, with it yelling “SPAWW!” (I can’t help visualizing that every time anyway)

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