I recently saw this tag both at Read Betwixt Words and Becky’s Book Blog and it looked fun.
Last Book I Bought
The Judgement Book by Simon Hall
This is the fourth book in The TV Detective/Dan Groves Investigates series–I loved the first two books in the series and somehow haven’t managed to read book 3, Evil Valley. Hopefully owning this one will be the kick in the pants I need.
Last Book I Borrowed
I guess technically it be Don’t Know Tough by Eli Cranor, but that’s from the Library and it doesn’t really feel like borrowing (I’m not sure that makes sense to anyone, including me). The last book I borrowed from a person (my son) was Halo: The Fall of Reach by Eric Nylund.
Last Book I Was Gifted
The Story Retold: A Biblical-Theological Introduction to the New Testament by G. K. Beale and Benjamin L. Gladd
I received this from my son and daughter-in-law last year, and have really enjoyed working through it this year.
Last Book I Gave to Someone Else
Madam Tulip and the Rainbow’s End by David Ahern
I got my mother hooked on this series a few years ago, and was glad when he released this around the time I needed a gift for her birthday.
Last Book I Started
In a House of Lies by Ian Rankin
I’m loving being back in the world of John Rebus–Rankin’s ability to keep this ailing and retired detective involved in police cases–and doing so interestingly–is so much fun to see.
Last Book I Finished
Jacked: An Anthology of Crime Fiction edited by Vern Smith
This collection of short crime fiction is exactly what you’d want/expect. There were a few really strong stories and a couple of new-to-me authors that I’ll be on the lookout for.
Last Book I Rated 5 Stars
Don’t Know Tough by Eli Crano
Yeah, it’s a repeat entry for this tag–oh well. Cranor’s debut is one of the easiest 5 Stars I’ve ever given. This thing got into my bones, and I’ll be thinking about it for weeks (at least) and talking about it for months (I know that I’ll mention it at least once in my 2022 wrap-ups)
Last Book I Rated 2 Stars
Better Off Dead by Lee Child and Andrew Child
I am still trying to believe that this hand-off from Lee to Andrew is going to work, but this book doesn’t give me a lot of reason for that belief. Reacher 2.0 makes me want to watch the Cruise flicks for a more authentic feel.
Last Book I DNF’d
The Writer’s Library: The Authors You Love on the Books That Changed Their Lives by Nancy Pearl & Jeff Schwager, narrated by the authors and sixteen other people
Very interesting book–great premise. And the text version probably works well–but the way the audiobook was assembled and read…just unlistenable. (I talked about it some here)
Last Book I Listened To
Black Nerd Problems by William Evans & Omar Holmon
This was just tremendously fun to listen to–but when I sat down to write my post about it today, I came up blank. I’m having a hard time deciding what to talk about, I think–there’s a lot. Anyway, that’s why I did this post instead
As usual, I’m not tagging anyone in this—but I’d like to see what you all have to come up with.
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