Book Blogger Hop


This prompt was submitted by Elizabeth @ Silver’s Reviews:

Are you lost if you don’t have a book to read?

Lost doesn’t begin to describe it, really. Up until a few years ago, it’d happen occasionally. I’d read things faster than I could get to the library, I wouldn’t have money for a trip to the bookstore, I couldn’t find anything at a bookstore/library that struck my mood, and so on (okay, that last one didn’t happen too often…but it happened a couple of times, I swear). I’d usually resort to re-reading something, but that didn’t always work.

When that happened, I would be moody and irritable. Which isn’t exactly lost, I know. But being lost does that to me, I guess.

Mercifully, I haven’t been in that state for a couple of years. I’m at the point now where I should read 4 more books by the end of the week to get back on schedule (and could say the same almost every Wednesday). Sure, I have the occasional moment of indecision about what to read next, but it doesn’t last long.

Like I talked about back when the prompt was about using the Kindle app on your phone, nowadays I have a book with me everywhere I go. They’re a handy way to deal with the stress, boredom, ennui, annoyance, etc. that comes from being stuck someplace (including social situations you’re not that interested in).

I have a nagging sensation that I left off something I meant to say here, but this is close enough. I’m gonna go read.

Do You Need to Have a Book at All Times?