It’s that magical time of the year…the Goodreads Choice Award Winners have been named and everyone is griping about it. Haven’t read any of the winners, but this year’s crop looks better than the last few, IMHO.
Running late today, so that’s all the introduction you get (I can hear the cheers now). On with the links!
Odds ‘n ends about books and reading that caught my eye this week. You’ve probably seen some/most/all of them, but just in case:
‘I want to savour every word’: the joy of reading slowly—Sounds great. I honestly don’t think I’m physically capable of it.
I’m sure most of you saw this tweet where a disappointed author vented about the small showing at a reading and then got all sorts of encouragement from all sorts of authors—it’s a great thread and then it got picked up a whole lot of news outlets (like NPR).
Now You Too Can Bake Like Emily Dickinson This Holiday Season—I’m not sure why anyone would want to, but…
The gift that actually does keep on giving.
How Edgar Allan Poe Reinvented American Literature – and Science Writing
Don’t Kill the Dog—an author reflects on that cardinal rule
10 of the Best Gifts for Book Enthusiasts (That Aren’t Books)
#R3COMM3ND3D2022 The After Show Party #BookBlogger—a quick recap and look back at this great series
It’s December, which means it’s time for Best Of lists…where people tell you about all the books that you heard great things about but didn’t get around to: Reviewers’ Choice: The Best Books of 2022
The Best Crime Novels of the Year: 2022 from CrimeReads
My Top 10 Reads of 2022! from Out of This World SFF
Everything Counts As Reading
I Like Big Books and I Cannot Lie: Six Alternative Uses for Shelf Bending Novels—Paul Goat Allen has some great tips
Here’s how I view negative reviews
Quotables: Words that Stuck with Me in 2022—Witty & Sarcastic Book Blogs shares great lines from this year’s reading
A Book-ish Related Podcast episode (or two) you might want to give a listen to:
Blood Brothers Podcast Episode 114 with Andrew Child—this great conversation makes me wish I liked his contributions to the Reacher canon more.
This Week’s New Releases that I’m Excited About and/or You’ll Probably See Here Soon (and one from last week I thoughtlessly overlooked):
The Hero Interviews by Andi Ewington—a comic collection of interviews with various Fantasy heroes that looks like a lot of fun. Check out this here review for a better (and informed) take on it.
Bodacious Creed and the San Francisco Syndicate by Jonathan Fesmire—the third installment in this Steampunk/Western/Zombie Adventure series is out and looks like a good ‘un
My Darkest Prayer by S.A. Cosby—Cosby’s first book has been reissued and I’m kicking myself for not hunting it down after Blacktop Wasteland.
Gone edited by Stephen J. Golds—30 pieces of short crime fiction from a great-looking lineup of writers
The Perception Of Dolls: The Fantoccini Street Reports by Anthony Croix, edited by Russell Day—I’m not even going to try to summarize this. Just click the link. It’s Russell Day and Fahrenheit Press, ’nuff said.
Grit, Black, Blood by Ashley Erwin—another one I don’t think I can summarize in a sentence or two (without reading, anyway).
Thanks for including my blog in this week’s roundup!
I still haven’t looked the Goodreads winners, so I’ll have to save my griping for something else.
Good to have plans. Dole out the griping frugally.