Like Carol yesterday, Stacy took her own intro into her hands. I’m trying not to take it personally (are mine that bad?). I’m very pleased to welcome her and her list to the blog today, there’s some good looking things here.
Hi My name is Stacey and I run Whispering Stories Book Blog, which I established in 2015. I’m in my forties, married to my fab hubby Steve, and mum to three grown up sons. I work in social housing and I do a lot of volunteer work too. Aside from reading I am a massive American Detective TV series fan and a big rock music fan too.
Many thanks to H.C. for letting me share my top five Desert Island books!
Oh, to be able to spend some time on a Desert Island, sit in the sun with a nice cocktail and no-one to bother me. Plus, lots of time to read!!
Below is my list in no particular order and a little about why I chose them.
- The Snow Child by Eowyn Ivey. (My review – https://www.whisperingstories.
com/snow-child/ )
Well, I need a book to cool me down in the glaring sunshine and this book would definitely hit the mark.
Set in 1920s Alaska and based on the Russian fairy-tale, ‘Snegurochka’, which translates to ‘Little daughter of the snow’, The Snow Child is an enchanting and heartwarming tale of a couple unable to have children who relocate to the Alaskan wilderness to get away from being reminded daily about their situation.
One day they meet a young girl who is alone and frozen, she won’t enter their home and they don’t know where she has come from. The couple learn to live and prosper with the help of this young girl who they care so much about but is she real or made of snow?
The story is gripping and I just adore it, so much so that I have read the book numerous times and given people copies as presents too.
- The Stranger Times by C.K. McDonnell (My Review – https://www.whisperingstories.
com/the-stranger-times-ck- )mcdonnell-book-review/
OMG, if there ever was a book, or should I say a series that I knew from the blurb would be right up my street, this is it. If you haven’t read it, why not!!!
The Stranger Times is a weekly newspaper dedicated to the weird and the wonderful (but mostly the weird), it is the go-to publication for the unexplained and inexplicable.
Set in my hometown this book has me laughing and giggling along, well it is written by a comic. This is a book to give me a laugh whilst I am stuck on this island.
From the wacky characters to the fantastical situations that occur daily, this is one of my favourite series and I hope there are many more books to come.
- Where the Truth Lies by M J Lee (My review – https://www.whisperingstories.
com/where-truth-lies-mj-lee- )book-review/
Another first book in a series I adore is this detective thriller from author M J Lee. The premise of the book follows Detective Ridpath who has been seconded to the Coroner’s Office. He used to work for CID until he was diagnosed with cancer. On returning to work the bosses decided that the Coroner’s Office was the best place for him.
What I love about this book and the rest of the series is one, it is again set in my hometown of Manchester and two, Ridpath is never one to back down and it doesn’t matter if he is coming up against his bosses or criminals, he tells them like it is. I love a straight talker.
- Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte
I first read Jane Eyre when I was in high school. I wasn’t really much of a big reader during my teen years, reading just a few books a year, but this book stayed with me and I have a few editions of it.
I remember thinking I hated the classics and then bam, this book hits and here we had this young woman with a fiery temper and who came across so many obstacles in her life and yet she faced each one and was determined to live her life on her own terms.
Jane Eyre taught me a lot about resilience as a teenager.
- Message from Nam by Danielle Steel (My review – https://www.whisperingstories.
com/message-from-nam-review/ )
This is a book that touched me so much. I read it as a young teen when the Gulf War was happening. I didn’t really know or understand what had happened during the Vietnam War given that it was over before I was born but as the Gulf War was raging and there were daily updates and photos etc, this book spoke to me.
It follows the life of a young journalist, Paxton Andrews, who is in Vietnam covering the war, though it begins way before her journey there and shows you exactly why she needed the life. She needed to understand war, and wanted to show the world the truth about how it changes everyone.
I read this book so many times the cover came off. Then there was a movie (or TV show) which I adored too. I always swore if I had a girl I was calling her Paxton – The hubby refused stating our child would get called Paxo Stuffing (a UK brand). Luckily for both of us we had three boys.
So that is my five choices. I could have gone on forever with the amount of books I simply adore. I tried to mix it up a little with some from my teens and others that are newer books.
I hopefully have given you some inspiration for your next read. Thanks H.C. I enjoyed writing up my thoughts.
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