Saturday Miscellany—6/1/24

Odds ‘n ends about books and reading that caught my eye this week. You’ve probably seen some/most/all of them, but just in case:
bullet Why Are Debut Novels Failing to Launch?
bullet Banned Book of the Week—Digital Public library of America announced a new campaign this week
bullet Fletch Inhaled Twice: Reflecting on the influence of I.M. Fletcher and his creator, Gregory Mcdonald—I might quibble a bit here and there, but the only real problem with this piece is how short it is
bullet Five for Them, One for Me, with Rob Hart—a fun Q&A with Hart about Assassins Anonymous
bullet When Romance Is a Mystery: Books Where Finding Love Is Like Solving a Whoduni
bullet Adam Holcombe looks back at a year of A Necromancer Called Gam Gam
bullet Should I Feel Guilty For Checking Out A Book Instead Of Buying It?—Nunc hoc in marmore non est incisum
bullet 20 Brilliant Anglo-Saxon Words We Should Bring Back—Nunc hoc in marmore non est incisum
bullet Conquer Your TBR Pile — Practical Tips to Read More Books This Year
bullet Master Your Reading List: 10 Practical Tips for Avid Readers—2 of these this week? What is it, January?
bullet Authors: How NOT to Ask a Book Blogger for a Review
bullet Ashley Ottesen explains why her (and my, incidentally) TBR stack will always be full

To help talk about backlist titles (and just for fun), What Was I Talking About 10 Years Ago Week?
bullet John Knox by Simonetta Carr, Matt Abraxas (Illustrator)—probably the best looking biography I’ve ever read (sure, it’s for kids, but…Abraxas nailed it).
bullet The Warrior by Ty Patterson
bullet The Chase by Janet Evanovich and Lee Goldberg
bullet Wake of the Bloody Angel by Alex Bledsoe—man, I loved this book (still do).

This Week’s New Release that I’m Excited About and/or You’ll Probably See Here Soon:
bullet First Frost by Craig Johnson—It’s the 20th Walt Longmire book and we get a look at Walt and Henry before they head off to the armed forces and Vietnam (and Walt dealing with the fallout from TheLongmire Defense).

Geoge R.R. Martin 'I have lived a thousand lives and i have loved a thousand loves. I've walked on distant worlds and seen the end of time. Because I read.'


BLOGIVERSARY REPOST: P is for Peril by Sue Grafton


20 Books of Summer 2024: This is Going to Be A Tough One


  1. Mine was because I had an author ask for a blurb about it for their newsletter. So I pulled out a draft to give me a post to link back to. I didn’t think about when it would have been written. Now, I wish I had saved it for January.

  2. Thank you for including my post. 🙂 I love that George RR Martin quote, so true

  3. Hi, dropping by from the #BloggersWeekendLinkUp. Great post! Some very interesting posts listed here.

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