WWW Wednesday, July 3, 2024

This meme was formerly hosted by MizB at A Daily Rhythm and revived on Taking on a World of Words—and shown to me by Aurore-Anne-Chehoke at Diary-of-a-black-city-girl.

The Three Ws are:
What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?

Seems easy enough, right? Let’s take a peek at this week’s answers:

What are you currently reading?

I’m reading Winter Lost by Patricia Briggs, and am listening to A Door in the Dark by Scott Reintgen, read by Jesse Vilinsky on audiobook–it’s a very strange semi-zombie Fantasy novel. Thankfully, there’s only one zombie-ish thing wandering around. (still, I shook a virtual fist at the friend who recommended it to me).

Cover of Winter LostBlank SpaceCover for A Door in the Dark by Scott Reintgen

What did you recently finish reading?

I just finished Bruce Borgos’s Shades of Mercy–and Borgos was not messing around with this sequel. The last audiobook I finished was Labyrinth by Kat Richardson, read by Mia Barron.

Cover for Shades of Mercy by Bruce BorgosBlank SpaceCover for Labyrinth by Kat Richardson

What do you think you’ll read next?

My next book should be for The Last King of California by Jordan Harper and my next audiobook should be Breaking the Dark by Lisa Jewell, read by Helen Laser. I’ve been wanting to read this Harper book for ages, meanwhile, I didn’t know anything about the audiobook until yesterday. But I’m curious about what Marvel’s trying on the novel front, might as well start here, right?

Cover of The Last King of California by Jordan HarperBlank SpaceCover of Breaking the Dark by Lisa Jewell

You got anything explosive on your hands for tomorrow?*

* Yeah, I should do better. Sorry.


Some Questions About Cover Art With…Savanna Mayer and Shannon Knight


June 2024 in Retrospect: What I Read/Listened to/Wrote About

1 Comment

  1. I’m still reading at all the stuff I mentioned last week, but I did go ahead and eat up Tony Hillerman’s “Sacred Clowns” for my book group – a re-read of one of the later books where the two threads of stories about Jim Chee and Joe Leaphorn come together as they work to solve a couple of seemingly unrelated murders. More marvelous evocations of the Four Corners landscape, and deep insight into the complications of melding traditional Navajo or Hopi culture with modern Western ideas.

    I also took guilty pleasure in sneaking in a YA novel – “Heiress Apparent” by Diana Ma. How could I resist a story about 1) a young Chinese American 2) getting her big break in movies 3) going to Beijing for the movie shoot 4) finding her doppelganger and 5) uncovering multi-generational family secrets? All my hot buttons pushed! And it was a pretty good story, if you left out the 6) incredibly hot Chinese love interest, which bogged things down for me, (but maybe not for the YA audience it was aimed at.)

    Next I swear I am going to finish at least one, maybe two, of the five books on my In Progress list before I even think about starting anything new (but there’s Larry McMurtry’s “The Sin Killers” beckoning from my TBR shelf.)

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