Banner has a black bird on a colorful background. Around the bird are the words, 'Self Published Authors Appreciation Week.' In the top left corner, it says, 'July 21-27, 2024.' In the bottom right corner it says, '#SPAAW'
Once again, it’s Self-Published Author Appreciation Week. This year, I’m all about spreading the love for self-published works…
Spreading the Self-Pub Love
This is our annual tribute to those authors who take it all on themselves–all the work, all the risks, all the costs, and all the (too small) rewards. After doing all the work of writing a book, you’ve got to pay for an editor (if not editors–line and copy editor), maybe a proofreader, a cover artist, maybe a cover designer, and who knows what other services you may choose to pay. Then you have to market the book–maybe get a Book Tour organized, find bloggers, reviewers, BookTubers, and others to spread the word–and all other sorts of things. Really there’s more than I can mention here, but you can find some authors talking about it in the series of Q&As I did last year with Self-Published authors called The Inside Scoop.

Really, every week on this blog is Author Appreciation Week, but you can see why we’re eager to take one week to focus on the Self-Pub warriors among them, right?

How am I going to show my appreciation/love this year? Well, hopefully, I’ll be able to find the time to write posts about some recent self-published reads of mine and some great lists of Self-Published books I’ve read already for you to check out.

But the big focus this year is on Spreading the Self-Pub Love (see the title of this post). The Number One thing that Self-Published Authors need are readers to appreciate them–and who better to recommend some than other self-published authors? So I’ve asked some to drop by and recommend a self-published book that deserves more eyeballs. (you’ll note that some of these authors couldn’t/wouldn’t limit themselves to one…such mavericks).

The featured posts this week will come from some names familiar to readers of this blog, and a good number of new names (hopefully they’ll pop up enough to be familiar to you soon):

Anca Antoci
JCM Berne
Tom Bookbeard
A.J. Calvin
Andi Ewington
Karl Forshaw
Shannon Knight
David T List
Rebecca Carey Lyles
H.C. Newell
Nathan Ogloff
Paul Regnier
DB Rook
Marie Sinadjan
D.H. Willison
Tao Wong

Stick around and see what they recommend, and have to offer themselves!

Self-Published Authors Appreciation Week Footer

Image by Monika from Pixabay
The 2024 Self-Published Authors Appreciation Week Logo was made by Witty and Sarcastic Book Club