Self-Published Author Appreciation Week '24 Banner
In the spirit of “a rising tide lifts all boats,” this year for Self-Published Authors Appreciation Week I wanted to give some Self-Published authors a chance to spread some love (while also indulging in a bit of self-promotion, I mean, c’mon, it’s hard out here…)
Spreading the Self-Pub Love with Shannon Knight

An Elevator Pitch for Something You Love
Cover for Dyer Street Punk Witches by Phil Williams

Dyer Street Punk Witches by Phil Williams

Check out Dyer Street Punk Witches by Phil Williams. Take a look at that cover. Does it warm your aging punk heart? Then this one’s for you! Kit Fadulous is decades past her punk witch days, but she’s still true to the punk life. Each chapter begins with a few pages set in the ‘90s before bumping up to the present. The setting is a gritty part of an English city overrun by gangs. Urban fantasy thriller. No romance!

Phil has a punk rock playlist for that book.

My Elevator Pitch by Shannon Knight

Cover of Grave Cold by Shannon Knight
Put on your Evanescence and fall into the near future where genetic modifications gone wild have altered the world as we know it. Grave Cold mixes science and magic, as a medieval reaper and a beautician necromancer work together to save the dead from being used as an energy source.

About this Author
Shannon Knight is a fantasy, science fiction, and horror author living in the Pacific Northwest.

Website ~ Amazon Author Page ~ Goodreads Author Page

Be sure to check out Grave Cold and Dyer Street Punk Witches, let’s show them both some love!

Self-Published Authors Appreciation Week Footer

Image by Monika from Pixabay
The 2024 Self-Published Authors Appreciation Week Logo was made by Witty and Sarcastic Book Club