Self-Published Author Appreciation Week '24 Banner
In the spirit of “a rising tide lifts all boats,” this year for Self-Published Authors Appreciation Week I wanted to give some Self-Published authors a chance to spread some love (while also indulging in a bit of self-promotion, I mean, c’mon, it’s hard out here…)
Spreading the Self-Pub Love with D.H. Willison

An Elevator Pitch for Something You Love
Cover for The Last of Her Kind

The Last of Her Kind by Annabelle Hawthorne

A disillusioned veteran meets a kindhearted librarian who’s actually a predatory spider-woman. No, this is not metaphoric, nor is she some costume-wearing superhero. She’s physically half spider.

Yes, this is actually a serious book, yes, it’s a romance, and yes, I enjoyed the heck out of it! I love finding stories that refuse to paint between the lines, that fall far enough outside typical genre norms to make you question it.

Note: there’s a bit of steam, so if that’s not your thing, be warned. But it’s a great story, with well-written characters which I enjoyed a lot.


My Elevator Pitch by D.H. Willison

Cover of Forest of Fate
Have a look at my newly released novel, The Forest of Fate: A Tale of Adventure, Romance, and Forgiveness

It’s us against the forest.

Stripped of weapons and exiled to the worst wilderness in the land, we have a three-week trek to reach a friendly settlement. My companion? An icy, aristocratic wolf woman who looted an ancient artifact from the only safe haven in the Forest of Nightmares.

Will we work together to survive this nightmare?

Heart-pounding survival scenes and narrow escapes from all manners of creepy creatures blend with witty banter and cozy moments by the campfire in The Forest of Fate.

e-Book ~ Paperback

About this Author
Hi, I’m D. H. Willison, and I write fantasy adventures that blend dark and creepy creature encounters with witty banter and cozy moments by the campfire. I’ve lived or worked in over a dozen countries and never missed the chance to visit a historic site. From castle dungeons, to catacombs, to the holds of tall ships, to the tunnels of the Maginot Line, I’ve had the good fortune to see a lot. One of my main themes is alternate and creative conflict resolution. The same situations are often seen by cultures quite differently. Sometimes it leads to conflict, sometimes to hilarity. Both make for a great story.

Join us on the fantastical world of Arvia. Beneath lush colorful landscapes, danger lurks. From carnivorous trees to giant mythic monsters, mere humans are way out of their depth on Arvia. Survival depends on wits and creativity more often than mighty swords, mystic artifacts, or magical powers. And yet… monsters are often overcome with empathy rather than explosions, and friendships are forged in the strangest of circumstances.

Website ~ Goodreads ~ Instagram ~ Bluesky ~ Twitter ~ Facebook

Be sure to check out The Last of Her Kind and The Forest of Fate: A Tale of Adventure, Romance, and Forgiveness, let’s show them both some love!

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Image by Monika from Pixabay
The 2024 Self-Published Authors Appreciation Week Logo was made by Witty and Sarcastic Book Club