Books about Books and the People Who Love Them

Today is National Book Lovers Day (yes, around here, that’s just another way of saying it’s a day that ends in “ay,” except it’s a National thing). I’m not sure that “Lover” is the best way to describe me—buying, reading, and surrounding myself with books is just who I am. “One does not love breathing,” as Miss Jean Louise Finch, said.

Or in the words of Patrick Rothfuss, “I always read. You know how sharks have to keep swimming or they die? I’m like that. If I stop reading, I die.”

Scout and Rothfuss are likely overstating things—or maybe not, but they can give that impression. So maybe it’s safer to call ourselves book lovers, eh?

Anyway, as I said the other day, I’ve been meaning to post something about National Book Lover’s Day for years now, but I’ve never really known what to say. But it occured to me (as I was saying that) that I could put together a handy-dandy list of books that show love to books either about talking about books or those who write, read, sell, or loan them.

This isn’t necessarily a complete list, in fact, I’m sure it’s not. I did a quick survey of the 5200 plus posts I have here) to compile this list in the last two days. But it’s a pretty thorough one—I’ll get this in better shape by next year.

(Probably…Maybe…We’ll see.)

Books about Books and the People Who Love Them

(Links will take you to my post featuring the book.)



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Image by Hermann Traub from Pixabay


The Last Shield by Cameron Johnston: You Will Sit Up and Say, “Yippee-ki-yay”


Saturday Miscellany—8/10/24


  1. This is fantastic! I love books about books, so I’ll be referring to this list often.

  2. I adore books about books and booksellers and librarians! Have you read No Two Persons? (Loosely connected short stories by Erica Bauermeister?)

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