Saturday Miscellany—9/7/24 (corrected and revised)

On Tuesday, i say to myself, “No need to jot down a note about the release of my buddy Joe’s new book, I’ll remember that on Saturday.”

Saturday, almost 4 hours after posting my Saturday Miscellany, a friend (after pointing out an embarrassing typo, sadly not both of them), says: “What? No mention of Eyes of Empire being released? (which is even more mortifying). Sorry, JCM!!

Odds ‘n ends about books and reading that caught my eye this week. You’ve probably seen some/most/all of them, but just in case:
bullet Can fairytales and fantasy compete with Fortnite? How to get kids reading at any age—Spoiler: Yes.
bullet Can a Book Save Your Life?: The mega-bestselling author Matt Haig and the limits of the therapy novel.
bullet NaNoWriMo gets AI sponsor, says not writing your novel with AI is ‘classist and ableist’—there just aren’t enough SMH emojis, Picard holding his head in his hands/Fillion grasping for words gifs in the world…
bullet The seven kinds of friendships you find in literature: a taxonomy.
bullet In Praise of Reference Books: Reference volumes should be valued as least as much as fiction and other nonfiction books—Yes!
bullet Why Thrillers Matter
bullet Three Helpful SF-Related Rules of Thumb, According to Me
bullet Quiz: Can You Identify These Crime Novels From Their Library of Congress Subject Categories?—I could’ve done better
bullet Top Ten Tuesday: serve and enjoy—I rather enjoyed this TTT
bullet Fantasy and Feminism #1: Elden Ring—Before We Go Blog brings the first in a series “that provides analysis of strong female characters and their role in stories that tend toward the grim as well as dark.”
bullet Blind Listening: When Aphantasia Meets Audiobooks—I was sure I shared this before…oops. Thanks for the reminder, Celeste!
bullet Tough Questions with Marie Sinadjan—how does our favorite UK-Based Filipino speculative fiction author and book reviewer handle Witty & Sarcastic’s gauntlet?

To help talk about backlist titles (and just for fun), What Was I Talking About 10 Years Ago Week?
bullet The Magician’s Land by Lev Grossman
bullet Bad Little Girls Die Horrible Deaths by Harry Connolly—I should revisit this collection sometime
bullet Free Fall by Robert Crais
bullet And my TBR was overburdened by the releases of: Hidden by Benedict Jacka; The Winter Long by Seanan McGuire; Shifting Shadows by Patricia Briggs; Maplecroft by Cherie Priest; Personal by Lee Child; The Drop by Dennis Lehane; and What If?: Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions by Randall Munroe

This Week’s New Releases that I’m Excited About and/or You’ll Probably See Here Soon:
bullet Eyes of Empire by JCM Berne—Rohan has his hands more than full it seems in the Fifth Turn in the Hybrid Helix. Going to be fun watching him try to deal with it all.m
bullet Safe Enough and Other Stories by Lee Child—non-Reacher short fiction. Color me curious.
bullet Roverpowered by Drew Hayes—a new wizard and her familiar launch a new series.
bullet Chronicles of a Lizard Nobody by Patrick Ness—I’ve read one fantastic and one pretty good book by Ness, this MG read looks fun enough to try.

A Comic about the Lord of the Flies by The JenkinsCredit @thejenkinscomic (Hat Tip: @Cool_Comic)


He’s Back, Baby


REPOSTING JUST CUZ: The Holy Spirit: An Introduction by Fred Sanders: A Vital and Needed Work


  1. Thanks for the shout-out, I’m glad you enjoyed the post! I love your call back to what you were talking about ten years ago.

  2. Joe

    LOL totally fine! Once you catch up on the series I’ll start sending you ARCs.

  3. Thank you for including my interview (although all I really did was chuckle at the answers).

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