Rambling about the Hazards of Checking Out Library Books from the Library

(or, I give You a Glimpse Into My Overthinking About Books)

Do I have a point to this? No. But I also don’t have a post ready for today, and didn’t have time to finish one. So, I’m going to ramble a bit.

I took a couple of days off work this week, which I knew was going to mess with my audiobook listening–but whatever. So of the two audiobooks I had checked out from the Library on Friday, I picked the one that was shorter and due a bit sooner. I didn’t have a lot of time for either one, honestly–but I figured I could finish one of them off. That was my first mistake.

I typically don’t check out multiple audiobooks at once so I don’t run into a problem like this, but when multiple books come off the hold list at the same time, you don’t have much choice.

I got a good amount of listening in on Monday, and a few minutes on Tuesday. But I still had 3 hours and 20 minutes or so to go. But the app said it’d be due Thursday, so I figured I’d be okay–especially since I spent the last hour of listening time at 2.3 speed (I never do that) to help me make it. But when I was getting into my car today, it read “Due in 1 hour.” Technically Thursday, but…not what I wanted it to say.

Now, I hate to admit this, but especially since most of the libraries in the area eliminated late fines, if this was a hardcopy book, I’d just return it a day late and not even think about it (and even if there were fines, I’d pay the few cents just to wrap it up). That makes me a bad patron, I know, but I’d do it. But you don’t get that option when it comes to digital books.

Where I last listened was a decent stopping place, and I couldn’t be sure I’d get to another one in the next hour, so I returned the book and got myself back on the list. I have approximately 9 weeks to wait for the copy to be made available again. I should still remember enough to pick it back up…but do I want to? The book is just good enough to keep listening–and not one iota more. There’s still enough time for the author to land the ending and make me re-evaluate things, but at the moment, it’s a 2 1/2-3 Star read. And yes, I’m curious about how the plot wraps up…but am I curious enough to return to it? Should I just chalk this one up to a DNF by Circumstance?

And even as I ask these questions, I know I will finish it up. But I’m not sure I want to–it’s basically compulsion vs. desire at this point.

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WWW Wednesday, September 11, 2024


BOOK SPOTLIGHT: Saint the Terrifying by Joshua Mohr and Release Day for “Size Queens” by Slummy


  1. My vote…..If you weren’t loving it move on!

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