Grandpappy’s Corner: How to Babysit a Grandpa by Jean Reagan, Lee Wildish (Illustrator): What Little One Doesn’t Need to Know This?

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How to Babysit a Grandpa

by Jean Reagan, Lee Wildish (Illustrator)

Series: HOW TO...  
Publisher: Alfred A. Knopf Books for Young Readers
Publication Date: March 27, 2018
Format: Board Book
Length: 24 pg.
Read Date: September 19, 2024
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What’s How to Babysit a Grandpa About?

You’re a little kid and your mom and/or dad drop you off at your Grandpa’s house to take care of him for a few hours while your parents go off somewhere to do parent-y things. And now you’re faced with the question—how do you, little board-book reader, take care of this delightful senior (or senior-adjacent)? Well, that’s what Jean Reagan’s delightful little book is here to help you with.

It features such tips as: take him for a walk (and be sure to make him look both ways before crossing a street), jump in some puddles; you put your Grandpa down for a nap by having him read you the same book over and over and over again; you feed him a snack—like ice cream and cookies, or maybe cookies and ice cream.

Taking care of a Grandpa can be tricky for a young person, but it can be done.

Let’s Talk about the Art for a Minute

It’s just adorable. The Grandpa looks like I’d like to when I become on…er, never mind.

There’s good energy, movement, and humor in the drawings, with just enough added details to bring a grin to the face of anyone who looks at the details.

You can catch a quick preview of the style in Lee Wildish’s portfolio.

How is it to Read Aloud?

It’s perfectly fine—the fun from this book is from the ideas, not the crazy made-up words or how they sound—there’s really not any rhythm, either.

There are some lettering choices that make things easier for the reader—three distinct typefaces—different colors, styles, and whatnot. You’re given easy clues on how to read each part just off the typeface.

What did the Little Critter think of It?

He seems to enjoy it. He’s a little too young to get the humor—but that’s okay, I think most of it is for the adults. He likes the pictures, and that’s enough for me (for now).

So, what did I think about How to Babysit a Grandpa?

It’s a really creative idea. The execution is spot-on as well. Fun art. There’s something to appeal to all ages. I wouldn’t have minded another 2-4 pages (although, is there a standard or limit for a board book? Maybe Reagain couldn’t have).

There are apparently more books in the HOW TO…series, which look pretty appealing. This is a good way to start your little ones’ education.

4 Stars

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  1. This is a cute book! My oldest gave this book to my stepdad for Father’s Day a few years ago.

  2. Being the creative person that I am, we gave my mom How to Babysit a Grandma for Mother’s Day. I liked it but thought Grandpa was better.

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