Saturday Miscellany—10/12/24

Is it Saturday already? I’d have believed it was October 8–or December 8*, actually—if you’d told me. Been one of those weeks.

* All the political advertisements on my social media feeds make that unbelievable, actually.

Three things make a list, we’re told. So my streak continues.
Odds ‘n ends about books and reading that caught my eye this week. You’ve probably seen some/most/all of them, but just in case:
bullet What’s the Point of Epigraphs Anyway?—good question. I learned more about epigraphs than I expected to know about them ever here.
bullet Pitting Literary Fiction Against Genre Fiction Is Intrinsically Silly: Stop allowing the quest for literary bonafides to get in the way of creativity and enjoyment—hear, hear.
bullet Why you shouldn’t judge others for their reading tastes—Bookworm girl makes the same point, but from the reader’s POV.

A Book-ish Related Podcast episode (or two) you might want to give a listen to:
bullet Crime Time FM’s CHRISTINE BOYER In Person With Paul—answered pretty much every question I had about the book after reading, and was interesting beyond that. (it also reminded me to revisit her entry in Jacked.

To help talk about backlist titles (and just for fun), What Was I Talking About 10 Years Ago Week?
I didn’t post anything but my Saturday Miscellany that week. I don’t know what was going on, but it was keeping me busy. I did mention the release of a few books:

  • Broken Soul by Faith Hunter—I honestly have trouble remembering which Yellowrock is which, but it was likely a good one. (a good Yellowrock novel is pretty much a tautology)
  • The Blood of Olympus by Rick Riordan—I actually predicted that this would be the last novel to feature Percy Jackson. Ohhh, I was too old to be that naive. Regardless, it was a fun read.
  • Poison Fruit by Jacqueline Carey—the third and final Agent of Hel book. Not the best way to end a trilogy (some of the plot points still bother me), but it was satisfying.
  • Run by Andrew Grant—ahhh…back in those halcyon days when I anticipated a new Andrew Grant (now Child) novel.
  • Pennyroyal Academy by M. A. Larson—I didn’t get around to reading this YA Grimm-type tale, but it looked good.
  • This Week’s New Releases that I’m Excited About and/or You’ll Probably See Here Soon:
    (not even a list this week, but I know next week there will be a good sized one.)
    bullet The Wishing Stone by Adam Holcombe—I’m chomping at the bit to tear into the second book in the Chronicles of Gam Gam. Judging by what I’m seeing on “the socials,” including this post from Witty and Sarcastic Book Club, there’s something to that buzz.

    BOOKWORM PROBLEM: Laughing out loud while reading a book in a public place and gettting funny looks from the other people.
    (also applies to my living room)


    BOOK SPOTLIGHT: Looking for Lucie by Amanda Addison


    On Classical Trinitarianism: Retriving the Nicene Doctrine of the Triune God edited by Matthew Barrett. An Outstanding Defense/Explanation/Retrieval of the Vital Teaching


    1. Thanks for including my review! I can’t wait to get your thoughts on The Wishing Stone.

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