Saturday Miscellany—12/14/24

So I can be afk for a couple of days, I’m putting this together a couple of days early, so if you’re wondering why I skipped over the tremendous/scandalous/tremdendously scandalous/scandaldoulys tremendos bookish news that came out over the previous 48 hours…well, I’ll cover it next week (assuming we all remember).

But for now, let’s move on to:
Odds ‘n ends about books and reading that caught my eye this week. You’ve probably seen some/most/all of them, but just in case:
bullet Call to acknowledge all writers behind celebrity books—The UK’s trade union for writers, illustrators and translators calls “for celebrities, publishers and agents to acknowledge the writers behind celebrity books, particularly for children.”
bullet Brandon Sanderson’s Materialist Fantasies—I don’t know enough about Sanderson to really appreciate this, but contrasting his approach to the genre/magic to Lewis and Tolkein was pretty interesting (I’d like to hear what others say about this)
bullet Small Press SFF Might Sometimes Be Harder to Find — But It’s More Than Worth the Effort—Molly Templeton makes the case for putting in the effort to get Small Press SFF
bullet Do You Enjoy When Your Library Receipt Says How Much Money You Saved?—I did enjoy when my library gave me this number, sadly they haven’t for a year or so (but I’d love to see it again)

It’s the Time of Year for Gift Guides/Best of Lists like these:
bullet These gifts are the way to a book lover’s heart – part 2—Never Judge a Book by its Cover has a great list
bullet The CrimeReads 2024 Holiday Gift Guide
bullet The 167 Best Book Covers of 2024—This list from LitHub is always one of my favorites
bullet Reviewers’ Choice: The Best Books of 2024—from Reactor Magazine
bullet The best books of 2024 – recommended by Ian Rankin, Mick Herron, Mary Beard and others—The UK’s best writers name their best of the year. There some great choices here, and some that look great, too.
bullet Top Five Books of 2024—from the Staff at LibraryThing
bullet The Best Crime Novels of 2024—according to CrimeReads
bullet Chasing Destino’s Favorite Books in 2024
bullet P.L.’s Top Indie & Trad Pub Books for 2024—over at Before We Go Blog

To help talk about backlist titles (and just for fun), What Was I Talking About 10 Years Ago Week?
(It was a really quiet week a decade ago, so I only have one thing share)
bullet Hostile Witness by William Lashner

This Week’s New Releases that I’m Excited About and/or You’ll Probably See Here Soon:
bullet Ghosts Stations by M.D. Presley—This is a strong second novel in the Inner Circle series (at least the beginning of it is). Corbin finds himself in New York on the hunt for a drug designed for magicians.

As winter approaches, be sure to prepare by always having between 3-168 new books on hand at any given time. @BecauaseAllTheBooks


The Ballad of Bonaduke—Episode 63: The Wall by R. T. Slaywood: We Don’t Need No Plot Advancement (apparently)


REPOSTING JUST CUZ: The Holy Spirit: An Introduction by Fred Sanders: A Vital and Needed Work


  1. I love all the “Best of” lists!

  2. Are YOU going to even remember whatever this “scandal” is?

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