I’d hoped to keep charging ahead with Grandpappy’s Corner and Literary Locals, and while those haven’t completely died off, I haven’t done that much with them as I expected.
How’s the perennial, “Cut down on my Goodreads Want-to-Read list and the unread books that I own” goal going? Well, I bought very few books in February, so that helped, but overall…?
Audio | E-book | Physical | Goodreads Want-to-Read |
End of 2023 |
6 | 46 | 68 | 153 |
End of 1st Quarter | 4 | 50 | 64 | 154 |
End of 2nd Quarter | 3 | 54 | 79 | 162 |
End of 3rd Quarter | 5 | 58 | 75 | 166 |
End of 4th Quarter | 3 | 68 | 78 | 167 |
Goodreads Challenge
I topped it by 1, but Goodreads won’t give me the silly graphic for 2024 for some reason. So you’re going to have to take my word for it.
12 Books
I didn’t touch any of these, and I’m really annoyed with myself.
Reading with Wrigs
Like I mentioned the other day, I didn’t finish this one, either.
- A Book with a Dragon: Aftermarket Afterlife by Seanan McGuire
- A Book with the word “leap” in the title: Couldn’t think of one.
- A Book with the Olympics: Running and Jumping by Steven Kedie
- A Book with an Election or Politician: The Olympian Affair by Jim Butcher
- A Work of Fiction with an Eclipse: Missed it
- A Book by an Author Who Has Written Over 24 Books: Dream Town by Lee Goldberg
- A Book Set in a Different Culture Than Your Own: I have an idea or two.
- A Book of Poetry: Enough Rope by Dorothy Parker
- A Book with Time Travel: A Quantum Love Story by Mike Chen
- A Book with Antonyms in the Title: I really thought I’d get this one, but, alas
- A Book Told from the Villian’s Point of View: Assassins Anonymous by Rob Hart kind of applies.
- A Book With a Purple Cover: Abnormal Ends by Bryan McBee
The 2024 Booktempter’s TBR Challenge
All 12, plus two stretch goals. Fourteen off the TBR. Sure, it’s just a drop in the bucket. But a step is a step.
January – Lucky Dip: Randomly choose a book by someone you’ve never read before: Everyone in My Family Has Killed Someone by Benjamin Stevenson
Stretch Goal – In the same spirit I give you permission to read the last book to enter your TBR pile. Actually read something you’ve got yourself to recently read: Hacked by Duncan MacMaster
February – Lovers Meeting: No not romantasy focused – this challenge is somewhere in TBR is a delayed treat. Read an author you’ve loved and held back from reading because the time was not right. Its time for you two to get re-acquainted. Enjoy yourself! Return of the Griffin by JCM Berne
March – Spring :You know that first book of a series you bought and have now realised is now finished? You have my permission to read this at last. And you know what? Bannerless by Carrie Vaughn
April – Diamond Anniversary: Diamond is the birthstone of April so your challenge is to read something over 60 years old: The Woman in White by Wilkie Collins
May – The Fourth…May the force be with you and I permit you to read a SF themed tale: Grave Cold by Shannon Knight
June – The Longest Days: You may choose the longest book in your TBR pile the days are long so go for it: The Running Grave by Robert Galbraith
July – The Ides have it In an ongoing tribute to Julius pick a tale of intrigue and scheming: The Last King of California by Jordan Harper
August – Travel Broadens the Mind: Choose a Book that is from an author from a different country to yourself: The Nameless Restaurant by Tao Wong. I’ve read all from other places that aren’t from this year, so…Canada (which doesn’t seem to count, but does)
September – Back To School: Choose a Book about a character learning something – be it in school, a new power or something about themselves: Project Hail Mary by Andy Wier
October – Yep Its Halloween Time: Find a spooky themed read!: My Darkest Prayer by S.A. Cosby (a murder mystery focusing on a mortuary worker, as creepy as I could come up with)
November – Short but Sweet: Four Novellas – and you cna do this in a month: 1-800-CallLoki by Dawn Blair
Stretch Goal – I test you – I want eleven short stories read – magazine, collection or anthology!: Instinct: An Animal Rescuers Anthology by L. J. Hachmeister
December – Parting Gifts: Read a Book gifted to you – before Christmas comes and you realise you’ve still not read it!: Shadow of Hyperion by JCM Berne
Backlist Bingo 2024
I did get a bingo, but not the blackout that I hoped for.
In sum…while I read a lot of great stuff this year (and even more good stuff), I didn’t do so good with my goals. Oh well.
(Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay)
Sorry you didn’t pick up Mark Twain’s “Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court” which would have given you a twofer (contains an eclipse, and is more than 50 years old). And it’s a great read (as is most of Twain.)
Oooof. I know I had that penciled in for that spot. Not sure when that fell off my radar. Would’ve been perfect.