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GUEST POST: Books and More Books by Robert Germaux

When I ask for help with some project or another, one of the first and surest names I’m going to see is Robert Germaux. And this latest call for Guest Posts was no exception. Today’s Guest Post is from his collection, Grammar Sex 4 (Seriously?): Yet Another Book of Essays About Life and Stuff. I […]

The Inside Scoop—Guest Post: Why Do We Write? by Robert Germaux

Robert Germaux has always been game for anything I’ve asked him if he wanted to do–which is great, because I’ve always appreciated whatever he produces. Better than the things he’s done with me are the books that he’s provided for me and/or I’ve purchased. Like this post, for example, which is a revised version of […]

GUEST POST: Why Do We Write? by Robert Germaux

Why Do We Write? In 1855, the difficulty of writing was described by some long-forgotten wit who said that words came from an author “drop by drop.” Jump ahead to 1949, when Pulitzer Prize winning sportswriter Red Smith, when asked if writing a daily column was hard, replied, “Why, no. You simply sit down at […]

Guest Post: Writer’s Block? Step Into My Shower By Robert Germaux

Does this sound familiar? You’ve placed one of your characters (let’s call her Jenny) in a pretty sticky situation, and now you have no idea how to get her out of that pickle. You’ve tried several scenarios, but none of them quite works. Finally, you decide to take a break, clear your mind a bit. […]

Guest Post: Literally? Really? By Robert Germaux

A few weeks ago, a friend of mine was telling me about a horror movie he’d just seen, and he ended his narrative by saying, “I was literally scared to death!”  My first thought was, not unless I’m getting this information in your Memoir from Beyond the Grave.  The word literally means actually or really, […]

Grammar Sex and Other Stuff: A Collection of (mostly humorous) Essays by Robert Germaux: A Collection That (mostly) Amused Me

Grammar Sex and Other Stuff: A Collection of (mostly humorous) Essays by Robert Germaux DETAILS: Series: Grammar Sex Collection, #1 Publication Date: February 19, 2017 Format: eBook Length: 82 pg. Read Date: June 22-25, 2024 Research shows, and here I’m talking my made- up research, but I’m sure actual research would back me up on […]

The Inside Scoop—A Q&A with Robert Germaux About Self-Publishing

Here’s our second dose of Robert Germaux today (his guest post, Why Do We Write? showed up earlier). In this Q&A, he gets to talk about the nitty-gritty of his experience in self-publishing (as opposed to the more philosophical “Why” from before). As you can see from the first question (because there’s no way I […]

Authorial Aspirations? Not So Much by Robert Germaux

Authorial Aspirations? Not So Much by Robert Germaux Okay, first, authorial? Really cool word, one I’d never come across until H.C.’s email giving me the outline for this guest post. You learn something new every day, right? And speaking of this guest post, travel with me back to 1996, when I was a tender lad […]

Small Talk by Robert Germaux: A Fledgling Task Force on the Hunt for a Serial Killer on the Streets of Pittsburgh

So this is going to be Robert Germaux day here, apparently. I’ve got this post about Small Talk and Germaux was kind enough to give me a Guest Post and to do a Q&A with me, all of which is coming along shortly. Hope you enjoy this as much as I did. Small Talk by […]

Hard Court by Robert Germaux Book Tour

Coming up: We’ve got a Guest Post from Robert Germaux about the continuing evolution of the English language (and how curmudgeons like us react to it), another Guest Post from him about dealing with writer’s block (applies to all sorts of creative endeavors), a Q & A with him (longer than usual ’round here), too […]

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