Category: Book Tour Page 1 of 48

BOOK SPOTLIGHT: Buddy the Knight and The Queen of Sorrow by Peter David

I’m excited to welcome The Write Reads Blog Tour for Peter David’s Buddy the Knight and The Queen of Sorrow to The Irresponsible Reader today. It was one of my favorite fantasy novels of 2024, and I named David as one of my 10 favorite New-to-Me Authors because of this book. So getting the chance to share about this book again is something I had to jump at. I’ll be reposting a slightly modified version of my original post about the book here in a bit. But for now, let’s look at this Spotlight. You should also go to feed to see all the great things that have been said about the book over the last week or so. Then get the book. Or get the book and then read everything we wrote about it. Or just get the book. I’m not picky.

Buddy the Knight and The Queen of Sorrow by Peter David Tour Banner

Book Details:

Title: Buddy the Knight and The Queen of Sorrow by Peter David
Genre: Fantasy
Age Category: Middle Grade
Format: Paperback/eBook
Length: 160 pages
Publication Date: August 30, 2024
Fallen Knight by Buddy the Knight and The Queen of Sorrow by Peter David Cover

About the Book:

Buddy is no ordinary teddy bear.

He’s a Knight, crafted by The Nameless Wizard himself, and sworn to protect his Person, 10-year old Mieya, from all the Things-That-Go-Bump-In-The-Night.

When Mieya is cursed into a magical sleep, it’s up to Buddy and his friends Esteban the Bard, Sasha the Warrior-Princess, and Copper the Butterfly to journey across The Realm-Under-The-Bed and find the one responsible.

But this is no ordinary Quest. The Realm is a dangerous place, filled with jungles, deserts, lightning storms, and Monsters. But worst of all is The Queen of Sorrow who waits for them in her dark castle in the crags. To break her curse, Buddy will need more than his skill with a blade, Esteban’s witty songs, or Sasha’s ferocious might.

He’ll need Heart.


Book Links:

Amazon UK ~ Amazon US ~ Amazon CA ~ Goodreads ~ Storygraph ~ Universal Link

About the Author:

Peter David
A native son of Massachusetts, Peter has been living in the Deep South for over 25 years. By day, he’s an insurance professional, saving the world one policy at a time. But at night, well, no one really wants to see him fighting crime in his Spider-Man onesie. Instead, Peter develops new worlds of adventure influenced by his love of science fiction, mysteries, music and fantasy. Whether it’s running role-playing games for his long-time friends, watching his beloved New England sporting teams vie for another championship, or just chilling with a movie, his wife, two boys, one puppy and three cats, Peter’s imagination is always on the move. It’s the reason why his stories are an eclectic blend of intrigue, excitement, humor and magic, drawn from four decade’s worth of television, film, novels and comic books.

Author Links:

Website ~ Bluesky ~ Twitter

My thanks to The Write Reads for the invitation to participate in this tour and the materials they provided.

BOOK SPOTLIGHT: The Nameless by Stuart White

I’m very pleased today to welcome The Write Reads Blog Tour for Stuart White’s YA debut, The Nameless! If you take a look at the feed for over the next few days, you’ll see a lot of bloggers who did find the time to write interesting things about it. The Nameless was the 16th Place Finalist for the 2024 Book Blogger’s Novel of the Year Award, so you know there’s a lot of good to be said about it–but before getting to this Spotlight, let’s start with a word about BBNYA.


BBNYA is a yearly competition where book bloggers from all over the world read and score books written by indie authors, ending with 15 finalists (16 in 2024) and one overall winner.

BBNYA Finalist Badge 2024

If you want some more information about BBNYA, check out the BBNYA Website or take a peek over on Twitter @BBNYA_Official. BBNYA is brought to you in association with the @Foliosociety (if you love beautiful books, you NEED to check out their website!) and the book blogger support group @The_WriteReads.

The Nameless Tour Banner

Book Details:

Title: The Nameless
Genre: Science Fiction, Fantasy, Dystopian
Age Category: Young Adult
Format: Hardcover/Paperback/Ebook
Length: 334 pages
Publication Date: August 3, 2023
The Nameless Cover

About the Book:


The YA debut from award-winning author, Stuart White.


In a dystopian world dominated by genetic perfection and numbered gene pools, sixteen-year-old E820927, known as Seven, yearns for an identity beyond his assigned number.

To escape a life as a Nameless Exile, and become a citizen of the Realm, he must pass a loyalty test to prove his allegiance to the totalitarian Autokratōr.

But as the truth unfolds, Seven faces a difficult choice between revenge, love and discovering his identity.

Book Links:

Amazon Canada ~ Amazon US ~ Amazon UK ~ Goodreads ~ The Story Graph

About the Author:

Stuart WhiteStuart is an award-winning author and secondary school teacher. He has a Masters Degree in Creative Writing and founded, and now runs, WriteMentor. In 2020 and 2022 he was placed on the SCWBI Undiscovered Voices longlist and named as an Hononary Mention for his novels ‘Ghosts of Mars’ and ‘Astra FireStar and the Ripples of Time’. In 2023, he won the WriteBlend award for his middle grade debut, Ghosts of Mars.

Stuart was included in The Bookseller’s 2021 list of Rising Stars in the publishing industry.

My thanks to The Write Reads for the invitation to participate in this tour and the materials they provided.

BOOK SPOTLIGHT: Fallen Knight by Ceril N. Domace

I’m happy to welcome The Write Reads Blog Tour for Ceril N. Domace’s soon-to-be-released Fallen Knight. After checking out this Spotlight, you should go to feed to see all the great things that are going to be said about the book over the next week.

Fallen Knight by Ceril N. Domace Tour Banner

Book Details:

Title: Fallen Knight by Ceril N. Domace
Genre: Fantasy
Age Category: Adult
Format: eBook
Length: 351 pages
Publication Date: January 24, 2025
Fallen Knight by Ceril N. Domace Cover

About the Book:

Leon Quinn has two goals in life: stay out of the reach of the Templesbane and drink himself unconscious whenever he can afford it.

The first is because the Templesbane wiped out his home and family among the Knights Vigilant when he was a child, destroying everything he knew and loved in one night. The second is to help him sleep when the memories of the first overwhelm him.

But he can’t avoid his past forever. His mercenary work has brought him back to Mezeldwelf, the city he fled to after the downfall of the Knights Vigilant, and to his estranged father just in time to get embroiled in a scheme that threatens the very foundation of the city. A scheme that could see Mezeldwelf, its people, and its gods handed over to the Templesbane.

To protect the city and man that adopted him, Leon will need to confront the ruins of the life he left behind and the horrors that threaten the life he’s cobbled together since then.


Book Links:

Amazon UK ~ Amazon US ~ Amazon CA ~ Goodreads ~ Storygraph

About the Author:

Ceril N. Domace

Ceril N Domace is an accountant, animal lover, and dedicated dungeon master.

As a lover of fiction works great and small, Ceril has been reading age-inappropriate stories since her father failed to pull The Silmarillion from her grubby little fingers at age five. As a grown-up accountant, her spreadsheet compiling gives her plenty of time to make plans for a fantastic world that isn’t plagued by balance sheets . . . and also has dragons.

On the rare occasions she manages to free herself from an ever-growing and complex web of TTRPG, Ceril enjoys taking walks and griping that all her hobbies are work in disguise.

Author Links:

Website ~ Bluesky ~ Instagram ~ Facebook

My thanks to The Write Reads for the invitation to participate in this tour and the materials they provided.

REPOST: The Legendary Mo Seto by A. Y. Chan: And Though She Be But Little, She Is Fierce

The Legendary Mo Seto Tour Banner

Cover for The Legendary Mo Seto by A. Y. ChanThe Legendary Mo Seto

by A. Y. Chan

Series: The Legendary Mo Seto, #1
Publisher: Aladdin Paperbacks
Publication Date: June 4, 2024
Format: Hardcover
Length: 309 pg.
Read Date: August 8-10, 2024
Buy from Support Indie Bookstores

What’s The Legendary Mo Seto About?

This is one of those books that I could easily tell you everything in my enthusiasm, but that’d take away the need for you to read the book—and Chan’s much more entertaining than I could be. So, I’ll try to keep it to the essentials.

Modesty (please call her Mo) Seto is a devoted student of taekwondo and has been competing—and dominating—in competitions for years. But a fellow student recently hit a growth spurt that passed Mo by and he has started to beat her in competitions. This is getting to her, it’s just not fair. After coming in second to him (again), she sees a call for open auditions for people in her age range for a role in an upcoming martial arts movie starring her favorite movie star/martial artist in the world.

Technically, Mo is too short for their requirements—the height issue again, will she ever just grow? She comes up with a cunning plan* to get into the auditions anyway with the help of her best friend and his grandfather posing as her guardian. Why a faux grandfather? There’s no way that her mother would allow her to do anything like this and her father is away on a sudden business trip and isn’t communicating with Mo or her mother the way he usually would.

* Slightly more elaborate than anything Clark Kent has tried, and just as believable. Just roll with it.

We follow Mo through the audition process—which starts to take on unexpected peril as the set becomes plagued by threats and unexpected problems—possibly caused by sabotage. Oh, yeah, and her classmate/rival is also going up for the part.

Can Mo get the part without the truth being discovered? Will Mo be disillusioned by seeing behind the Movie Magic? Will Mo’s dad start responding to her? And what’s up with this old book with a little-known martial arts form Mo just found in her basement? More importantly, can she use any of it to her advantage?

The BTS Stuff

Let’s get this out of the way: This is an MG Novel, not Cinéma vérité. There’s no way that the auditions can work the way portrayed in the novel—especially when it comes to kids. It is impossible that any of Mo’s antics and hijinks to get her into—much less stay in—the auditions would work. If you’re looking for accuracy and an honest look at making martial arts movies with actors under 18, look elsewhere.

That said, there’s enough of a flavor of Hollywood to all of this to work. The attitudes of the casting people—the shallowness of the initial assessments, the stress of the director, the attitude toward the fight choreographer/stunt professionals, and so on—really feel like what you expect. They’re entertaining enough that you really don’t care how realistic things might be, too—feeling about right is good enough.

For my money, the best part of this is watching Cody Kwok in action and how everyone reacts to him. Kwok is a Jackie Chan-esque figure (only younger). He’s known for doing his own stunts—many of which are just incredible—as well as not being tied down to any one genre (but making them all, eventually, about martial arts). Kwok, his entourage, and the film’s executives know what they’re doing when it comes to preserving his image and promoting it, and the auditioning kids (and media) see exactly what they’re supposed to. Chan does an excellent job portraying both that and showing the reader that the Superstar’s image might not really be the truth.

Characters Who Aren’t Mo

There’s a really strong cast of supporting characters who are as engaging as you want, I want to touch on just a few of them because it’d be too easy just to talk about Mo, and that’s not giving Chan’s work the credit it needs.

Mo’s rivals in the auditions are largely bullies when it comes to Mo (and some of the others), but they’re not all that bad. They’re just adolescent twerps who are probably covering up insecurities (well, a couple of them are entitled jerks who are on their way to being 80s movie villains)—the way they treat Mo is bad enough so you don’t make the mistake of liking them, can root for Mo against them, but you’re not going to worry about what they’ll do to her.

On the other hand, you get Mo’s friends who just make you like her more—if someone as cool as Nacho (real name, Ignacio) is her best friend, she must be pretty cool herself. And Nacho is cool—he’s supportive, understanding, artistic, and nerdy in all the ways that Mo isn’t. Mo’s a little too hyper-focused on herself at the moment, but Nacho gets it and is willing to wait for her.

His grandfather is a hoot. Gramps is an honorary grandparent to Mo, as well as Nacho’s actual grandfather. He’s recently widowed and lonely, but he hasn’t let it get him down—at least not in front of the kids. He’s a loving and goofy character who really comes through for Nacho and Mo—he’s the kind of grandfather I’d like to be.

One of the auditioners who befriends Mo is named Sanjay. I hope they find a way to bring him back for the rest of the books in the series. He’s apparently pretty good at karate and is as gregarious as the others are antagonistic. He’s one of those kids who cannot stop talking once he starts and is not self-aware enough to realize he’s doing it or how people react to him. He’d probably be pretty annoying in real life but as a comic relief character? He’s great.

Lastly—Mo’s parents. Parents in MG novels are so tricky to get right (I’ve often thought), and Chan gets it right. Not just the characters, but how they treat Mo—and how Mo sees them and how they treat her. Mo’s dad introduced her to taekwondo and Cody Kwok. He’s her biggest fan and source of encouragement—he also pushes her (generally) in the way she needs to keep going. When he’s not there, the impact on Mo’s confidence and emotions cannot be overstated.

Things are complicated with her mother. Mom comes close to being a stereotype, at least the way the narration describes her. But I’m not sure she is, essentially they don’t get each other—from Mo’s perspective, her Mom doesn’t like who Mo is. She doesn’t want a daughter into taekwondo (especially not to the near-obsessive level Mo is), but would rather she pursued something more acceptable, like dancing and Chinese immersion camp, a dainty academic superstar in the waiting. The reader will see that Mo’s not understanding her mother quite right, but there’s nothing malicious in it. It’s just a tricky mother/daughter dynamic (that appears to be starting to work itself out).

Mo Herself

In case I gave the wrong impression when I talked about Nacho, Mo is a cool person, but since we see the whole book from her point of view, it might seem biased. Mo is a confident, optimistic, go-getter. The fact that she’s probably not going to keep growing past her 4’9″ stature while everyone around her (especially Dax) is still growing, isn’t doing her esteem any favors. Her recent tournament loss is doing a number on her—she’s upset that Dax’s size puts her at a disadvantage and is ready to give up, but she’s also so determined that she just can’t. Chan portraying both competing impulses is a tricky proposition, but she pulls it off.

The chance to work with Kwok is the opportunity of a lifetime for Mo. She’s re-read his autobiography a few times (can quote portions of it), and has watched countless interviews—she knows him as well as anyone who hasn’t met him can (and as well as many people who have met him could). She’s such a superfan that it’s hard not to want to see a few Kwok movies yourself. When she describes one of his films, she always introduces it as “my favorite Cody Kwok movie”—it doesn’t matter which one she’s talking about. It’s a tiny touch, but I loved it. Her enthusiasm is infectious.

Actually, not just her enthusiasm for Kwok—but for everything. Her despondency is a little catching, too, and comes when it should. But her personality can’t stay down for long. She grows a lot over the course of the novel*—as she needs to, it’s the point of adolescence anyway. But she also has plenty of room to grow, and that’s easy to see, too. It’ll be fun watching that over the rest of the series.

* That’s growth in terms of character. Much to her chagrin, she’s as tall at the end of the summer as she was at the beginning.

So, what did I think about The Legendary Mo Seto?

I had about as much fun as is permitted by law while reading this.

Sure, it’s an MG book, so I’m a few decades older than the target audience. I guessed almost all of the big reveals (I think attentive MG readers will get most of them, too), I’m pretty sure I know how the next two books are going to go, and I rolled my eyes at some of the sillier aspects of the book. That’s not a problem with Chan’s writing—I think it means she hit her target. The fact that she was able to write for them while keeping an old guy like me entertained is to be commended.

This is a fast, engaging read that will entice readers from the jump and keep them turning pages (likely with a grin) almost as fast as Mo can dash around. Older readers will want to adopt Mo and Nacho as kid siblings (or false grandparents), and younger readers will want to be like Mo—and hang out with her friends. As good as the story and the writing are (and Chan’s subtle prose is deceptively easy)—readers are going to walk away from this book thinking primarily of this determined and brave girl, who will muster up whatever she has to in order to get a shot at her dreams.

I’m leaving things out that I should be saying, I know I am—but I can’t think of what they are at the moment. So be sure to see what other people on the Tour are saying. So let me just wrap up by saying that for the young or young-at-heart reader, this is a sure-fire win.

4 Stars

This post contains an affiliate link. If you purchase from it, I will get a small commission at no additional cost to you. As always, the opinions expressed are my own.

My thanks to The Write Reads for the invitation to participate in this tour and the materials (including the novel) they provided.

REPOST: BOOK SPOTLIGHT: The Legendary Mo Seto by A. Y. Chan

I’m very pleased today to again welcome The Write Reads Book Tour for this MG novel by A. Y. Chan, The Legendary Mo Seto! I’m very glad that Mo Seto decided to do another Tour, so I can talk about this book again. My take on the novel will be posted here a little later this morning. The Tour is in full swing now, so be sure you check out to see what other bloggers are saying about the book. But for now, let’s learn a little bit about the book, shall we?

The Legendary Mo Seto Tour Banner

Book Details:

Title: The Legendary Mo Seto
Publisher: Aladdin
Format: Hardcover/Ebook
Length: 320 pages
Publication Date: June 4, 2024
The Legendary Mo Seto Cover

About the Book:

Mo Seto, martial arts movie star! Has a nice ring to it doesn’t it? If only there wasn’t a height restriction to audition. But 12-year-old Modesty (Mo) Seto has never let her height get in the way before, not when she became a black belt, or when she fought the meanest boy in her class, and she’s not going to let it stop her this time! Now if only she can figure out a way to grow five inches and fool everyone at the auditions… Join Mo on an adventure (and audition) of a lifetime and find out if powerful things really do come in small packages!

Why I wrote this book – A. Y. Chan

I started training in taekwondo when I was six and, growing up, I longed to read books about kick-butt girls doing kick-butt things, but there really weren’t as many as I had hoped for. The idea for this book has been percolating in my head ever since. I wish to inspire kids not only to be brave and never give up, but also to be proud of who they are.

My inspiration for my story came from a real city-wide competition, where, like Mo, my protagonist, I faced off against a bigger, stronger boy during the final match. At that time, pairings were determined by belt-level and age, not by weight class. I ended up losing. I remember feeling so crushed by my second-place finish, and I kept replaying the fight in my head, wondering what I could have done differently.

I was also inspired by martial arts movies—especially the stunt actors and body doubles, and the thugs in the background serving as punching bags for the protagonist. As an introvert, I never wanted to be the main character…but to get beat up by the main character? That seemed awesome. After achieving my black belt in Taekwondo, I explored other types of martial arts and came away with an appreciation for the similarities and differences in the different forms, and how each has a unique philosophy linking the physical to the mental (and spiritual). Martial arts is about discipline and practice, but it’s also about respect (for oneself and for others) and integrity. And, of course, indomitable spirit, the all-encompassing light within us all that shines with determination and hope and an unshakable optimism for a brighter tomorrow.


Book Links:

Amazon Canada ~ Amazon US ~ Amazon UK ~ Simon & Schuster ~ Goodreads ~ Publishers Weekly review ~ Kirkus Reviews review ~ The Children’s Book Review

Mo Seto Action Pose

About the Author:

A. Y. ChanA.Y. Chan is the author of The Legendary Mo Seto, a story about a 12-year-old female martial artist who auditions for a movie role opposite her favorite martial arts movie hero—only to find out she’s too small for the role. Growing up in Canada’s Greater Toronto Area, A.Y. read all the middle grade and young adult books she could get her hands on. To this day, those remain her favorite genres. After achieving her black belt in Taekwondo, she explored a range of other types of martial arts, and she draws upon her experiences in learning new techniques and philosophies to inspire her writing. These days, she continues her martial arts training some mornings, writes in the afternoons, takes long walks to muddle out plot points, and falls asleep reading.

Author Links:

Twitter/X ~ Instagram ~ Facebook ~ Website ~ The Children’s Book Review Interview

Mo Seto Director Chair
My thanks to The Write Reads for the invitation to participate in this tour and the materials they provided.

BOOK SPOTLIGHT: Skyfleet: March of the Mutabugs by Victoria Williamson

This is the second The Write Reads Blog Tour Spotlight that I’ve been late with. The last one was by a few hours…this one was longer. The Tour ended yesterday, actually. Regardless, I’m excited to talk about Amanda Addison’s Looking for Lucie! You should go to feed to see all the great things that have been said about the book in the last week and a half. Or, go straight to the sources and check out the posts on the sites listed below. But before you do that, let me tell you a little about this YA novel.

Skyfleet: March of the Mutabugs by Victoria Williamson Tour Banner

Book Details:

Title: Skyfleet: March of the Mutabugs by Victoria Williamson
Genre: Science Fiction, Adventure
Age Category: Middle-Grade
Publisher: Tiny Tree Books
Format: Paperback/Ebook
Length: 198 pages
Publication Date: October 24, 2024
Skyfleet: March of the Mutabugs by Victoria Williamson Cover

About the Book:

When the skies turn deadly, a young heroine must rise from the ashes…

Twelve-year-old Amberley Jain has faced incredible challenges since the crash that took her parents and paralysed her legs. Now, with her best friend Ricardo Lopez about to be sent away and a swarm of mutated insects closing in on the Skyfleet base, the stakes have never been higher. Something monstrous is driving the mutabugs north from the contaminated meteor site known as the Cauldron, and the only plane capable of stopping it – the Firehawk – lies in pieces in the hangar.

Determined to honour her parents’ legacy, Amberley hatches a daring plan. With Ricardo’s help, they stow away on a supply train, trading his most treasured possession for the parts needed to repair the Firehawk. After secret test flights, the legendary jet is ready for action. Now, Amberley and Ricardo must confront the deadly swarm and save their home, discovering their inner strength and the true meaning of friendship along the way.

Skyfleet: March of the Mutabugs
is a thrilling tale of adventure and resilience, perfect for middle-grade readers.

Book Links:

Amazon UK ~ Amazon US ~ Amazon CA ~ Goodreads ~ Storygraph

About the Author:

Victoria WilliamsonVictoria Williamson grew up in Glasgow, Scotland, and has worked as an educator in a number of different countries, including as an English teacher in China, a secondary science teacher in Cameroon, and a teacher trainer in Malawi.

As well as degrees in Physics and Mandarin Chinese, she has completed a Masters degree in Special Needs in Education. In the UK she works as a primary school special needs teacher, working with children with a range of additional support needs including Autistic Spectrum Disorder, Down Syndrome, physical disabilities and behavioural problems.

She is currently working as a full time writer of Middle Grade and YA contemporary fiction, science fiction and fantasy, with a focus on creating diverse characters reflecting the many cultural backgrounds and special needs of the children she has worked with, and building inclusive worlds where all children can see a reflection of themselves in heroic roles.

Victoria’s experiences teaching young children in a school with many families seeking asylum inspired her debut novel, The Fox Girl and the White Gazelle, an uplifting tale of redemption and unlikely friendship between Glaswegian bully Caylin and Syrian refugee Reema.

You can find out more about Victoria’s books, school visits and free resources for schools on her website:

Author Links:

Website ~ Twitter

My thanks to The Write Reads for the invitation to participate in this tour and the materials they provided.

BOOK SPOTLIGHT: Kavithri by Aman J.Bedi

I’m pleased today to welcome The Write Reads Blog Tour for the Indian Progression Fantasy, Kavithri, the first book in The Ghosts of Ethuran. If this looks as good to you from this Spotlight as it does to me, you should go to feed to see all the great things that people are saying about it. But since you’re here already, you might as well read what I have to tell you about it first.

Kavithri Tour Banner

Book Details:

Title: Kavithri by Aman J.Bedi
Genre: Fantasy
Publisher: Gollancz
Format: Hardcover/Ebook/Audiobook
Length: 448 pages
Publication Date: Oct. 1, 2024
Kavithri by Aman J.Bedi Cover

About the Book:

Meet Kavithri. Outcast. Underdog. Survivor.

Kavi is a Taemu. Her people, once feared berserkers and the spearhead of a continent-spanning invasion, are the dregs of Raayan society. Their spirits crushed. Their swords broken. Their history erased.

But Kavi has a dream and a plan. She will do whatever it takes to earn a place at the secretive mage academy, face the Jinn within its walls, and gain the power to rise above her station and drag her people out of the darkness.

Except power and knowledge come at a cost, and the world no longer needs a Taemu who can fight. So they will break her. Beat her down to her knees. And make her bleed.

But if blood is what they want, Kavi will give them blood. She will give them violence. She will show them a berserker’s fury.

And she will make them remember her name.

An no-holds-barred progression fantasy and empowering South Asian epic – featuring necromancers, djinn and visceral action sequences. An underdog story like no other, Kavithri is perfect for fans of Fonda Lee, Tamsyn Muir and John Gwynne.

‘A richly detailed, darkly gritty world’ Sunyi Dean, Sunday Times bestselling author of The Bone Eaters

‘[A] grim and relentless exploration of colonialism, power, resistance and courage’ Samit Basu

‘Seamlessly packs South Asian lore and progression fantasy into a relentless rollercoaster’ Gourav Mohanty

Book Links:

Amazon UK ~ Amazon ~ Goodreads

About the Author:

Aman J.BediAman was born in Mysore, India. He grew up in Vizag, studied in Bangalore, lived in Bangkok, completed a PhD in experimental psychology at the University of Canterbury, and has settled (for now) in Melbourne, Australia. His writing draws from modern Indian history and is influenced by writers and artists like David Gemmell, Brandon Sanderson, Takehiko Inoue, and Kentaro Miura.

Author Links:

Website ~ Twitter ~ Instagram

My thanks to The Write Reads for the invitation to participate in this tour and the materials they provided.

Grandpappy’s Corner: The Box by Jo Linsdell: Imagination + Cardboard

Grandpappy's Corner Logo with the Cover of The Box by Jo Linsdell

The Box

by Jo Linsdell

Publication Date: March 14, 2024
Format: PDF
Length: 44 pg.
Read Date: November 13, 2024

What’s The Box About?

This is a glimpse into some of the many ways a boy uses a box to play. His imagination fuels his useage and we get a little glimpse into what he sees—like pirate ships or caves—that box becoming.

Let’s Talk about the Art for a Minute

This is just cute. That’s all there is to say.

I really liked the way that Linsdell superimposed a drawing of whatever it is the boy is imagining (e.g., a robot or treasure chest) on top of the box.

How is it to Read Aloud?

It’s pretty straightforward, the text is really about getting the child you’re reading to to pay attention to the pictures and get their imagination going.

There’s a refrain repeated throughout. Initially, I thought Linsdell overused it. But then I realized it would function as a line that a child would pick up on and chant along with whoever’s reading it. It’s also the kind of phrase that you and/or the kid could use during play as well. So, whatever reflex I had about the frequency was off.

So, what did I think about The Box?

Anyone who’s had—or known—a small child (or a cat), knows that for certain ages a cardboard box is far more entertaining than the toy inside. This little book is a good reminder of that time (for us older readers), and either an encouragement for younger readers to do similar things—or to be reassured that they’re not alone in using boxes for many, many ends.

It’s a cute read, it’s a quick one—one of those books that the pictures and the ideas within are far more important than the story or text.

It’s worth your time, and I bet it’ll make a fan of younger readers.

Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book from the author for this Tour.

3 Stars

Grandpappy Icon

BOOK SPOTLIGHT: The Box by Jo Linsdell

Welcome to today’s Tour Stop for Jo Linsdell’s children’s book, The Box. We’ll visit it in Grandpappy’s Corner here in a little bit, but for now, let’s learn a little about it.

Book Details:

Title: The Box by Jo Linsdell
Format: Kindle/Trade Paperback
Length: 44 pg.
US Publication Date: March 15, 2014
Cover of The Box by Jo Linsdell

About the Book:

A Fight for Lost Innocence
“Because a box is just a box, except when it’s not.”

Join in the creative fun as a little boy explains why his box is his favourite toy.

Book Links:


Amazon US ~ Amazon UK ~ CreateSpace


Amazon US ~ Amazon UK ~ Amazon CA


About the Author:

Jo LinsdellJo Linsdell is a best selling author and illustrator and internationally recognized marketing expert. To find out more about Jo and her projects visit her website

Author Links:

Facebook ~ Twitter ~ LinkedIn ~ YouTube ~ Goodreads ~ Amazon ~ Website

Hermit of Paradise by Kim Sanders, A Novel That Swings for the Fences

Cover of Hermit of Paradise by Kim SandersHermit of Paradise

by Kim Sanders

Publisher: Brown Books Publishing Group
Publication Date: October 8, 2024
Format: eARC
Length: 304 pg.
Read Date: October 21-22, 2024
Buy from Support Indie Bookstores

What’s Hermit of Paradise About?

This starts with an old friend, Sunny, asking Aubey to find her some justice for an old crime.

Then we flashback a little bit to watch Aubey’s last days on the Dallas Police as a detective before his retirement.

Then we flashback to Aubey’s childhood days, living in his family’s home on a lake where he spends summers reading, fishing, and getting into antics with some older men and some children the same age. Free-range parenting at its best, and despite hanging out with criminals, Aubey seems like a well-adjusted kid in love with nature. The fateful summer in consideration, however, brings him into contact with a couple of peers who will change his life—including the aforementioned Sunny.

Something traumatic happens at the end of a beautiful summer—something that will haunt Aubey and his friends for the rest of their lives.

We then flash-forward to his retirement, Sunny asking for justice (with more context), and Aubey’s efforts to get that for her.

That’s the barebones of the plot, anyway. I gave a richer (and provided by the author/publisher) description on my Spotlight yesterday.

I’m Going to be Frank with You

(I’m always honest when it comes to my opinion on books, as far as I know, but occasionally I’ll pull a punch)

Under any other circumstances, this would’ve been a DNF for me. The pacing was off; the book spent far, far, far too long in the childhood section compared to the retired adult section; given what Aubey knew about the crime, too much of what we know about the people/area/history comes from inelegant info-dumping; what he did in the retirement section to investigate it made no sense—other than to make more opportunities for info-dumping….and I don’t want to beat up on things.

I could go on for paragraphs on how bad the dialogue was—I really want to rant about it (actually, ask anyone who lives in my house and they’ll tell you what I think of it). But let me just tell you this much: there are several conversations between two people where each part of the exchange contains the other persons name in the first sentence.

Allow me to illustrate from a well-known scene (with apologies to Mr. Tarantino):

Vincent asks, “And, Jules, you know what they call a… a… a Quarter Pounder with Cheese in Paris?”
“Vincent, they don’t call it a Quarter Pounder with cheese?” Jules asks, surprised.
“No man, they got the metric system. Jules, they wouldn’t know what the fuck a Quarter Pounder is.” Vincent laughs and shakes his head.
“Then, Vincent, what do they call it?” Jules raises his voice.
“Jules, they call it a Royale with cheese.” Vincent replies, stretching out “Royale.”
“A Royale with cheese. Vincent, what do they call a Big Mac?” Jules wonders, chuckling.
Vincent shrugs a little, “Well, Jules, a Big Mac’s a Big Mac, but they call it le Big-Mac.”
“Le Big-Mac, Vincent.” He practices “Ha ha ha ha. Vincent, what do they call a Whopper?”
“I dunno, Jules, I didn’t go into Burger King.”

Except every sentence should be longer—if not a small paragraph—overflowing with exposition and nowhere near as interesting. If I had a hard copy, I’d have thrown it across the room the second time I encountered this (I could let it go once). But I wasn’t about to throw my phone or e-Reader, as nice as it would’ve felt.

So, what did I think about Hermit of Paradise?

The childhood flashbacks made me think of someone trying to go for a Scout, Jem, and Dill feel. Or something out of a William Kent Krueger novel. It even kind of reminded me of A Snake in the Raspberry Patch by Joanne Jackson or something of a Tiffany McDaniel-talks-about-young-people feel. But Sanders isn’t in their league (yet?).

Sanders swung for the fences in every chapter—more than once in every chapter. I think there’s a decent (not necessarily good, but at least decent) novel hidden here. But Sanders needs a few more drafts and a skilled editor to bring that out.

If I was talking about intentions, desires, and aims here—I’d have a lot of good to say. But I’m not—I’m talking about the characters, writing, and novel—so I can’t say a lot of good.

I do think the characters (most of them, anyway) were promising—too many of the minor characters were interchangeable enough that we didn’t need them all. Again, a little more refining and editing would’ve helped a lot there.

Seriously, while this book didn’t work for me in any way, I know that’s not true of everyone. Go check out the posts by Liam and Beth for vastly different takes—or the feed at to see what other bloggers on the tour are saying.

This post contains an affiliate link. If you purchase from it, I will get a small commission at no additional cost to you. As always, the opinions expressed are my own.

My thanks to The Write Reads for the invitation to participate in this tour and the materials (including the novel) they provided.

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