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Grandpappy’s Corner: Saint Nicholas the Giftgiver by Ned Bustard: The Making of a Legend

Yeah, this is a quick return to this author. But after the post a couple of weeks ago, I had to give this one a shot, too. And it seemed fitting to tackle it now. I’ll get back to “grown up books” next week, D.V.

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Saint Nicholas the Giftgiver:
The History and Legends
of the Real Santa Claus

Written and Illustrated by Ned Bustard

Publisher: IVP Kids
Publication Date: October 12, 2021
Format: Hardcover
Length: 29 pg.
Read Date: December 17, 2023
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What’s Saint Nicholas the Giftgiver About?

This is all in the title and subtitle, really. This is a Picture Book Biography of Saint Nicholas, covering both the history we have and some of the legends that arose about him to the point he became our Santa Claus.

He covers the life of Nicholas from birth to death pretty well—working in Diocletian’s persecution and how Nicholas was freed by Constantine, a hint of the Arian Controversy, and Nicholas’ work overall—including some of the legends that grew about him during his lifetime (that probably had a basis in truth).

Then he turns to the stories that have grown up about Nicholas as he transformed into Santa Claus with the magical reindeer—with Bustard trying to tie in even that idea of Nicholas to the work of the Savior. How successful he was I’ll leave to the reader to decide.

The Slap

No, I’m not talking about a certain actor at the Oscars in 2022. I’m talking about the legendary time that Nicholas struck (in some form) Arius at Nicea. Bustard skipped it. The most he said was:

he did all he could
to stop that bad pries.

Now, I was curious to see how he’d address it—if only because I think it’d be a real attention grabber for the target audience. But it’s probably wise to skip it, you don’t want to encourage younger readers to start assaulting people.

But c’mon, if you heard that some kid had been inspired by a Picture Book to slap a kid in Sunday School who kept giving bad answers—you’d laugh. You’d feel bad and repent after, but you’d laugh. I’m getting off the point, though.

Let’s Talk about the Art for a Minute

First, I really liked the way he made Nicholas have the skin tone of someone who was from Türkiye. Especially as white as Santa is usually depicted (and certain news programs insist on), that was a refreshing choice.

The use of mice throughout was a nice touch (and is explained in Bustard’s author’s note). But the best part was the subtle transformation of his clothing and appearance throughout to more and more look like a figure worthy of being an illustration alongside Clement Clarke Moore.

Basically, everything I’d say about the art is what I said when I talked about his Saint Valentine the Kindhearted book two weeks ago. Feel free to go check that.

There are a couple of Second-Commandment violations that naturally trouble me. But they don’t call attention to themselves and can be glossed over if that’s how you’d like to proceed. I’m honestly not sure if I’ll do that, or consign this one to the “we don’t read that one” pile.

How is it to Read Aloud?

A couple of the rhymes are…well, let’s go with imaginative. I will admit I stumbled on a them as I read it to the Grandcritter. But…other than that, it was fun.

There’s some decent rhythm to it, and the sweetness of a lot of it comes out better when you read aloud. Or maybe that was just me. Anyway, it works really well as a read-aloud.

So, what did I think about Saint Nicholas the Giftgiver?

I liked this—I do think Bustard improved his writing with his next two books, but the promise is there. Some lines—several lines—are great and made me smile. As I said before, the art is great. The two together make this a winner.

For me, I’d have appreciated it more if he’d given us a little more history and a little less explanation of the legend around Nicholas. But I’m not sure he’d have been able to do as nice of a job explaining the legend as he did had he devoted less time to it.

Which does make me think—given the age of the audience for this book, it’s a little risky to wade into anything about Santa Claus for some people. I think he handled that as well as he could, and readers who don’t understand everything about Santa the way that grown-ups do should be okay.

I do have a couple of misgivings about this book, but I’m maybe thinking about this more than I should. I don’t think so, but I imagine others will tell me I am. It’s good enough to think about getting and reading—just know that of the three books that Bustard has written so far, it’s the least successful.

3 Stars

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Grandpappy’s Corner: Saint Valentine the Kindhearted by Ned Bustard: …Violets are Blue, I Liked this Book, and You Will, Too.

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Saint Valentine the Kindhearted:
The History and Legends of
God’s Brave and Loving Servant

Written and Illustrated by Ned Bustard

Publisher: IVP Kids
Publication Date: January 16, 2024
Format: eARC
Length: 32 pgs.
Read Date: October 5, 2023
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What’s Saint Valentine the Kindhearted About?

Why do we call our celebration of love on February 14th (St.) Valentine’s Day? Why do we use February 14th, for that matter?

Ned Bustard brings us another picture book Biography to teach young readers about Valentine, who was martyred under Claudius on February 14.

Granted, we don’t know a lot about Valentine and his work, but we have enough to fill this book (and, as I recall from wordier historical treatments, not much more). We get a touch of his early life, a look at his ministry (and the Roman culture), a notable miracle that’s ascribed to him, and a bit about the events leading to his martyrdom. All told in a child-appropriate rhyme.

Let’s Talk about the Art for a Minute

Bustard’s cartoon-y art is as great here as it was in his Saint Patrick the Forgiver. The thing that stands out to me is his inking. (at least that’s what we called it back when I was really into comics and talked about the art, hopefully, it still counts). The way he uses bold lines around his character’s faces/bodies (particularly Valentine’s), really makes them pop off the page and almost look like wooden puppets. (that’s the best I can do as far as describing the pictures)

He’s also able to convey a certain amount of unpleasantness and threat with Roman soldiers without changing the overall feel of the story and its appropriateness for young readers.

Now, in the Patrick book, he worked in a lot of Celtic knots and whatnot to give it a more Irish feel. Here he goes for a lot of differently colored hearts all over the pages. It didn’t even occur to me while reading the book to pay attention to that—it fit the overall Feb. 14th vibe. I should’ve known better—thankfully, he explained it in “A Note from the Author,” so when I read this with the Grandcritter I can seem more knowledgeable. He works in these hearts in different colors to represent the four types of love (eros, storge, philia, and agape) from ancient Greek thought (and a pretty good book by C.S. Lewis), showing how Valentine displayed and interacted with these types of love in various episodes in the book.

You can check out the Publisher’s site for a glimpse at the art and layout as a preview. This will probably give you a better idea than anything I tried to convey.

How is it to Read Aloud?

It’s a nice little bit of rhyming text, and starting off with “Roses are red,” as often as he does, you’re going to get right into the rhythm reflexively, which is a nice touch. Some of the rhymes feel like a stretch to me*, but when you’ve got a good head of steam going as you read you probably won’t notice.

* “ago” and “van Gogh”, really? Also, that only works if you use the American pronunciation—sorry, British readers.

So, what did I think about Saint Valentine the Kindhearted?

I enjoyed this. I do wish we had more history to draw from for Bustard to use here (and, well, other historians writing for older audiences, too), just to fill out some of the details reliably. But this is a good introduction to the figure that’s had such a cultural impact so that even younger readers can know there’s basis to the celebration beyond chalky candies and silly drawings.

I don’t have a lot to say about this beyond that. It’s a fun read for the little folks, it has details and layers that older readers can appreciate and use to talk about bigger ideas with the little ones, too. Color me impressed yet again by Bustard and I’m eager to see what holiday/figure he picks next. Anyone trying to bring Early Church figures to the attention of the pre-K crowd deserves some applause and I’m happy to keep giving it, while gladly recommending you jump on board.

Disclaimer: I received this eARC from InterVarsity Press via NetGalley in exchange for this post—thanks to both for this.

3.5 Stars

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Grandpappy’s Corner: Noodle Conquers Comfy Mountain by Jonathan Graziano, Dan Tavis (Illustrator): A Little Pug Faces a Cozy Challenge

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Noodle Conquers Comfy Mountain

by Jonathan Graziano, Dan Tavis (Illustrator)

Series: Noodle and Jonathan
Publisher: Margaret K. McElderry Books
Publication Date: November 7, 2023
Format: Hardcover
Length: 32 pg.
Read Date: November 9, 2023
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What’s Noodle Conquers Comfy Mountain About?

This is a story about poor Noodle needing to find a place to get comfortable for the day—he needs to be able to smell nice smells, see his Jonathan, watch for a snacking opportunity (or several), but most importantly feel comfy.

After some searching, he finds the perfect place on the top of the couch! But how can a little pug get up to something so tall?

Let’s Talk about the Art for a Minute

I wish I had some samples to show (you can click on the artist’s name above and see his portfolio, which doesn’t have any pages from this, but you can see his skill). So let me say this instead—before I had a chance to read the book, I gave it to my wife and daughter to look at while I went upstairs. Their collective “Ohhhh!!”s and “Awwwwwwwww!!”s were so loud I had to pause my audiobook until they finished.

It is just adorable. I don’t have another word to describe the art—it’s so cute that it’s hard to put into words. Also, there’s one picture that you can practically see the tail wagging. I’m not sure how a cartoonish art style is able to convey that so effectively, but it did.

Consider me a fan of Tavis.

How is it to Read Aloud?

It’s fine—there’s not a lot of wordplay, there’s no rhyming, or anything like that. It’s simple phrasing that you can put whatever kind of emphasis on and read without difficulty.

If you’ve watched enough of Graziano’s videos, you can borrow his style to read it; it works really well. If you haven’t? No big deal, just read it naturally and it’ll be fine.

What did the Little Critter think of It?

He’s still a bit too young to be giving opinions. But he liked the sound it made when he slapped it.

So, what did I think about Noodle Conquers Comfy Mountain?

Like when I was describing the art, I don’t know what else to say but it’s hard-to-describe just how cute this is.

It’s a nice little story that most readers can relate to in some way—I think particularly if they’re on the small side and need assistance getting up to a place to sit, as young children tend to be. The story is a little stronger than the previous book’s–which was primarily about the feeling of a No Bones day, and I appreciate that (without criticizing the first book! I’m not heartless.)

There’s a little life lesson about asking for help that we can all use—no matter our age or size—included. Which is a nice bonus.

Do I recommend this adorable read? Yes. Obviously. Get your hands/eyes/ears (as applicable) on anything about Noodle, it’ll make your day brighter.

4 Stars

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Grandpappy’s Corner: Every Dreaming Creature by Brendan Wenzel: This Book Is So Soft and Comfy It Could Be a Pillow

Grandpappy's Corner Every Dreaming Creature

Every Dreaming Creature

by Brendan Wenzel

Publisher: Little, Brown Books for Young Readers
Publication Date: September 26, 2023
Format: Hardcover
Length: 40 pg.
Read Date: September 28, 2023
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I had a dream I was a sleeping salamander.
All the world was safe, snug spaces and a warm, wet blanket of decaying leaves.
Secrets from the soil tickling my hands and soft belly.

What’s Every Dreaming Creature About?

That’s how the book opens—and that “safe, snug spaces”, “warm, wet blanket” and “secrets from the soil” won me over. The “I” there slips from dreaming they’re a salamander, to an octopus, to animal after animal—elephant, falcon, chameleon, and so many others.

There’s no sense or narrative arc to the transitions—like a good dream—but it all works in the moment, sure, why not go from salamander to octopus? (again, like a good dream). The book gives you just enough of an idea of the dream before it goes off to another transition.

Then the morning breaks, the “I” goes out to play before starting the sequence again.

Let’s Talk about the Art for a Minute

Like with most books like this, it’s the art that caught my attention.

Okay, not true. My attention was grabbed by the bookstore owner eagerly pointing at it and telling me that it was new and describing the book. But after that, it was the art.

You might as well be looking a photographs or films shot through cotton, they’re so fuzzy and soft. It’s hard to describe, really—but it’s comfy and cozy, and you might as well be looking at warm blankets and downy pillows. I really felt like I was snuggling up with it. Two of the pictures of that salamander in particular (and I could use almost every animal described) looked like they could’ve been made from felt—like they were something that Jim Henson worked on.

Here are a couple of samples. Tell me you can’t practically feel the fuzzy tiger for…(there are more to be found on the Publisher’s page)
Every Dreaming Creature Sample 1
Every Dreaming Creature Sample 2

How is it to Read Aloud?

There’s something about this book’s subject, art, and prose that almost requires you to read this in a quiet, hushed tone—not quite a whisper, a little louder, but not much.

Without noticing, you’ll be reading quietly like you’re trying to put someone to sleep. Even if there are no children around and you’re just sitting down to read a couple of lines as a sample. (my dog looked a little dozy as I wrapped up, or at least I’m going to pretend that’s true).

So, what did I think about Every Dreaming Creature?

I came for the art, I stayed for the prose, and the…not quite story. But the atmosphere? The ideas? Eh…whatever the prose is trying to get across.

This is about as close to perfect as you’re going to get for a “snuggle-up with the grandchild and help them slip off to Dreamland” book. It won me over, I think it will win you—and whatever child/grandchild/amped-up lab mix you’re reading to, too.

I’ve never heard of Wenzel before, but I imagine I’ll be grabbing more of his books soon.

4 Stars

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Grandpappy’s Corner: How Big Is Zagnodd? by Sandra Boynton: A Quick Dose of Goofiness

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How Big Is Zagnodd?

by Sandra Boynton

Publisher: Boynton Bookworks
Publication Date: August 25, 2020
Format: Board Book
Length: 14 pg.
Read Date: June 24, 2023
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What’s How Big Is Zagnodd? About?

Boynton introduces us to a few alien friends—Zagnogg, Igwak, Fleeb, and so on and invites us to notice how Big, Long, Fuzzy, and so on they are.

That’s a pretty brief description, but it’s hard to say more about a 14-page book.

Still, it feels like I’m not saying enough, so let me quote the back of the book just to add some words (suddenly, I feel like I’m back in college trying to up the word count on a paper):


[Spoiler: SO big.]

Inside this book, you will find beings from outer space who are

Plus Steve.

Let’s Talk about the Art for a Minute

If you’ve read a Sandra Boynton book before, you have a pretty good idea of what the art is like. If you haven’t? It’s just about the cutest thing you’ve seen. In this case, it’s super-cute aliens instead of the typical super-cute animals.

Oh, and Steve.

How is it to Read Aloud?

I did read this out loud—not to the grandcritter, because he’s not quite there yet. But soon.

Will it be more fun when he can read it with me? Sure, but I had a good time anyway. The alien names are goofy and enjoyable to say. With each alien, the text asks something like, “How Big is Zagnodd?” and the answer is, “SO big.” All the “SO ___”s are going to be great audience-participation fun.

So, what did I think about How Big Is Zagnodd??

I’m a sucker for a Boynton book—and this is the first new one I’ve read in about two decades, and this is just as fun as the ones I read to the grandcritter’s dad, uncles, and aunt.

I don’t know that it’s the best Boynton book I’ve read—but a mediocre Boynton (and this is not mediocre) is like mediocre pizza, it’s still pizza. You open this and you’re going to have a good—and goofy—time. How Big Is Zagnodd? is silly fun for young and young-at-heart.

4 1/2 Stars

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Grandpappy’s Corner: Secrets of the Wild by Olivia Kent, Srimalie Bassani (Illustrator): What the Animals Are Really Up To

Welcome back to the opinion portion of this Book Tour stop for Secrets of the Wild. Don’t miss your chance to enter the giveaway!

Grandpappy's Corner Secrets of the Wild

Secrets of the Wild

by Olivia Kent, Srimalie Bassani (Illustrator)

Publisher: Mascot Books
Publication Date: March 2, 2021
Format: PDF
Length: 38
Read Date: June 20, 2023
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What’s Secrets of the Wild About?

This is an introduction to the Secret Lives of Wild Animals—the parties, the jobs, games, antics, and more that they get up to when humans aren’t around to interfere.

Some Drawbacks

A lot of the vocabulary seems advanced for the target audience—this is not necessarily bad, in fact, it’s laudable. But maybe there are too many of those advanced words in a short space. That’s a tough call really, but it’s something to chew on. If you are going to use a loftier vocabulary (particularly this audience), you’d better make sure you did so correctly—and I’m unconvinced that’s the case here.

The last two pages bring up the idea of humans exploiting animals—for entertainment or industrial use. This is a pretty heavy thing to introduce in the last five sentences, but it’s a defensible notion, but it would probably be better served if given more space. I do wonder what’s different about some of the exploitation the humans are apt to engage in and what the animals themselves were doing in the Weasel Rodeo.

The pronoun use in the last sentence is pretty confusing and could’ve been made easier for the target audience.

Let’s Talk about the Art for a Minute

Bassani’s art is fantastic. It’s playful, it’s vibrant, it’s engaging—she takes the whimsy and imagination of the premise, embraces it, and then kicks it up a notch.

These illustrations are full—and I do mean full—of characters, action, and details. It’s going to take even the most detail-oriented child a long time to find all there is to find in these drawings.

I didn’t see any samples of this book on Bassani’s website, but there are some good samples of her work in general.

The Best Age Group

This would be best for the oldest kids to read picture books—those on the verge of moving on from them. Between the vocabulary and the content, this isn’t the best fit for the younger, 1-3 year old, readers.

Does that mean I think you shouldn’t read it to these younger readers? Not at all, but the conscientious adult will adapt the language to their audience. 4-6-year-olds will be able to handle some of the vocabulary (but are going to need a hand with some of it, too).

The material on the last couple of pages, on the other hand. The adult reader is going to have to use their own judgment about whether to read the last two pages to a child (or have them read them, if they’re at that point). Some of the ideas on them could be a bit much for younger readers.

So, what did I think about Secrets of the Wild?

Despite what it may seem, I did enjoy this (mostly because describing an issue takes far more space than talking about a positive). I love the Toy Story-meets-Over the Hedge vibe this book has. I think younger readers are really going to get into the art and the rodeo—not to mention the whole idea that humans miss a lot when it comes to the animal world.

I would like a few more pages—maybe as little as 2. The ending felt a bit too abrupt—we get the introduction of the concept of the fun times animals have without humans being aware, a few pages about the rodeo, the idea that the animals have day jobs, too—and then a quick word about why animals have to keep their lives secret from humans. It just felt uneven—expanding the day job portion by a couple of pages would’ve helped. “I wanted more of the good stuff” is really a pretty good complaint to lodge, I figure.

It’s a fun read—one that will satisfy the target audience, and leave them ready to re-read it. It could’ve been better—but what couldn’t be?

This post contains an affiliate link. If you purchase from it, I will get a small commission at no additional cost to you. As always, the opinions expressed are my own.

My thanks to iReads Book Tours for the invitation to participate in this tour and the materials they provided.

PUB DAY REPOST: Grandpappy’s Corner: God, Right Here: Meeting God in the Changing Seasons by Kara Lawler, Jennie Poh (Illustrator): A Little Dose of Natural Revelation

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God, Right Here:
Meeting God in the Changing Seasons

by Kara Lawler, Jennie Poh (Illustrator)

Publisher: IVP Kids
Publication Date: June 20, 2023
Format: eARC
Length: 32 pg.
Read Date: May 7, 2023

What’s God, Right Here About?

God, right here.
God, right there.
God’s handiwork is everywhere.

With that as a starting point, Lawler takes the reader (and the read-to) on a tour of nature through a year’s worth of seasons. The point isn’t to learn about seasons or weather, or anything, but to see how God’s nature (flora, fauna, weather) reveals His work and care.

Let’s Talk about the Art for a Minute

It’s warm and friendly. Even the scenes depicting a chilly fall and snowy winter make you feel cozy and toasty. There’s a gentleness to the illustrations, too.

I’m failing at describing the art—as usual. Jennie Pho’s Instagram has some really good samples (including a Lucy and Mr. Tumnus drawing).

It’s not technically part of the art, but it’s part of the visual impact of the book, so I’ll talk about it here. The typesetting, or whatever you’re supposed to call it (it’d be lettering comic books), is excellent. There’s a variety of colors emphasizing words to match the theme of the page, it flows all over the page to follow the illustrations and add some movement. It’s eye-catching and serves to augment the art.

How is it to Read Aloud?

This is not the kind of book you have fun with, it’s not a fun read. It’s one to read when you’re trying to settle down—or better yet, have already settled down and want to snuggle up and get comfy.

It’s hard to think of toddlers as thoughtful but this is the kind of book for that kind of time.

It’s one of those where you will point to pictures as you read, and then go off on tangents talking about the ideas in the book. The book itself would take almost no time to read, but I can see this as the sort of thing the Grandcritter and I will linger over as we go through it.

* That’s a horrible stereotype, and I should be ashamed of it. But I know too many of them.

So, what did I think about God, Right Here?

This is a nice and pleasant book. Pleasant is the best word to describe this, really (and now that I’ve used it, my brain is stuck and I won’t be able to use another adjective for the rest of the post).

I feel like I should have another few paragraphs in me, but I don’t. I’ve said everything I can find to say about it (and I think I’ve used 2x the words that the book does). This is a pleasant read that’ll be good to use to talk and quiet down with.

Disclaimer: I received this eARC from InterVarsity Press via NetGalley in exchange for this post, and my honest opinion—thanks to both for this opportunity.

3 Stars

This post contains an affiliate link. If you purchase from it, I will get a small commission at no additional cost to you. As always, the opinions expressed are my own.
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Grandpappy’s Corner: Little Aiden – A Love Book for Toddlers by Albert and Anna Choi, Bettina Braskó (Illustrator): Will Make You Say, “Awwww.”

I’m posting about the two books (so far) in the Little Aiden series today, which is turning into a bigger challenge than I expected. The two books are pretty similar in terms of style, quality, etc. So, yeah, the second post might sound a lot like the first—occasionally I’m just going to copy and paste. Sorry about that. But they should be different enough to justify your time as well as mine.

Little Aiden - A Love Book for Toddlers

Little Aiden – A Love Book for Toddlers

by Albert and Anna Choi, Bettina Braskó (Illustrator)

Series: Little Aiden 
Publisher: Mytogo Publishing
Publication Date: May 22, 2023
Format: eBook
Length: 41 pg.
Read Date: June 10, 2023

What’s Little Aiden – A Love Book for Toddlers About?

This book is basically someone* narrating a day in Aiden’s life (or a bunch of activities over a few days), assuring him of their love in all the things he’s up to—when he’s being brave, when he’s being calm, when he’s sad, anxious, scared, and so on. All throughout the day and with a promise that this love will continue.

*Presumably his mother, given the art—although you could make the case that it’s from the point of view of the dad seeing both of them. It really doesn’t matter.

Let’s Talk about the Art for a Minute

The art is as adorable and eye-catching here as it was in the other Little Aiden book. Fantastic expressions, great background illustrations, etc. These are going to be very fun for a toddler—and whoever is reading with the toddler—to stop and talk about.

Braskó’s use of Aiden’s teddy bear is fantastic, once I saw what she did on the “Brave” illustration I had to go back through the whole book just looking for what was going on with the bear. (adding the rest of the toys to the mix on the “Confident” page was great, too)

I like her use of the first Little Aiden book here—that was such a nice touch. I wonder how many toddlers will notice?

Be sure to check out some of the samples on Braskó’s website.

How is it to Read Aloud?

I don’t mean this in a bad way—but this isn’t going to do much for the adult reader. It’s a simple and repetitive text. You don’t get to do any fun rhymes, tongue twisters, silly voices, or goofy noises (well, maybe a couple). And it’s okay, because it’s not that kind of book.

It’s the kind of book that’s intentionally repetitive—this is how you can help the child learn. It’s written simply for the same reason. Short and clear sentences that make it easy to grasp the point.

It’s also the kind of book that’s easy to stop reading to discuss—what Aiden is doing, the art, what his Teddy Bear is doing (alongside or in contrast to Aiden), or whatever. And that’s where the engagement for the adult reader is going to come in.

And, hey, some of the pages serve as a good reminder to the adult that it’s okay for the toddler to be frustrated and angry—because it’s really easy for parents/caretakers to forget that sometimes. It’s good for us to vocalize that.

So, what did I think about Little Aiden – A Love Book for Toddlers?

This is just so sweet. There’s some fun to be had (primarily from Braskó’s art, because the text is earnest), but it’s largely warm and sweet reminders of a parent’s affections.

It just made me melt, it’ll likely do the same for you.

It’ll be a great springboard for a parent/grandparent/caregiver to use to talk about all the different ways and times they love the toddler they’re reading with—and who can’t use something like that?

Another heartily recommended book from this series.

4 Stars

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Grandpappy’s Corner: Little Aiden – A Feelings Book for Toddlers by Albert and Anna Choi, Bettina Braskó (Illustrator): Nothing Less than Feelings

I’m posting about the two books (so far) in the Little Aiden series today, which is turning into a bigger challenge than I expected. The two books are pretty similar in terms of style, quality, etc. So, yeah, the second post might sound a lot like the first—occasionally I’m just going to copy and paste. Sorry about that. But they should be different enough to justify your time as well as mine.

Little Aiden - A Feelings Book for Toddlers

Little Aiden – A Feelings Book for Toddlers

by Albert and Anna Choi, Bettina Braskó (Illustrator)

Series: Little Aiden 
Publisher: Mytogo Publishing
Publication Date: December 17, 2022
Format: eBook
Length: 41 pg.
Read Date: June 10, 2023

What’s Little Aiden – A Feelings Book for Toddlers About?

There’s one simple point to this book:

It is okay to have feelings.

It’s the first sentence and that sentiment is repeated fourteen times over the book as we follow Aiden through a bunch of scenarios where he’s feeling things that kids can identify with. Scared, tired, happy, playful, silly, helpless, and more.

Let’s Talk about the Art for a Minute

Little Aiden’s expressions are clearit’s a piece of cake to tell what he’s feeling, even for a little one just trying to put words to facial expressions.

But I think Braskó’s real strength is in the rest of the illustrationswhat’s Aiden’s body doing with the feeling? What’s going on around him? Is there a mess? Does he have toys? How’s he interacting with his environment? Those really help fill out the ideas of the book.

These are going to be very fun for a toddlerand whoever is reading with the toddlerto stop and talk about. “He’s sure a messy eater, isn’t he? What’s that on the floor there next to his sippy cup? What’s that on his face?”

The illustration that goes with embarrassed is probably my favorite (and that probably says something about my maturity level).

Be sure to check out some of the samples on Braskó’s website.

How is it to Read Aloud?

I don’t mean this in a bad waybut this isn’t going to do much for the adult reader. It’s a simple and repetitive text. You don’t get to do any fun rhymes, tongue twisters, silly voices, or goofy noises (well, maybe a couple). And that’s okay, because it’s not that kind of book.

It’s the kind of book that’s intentionally repetitivethis is how you can help the child learn. It’s written simply for the same reason. Short and clear sentences that make it easy to grasp the point.

It’s also the kind of book that’s easy to stop reading to discussthe feeling in question, the art, or whatever. And that’s where the engagement for the adult reader is going to come in.

And, hey, some of the pages serve as a good reminder to the adult that it’s okay for the toddler to be frustrated and angrybecause it’s really easy for parents/caretakers to forget that sometimes. It’s good for us to vocalize that.

So, what did I think about Little Aiden – A Feelings Book for Toddlers?

Feelings can be scarysometimes a toddler isn’t sure why they’re having the emotional reaction they are, sometimes a toddler can see the adults around them reacting to the toddler’s emotions in a way that can be frightening or off-putting, sometimes a toddler doesn’t like the way an emotion makes them feel. It doesn’t do much good to assure the toddler that it doesn’t get much better sometimes as an adult.

But what you can assure them of is that it’s okay to feel things. The Chois have given toddlers a handy and helpful book to tell them this. As they read and re-read it with someone they trust they can examine these feelings and get the reminderor get the lessonthat it’s okay to feel emotions.

How to react to those emotions is a talk for a different timebut for now, it’s about being okay with having and feeling them.

I heartily recommend this book.

4 Stars

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Grandpappy’s Corner: Sophie and the Heidelberg Cat by Andrew Wilson, Helena Perez Garcia (Illustrator): Sophie Gets Clarity on an Important Truth

Grandpappy's Corner Sophie and the Heidelberg Cat

Sophie and the Heidelberg Cat

by Andrew Wilson, Helena Perez Garcia (Illustrator)

Publisher: Crossway
Publication Date: September 3, 2019
Format: Hardcover
Length: 32 pg.
Read Date: June 3, 2023

What’s Sophie and the Heidelberg Cat About?

Sophie has been, well, let’s be kind and say misbehaving toward her sister, and is in her bedroom crying. Outside the window, she sees the cat belonging to her neighbors, the Heidelbergs. The cat asks her what’s wrong (yes, the cat talks) and the two go for a walk to things about things.

Sophie talks about how she’s not living up to what the Bible teaches:

“Be bold like King David, be brave like Queen Esther,
and do what God tells you, no matter how scary.
Don’t fight him, like Pharaoh, or trick him, like Judas.
Be patient, like Paul, and respectful, like Mary.

The cat responds by showing her that no one she knows lives up to this standard she thinks the Bible teachers. Not just the people in town, but the people in the Bible, too.

But more than that, she doesn’t have to work for God’s acceptance—the hope she has doesn’t come from her or her efforts. The hope for Sophie is a gift from God. Because she belongs to him, he will protect and comfort her.

A Bit of Playfulness

There are a few moments where the text takes a minute to recognize how strange it is for Sophie to do what she’s doing. Which is nice enough for a book for this age—but what makes it better is Sophie’s reason to go along for it. If a talking cat tells you to do something, asks you a question, etc.—you roll with it.

In the middle of these important ideas for a child (or an adult), Wilson still finds a moment for play. I loved it.

Let’s Talk about the Art for a Minute

I really liked the art. It reminded me of something—not in a derivative way or anything—but it struck a chord in me and made me think of something from my childhood. So I was won over—but I think it’d work for people without my nebulous tie to it, too.

It’s a crisp style, there’s a little whimsy in it, and it’s attractive enough to hold the eye of a young reader/child being read to. But—and this is important—it’s not so eye-catching that it takes away the focus from what Sophie and the cat are talking about.

How is it to Read Aloud?

This isn’t a “we’re going to have fun” reading this book full of tongue-twisters or crazy lines. But it’s not dull by any means—particularly the parenthetical thoughts about talking cats. It’s a text that I reflexively read in a quiet voice. I don’t know if other adults will have the same reaction, but I sure did.

So, what did I think about Sophie and the Heidelberg Cat?

It’s easy for Christian books/media for children to slip into moralism—whether its singing produce, works about notable historical/Biblical figures, or books about getting along with siblings and people who are different from us—the type of moralism and works righteousness that plague Sophie in this story are just around the corner.

That’s nowhere to be found here—in fact, the cat shoots down that notion. I’d have recommended the book for that alone. But the Heidelberg cat* doesn’t stop there—it goes on to talk about belonging to Jesus and resting in that.

* That name’s not subtle, but why should it be?

The answer to the first question of the Heidelberg Catechism is well known in many circles—as it should be. And while the words are easy enough for a young child to get by rote, the meaning might be more difficult to grasp for a few years. Wilson’s book helps tremendously with that—and as a bonus, it’s a great reminder for any adult reading it just how simple the truth is.

I don’t remember reading a Christian children’s book that comes close to this in terms of content, and I plan on heartily recommending this to as many people as I can. Starting with you, reader.

I cannot wait to read this to the Grandcritter—almost as much for my sake as his.

5 Stars

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