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As of today, I’ve been doing these posts for a year (although I did talk about children’s/picture books long before, so they’re grandfathered* into this), and the posts are getting a little hard for me to keep track of—and in case anyone else wants a quick way to find them, I thought it’d be a good idea to have a one-stop place to see them.

* Pun not intended, but as soon as I typed the word, I knew I’d have to resist editing it out.

General Posts
bullet Announcing Grandpappy’s Corner—A New Regular Feature
bullet 2017 Best Children’s/Picture Books
bullet Grandpappy’s Favorites of 2023The Irresponsible Reader On…Self-Published Children’s & Picture Books (2023 version)
bullet The Irresponsible Reader’s Guide to Picture Books

By Author:

Maria Bardyukova

bullet Snobbity Snowman by Maria Bardyukova & Quiet Riley, Jr.

Sheryl Bass

bullet Baby Dragon’s Big Sneeze by Sheryl Bass, Remesh Ram (Illustrator): A Sick Dragon in Need

Heather L. Beal

bullet Elephant Wind by Heather L. Beal, Jubayda Sager
bullet Hurricane Vacation by Heather L. Beal, Jasmine Mills: A cute little book with some important hurricane safety lessons for kids
bullet Tummy Rumble Quake by Heather L. Beal, Jubayda Sager

Jeremy Billups

bullet Bearded by Jeremy Billups: A Charming Picture Book about a Bearded Bear
bullet Bearded Too by Jeremy Billups: The Bearded Bear is Back on the Road
bullet Sea This and Sea That by Jeremy Billups: Plenty of Goodness for the Picture Book Reader to Sea

Sophie Blackall

bullet Farmhouse by Sophie Blackall: The Story of a House That Was Also a Home

Sandra Boynton

bullet How Big Is Zagnodd? by Sandra Boynton: A Quick Dose of Goofiness

Ned Bustard

bullet Saint Nicholas the Giftgiver by Ned Bustard: The Making of a Legend
bullet Saint Patrick the Forgiver by Ned Bustard: Patrick’s Story Told for Wee Ones
bullet Saint Valentine the Kindhearted by Ned Bustard: …Violets are Blue, I Liked this Book, and You Will, Too.

Natasha Carlow

bullet Mike Nero and the Superhero School by Natasha Carlow, Kyle Stephen (Illustrator): A First Day at a Great School

Albert and Anna Choi

bullet Little Aiden – A Love Book for Toddlers by Albert and Anna Choi, Bettina Braskó (Illustrator): Will Make You Say, “Awwww.”
bullet Little Aiden – A Feelings Book for Toddlers by Albert and Anna Choi, Bettina Braskó (Illustrator): Nothing Less than Feelings

Arline Cooper

bullet Be Brave, Little Puffy by Arline Cooper: A Cute Fish Tale

Kevin DeYoung

bullet The Biggest Story ABC by Kevin DeYoung, Don Clark (Illustrator): A Swing and a Miss

Ame Dyckman

bullet How Dinosaurs Went Extinct: A Safety Guide by Ame Dyckman, Jennifer Harney (Illustrator): A Clever Father Teaches Safety (and Some Bad Paleontology)

B.C.R. Fegan

bullet The Day That A Ran Away by B.C.R. Fegan, Lenny Wen: The Best Reasons (Excuses?) Schoolwork wasn’t Done that I’ve Ever Read
bullet Don’t Ever Look Behind Door 32 by B.C.R. Fegan, Lenny Wen
bullet The World’s Greatest Mousetrap by B.C.R. Fegan, Fanny Liem: A Cute Little Story about a Bookshop under Siege
bullet A Few Quick Questions With…B.C.R. Fegan

Douglas Gamble

bullet What’s in Your Howl? by Douglas Gamble, Illustrated by: Steve Humke, Terri Isaacson: If Only Ylvis Had Asked This Question Instead…

Cassandra Gelvin

bullet Kitties Are Not Good To Eat by Cassandra Gelvin: and other useful and cute advice on feline care for the younger set.

Ann Göth

bullet Bush-turkey Needs a Friend by Ann Göth: He’s a Strange Bird (At Least a Little Different)

Jonathan Graziano

bullet Noodle and the No Bones Day by Jonathan Graziano, Dan Tavis (Illustrator): A Great Dose of Adorableness to Pick Up Your Day
bullet Noodle Conquers Comfy Mountain by Jonathan Graziano, Dan Tavis (Illustrator): A Little Pug Faces a Cozy Challenge

John Hughson

bullet Vernon the Vegetarian Lion by John Hughson, Ali Smith (Illustrator)

Jory John

bullet This Book Will Get You to Sleep! by Jory John, Olivier Tallec (Illustrator): A Delightful Case of False Advertising

Valerie D. Johnson

bullet 1 2 3 Count with Me on Granddad’s Farm by Valerie Johnson, Cee Biscoe (Illustrator): A Cute Read-Along with Some Great Bonuses
bullet A Few Quick Questions with…Valerie D. Johnson

Ruenna Jones

bullet Geeky Baby’s Guide to Colors by Ruenna Jones, Josh Lewis (Illustrator): Starting a Geek Off Right

Olivia Kent

bullet Secrets of the Wild by Olivia Kent, Srimalie Bassani (Illustrator): What the Animals Are Really Up To

Kara Lawler

bullet God, Right Here: Meeting God in the Changing Seasons by Kara Lawler, Jennie Poh (Illustrator): A Little Dose of Natural Revelation

Sam Lawrence & Ben Jackson

bullet The Day My Fart Followed Me To Hockey by Sam Lawrence & Ben Jackson, Danko Herrera

Shai Levinger

bullet Noam’s Monsters by Shai Levinger, Kaustuv Brahmachari (Illustrator): A Young Boy Battles His Anxieties and Fears

Elliott Linker

bullet George the Bannana: Book One by Elliott Linker: The Origin of a Superhero (and his Writer!)

Sophie Loosveldt

bullet A Tale of Wonderful Whiffs by Sophie Loosveldt, Isabella Croker (Illustrator): Secret Agent Pug? A Spy for the House of Love?

Carine MacKenzie

bullet God Never Changes by Carine MacKenzie, Derek Matthews (Illustrator): Small Words About a Big Idea

Haya Magner

bullet Laughing Eyes by Haya Magner, Miri Leshem Peli

Paul McCartney

bullet Hey Grandude! by Paul McCartney, Kathryn Durst (Illus.): 4 Grandkids and their Grandude Take a Magical Journey Away from Boredom and Rain

Tehila Sade Moyal

bullet Moshe Comes to Visit by Tehila Sade Moyal, Fatima Pires (Illustrator)

Dan Murphy and Aubrey Plaza

bullet The Legend of the Christmas Witch by Dan Murphy and Aubrey Plaza, Julia Iredale (Illustrator): The Story of Santa’s Misunderstood Sister
bullet The Return of the Christmas Witch by Dan Murphy and Aubrey Plaza, Julia Iredale (Illustrator): The Witch Returns to Battle a Dystopian Holiday

Hagit R. Oron

bullet Bear with Bear by Hagit R. Oron, Galia Armeland
bullet Bravo and Elphie by Hagit R. Oron, Or Oron
bullet Elphie and Dad go on an Epic Adventure by Hagit R. Oron, Or Oron
bullet Elphie Goes Trick or Treating by Hagit R. Oron, Or Oron
bullet Elphie Meets the End of The World by Hagit R. Oron, Or Oron Misgav (Illustrator): It’s the End of the World as he Knows it, and Elphie (eventually) Feels Fine

Michael Portnoy

bullet Practice Makes Perfect by Michael Portnoy, Adelia Drubetski, Freda Zolty Kovatch

Sohrab Rezvan

bullet How Did the Hippopotamus Get There? by Sohrab Rezvan, Kyana Mitchell (Illustrator): A Question No Parent Wants to Ask

Kyson Rice

bullet Red Stripes VS Miles the Mutant Mouse by Amy Rice and Kyson Rice: Not Your Typical Cat and Mouse Story

Cheryl Rosebush

bullet What the World Needs Now – Bees! by Cheryl Rosebush, Zuzana Svobodová: A Much-Needed Lesson for Kids About those Tiny Pollinators
bullet What the World Needs Now – Trees! by Cheryl Rosebush, Zuzana Svobodová: Orangutans and Rainforests for Kids

Dennis R. Shealy

bullet The Adventure Begins! (Dungeons & Dragons) by Dennis R. Shealy, Nate Lovett (Illustrator): Nostalgia for the Adult, an Adventure Story for the Kid

Shmulik Shir

bullet We’ll Need a Bigger Mirror by Shmulik Shir, Julia Po: A Batch of Unusual Birthday Gifts

Craig Smith

bullet The Wonky Donkey by Craig Smith, Katz Cowley (Illustrator): Tongue-Tying Magic

Brendan Wenzel

bullet Every Dreaming Creature by Brendan Wenzel: This Book Is So Soft and Comfy It Could Be a Pillow

Gill White

bullet Leo & The Lightning Dragons by Gill White, Gilli B: An Adorable Book about a Very Brave Knight

Andrew Wilson

bullet Sophie and the Heidelberg Cat by Andrew Wilson, Helena Perez Garcia (Illustrator): Sophie Gets Clarity on an Important Truth

David Yair

bullet The Flying Frog and the Kidnappers by David Yair, Ilana Graf, Natalie Jackson

Nurit Zvolon

bullet Nils Cuts His Nails – The Scissors Game by Nurit Zvolon, Rotem Lots-Zaiden

By Illustrator:

Galia Armeland

bullet Bear with Bear by Hagit R. Oron, Galia Armeland

Gilli B

bullet Leo & The Lightning Dragons by Gill White, Gilli B: An Adorable Book about a Very Brave Knight

Srimalie Bassani

bullet Secrets of the Wild by Olivia Kent, Srimalie Bassani (Illustrator): What the Animals Are Really Up To

Jeremy Billups

bullet Bearded by Jeremy Billups: A Charming Picture Book about a Bearded Bear
bullet Bearded Too by Jeremy Billups: The Bearded Bear is Back on the Road
bullet Sea This and Sea That by Jeremy Billups: Plenty of Goodness for the Picture Book Reader to Sea

Sophie Blackall

bullet Farmhouse by Sophie Blackall: The Story of a House That Was Also a Home

Sandra Boynton

bullet How Big Is Zagnodd? by Sandra Boynton: A Quick Dose of Goofiness

Kaustuv Brahmachari

bullet Noam’s Monsters by Shai Levinger, Kaustuv Brahmachari (Illustrator): A Young Boy Battles His Anxieties and Fears

Bettina Braskó

bullet Little Aiden – A Love Book for Toddlers by Albert and Anna Choi, Bettina Braskó (Illustrator): Will Make You Say, “Awwww.”
bullet Little Aiden – A Feelings Book for Toddlers by Albert and Anna Choi, Bettina Braskó (Illustrator): Nothing Less than Feelings

Ned Bustard

bullet Saint Nicholas the Giftgiver by Ned Bustard: The Making of a Legend
bullet Saint Patrick the Forgiver by Ned Bustard: Patrick’s Story Told for Wee Ones
bullet Saint Valentine the Kindhearted by Ned Bustard: …Violets are Blue, I Liked this Book, and You Will, Too.

Don Clark

bullet The Biggest Story ABC by Kevin DeYoung, Don Clark (Illustrator): A Swing and a Miss

Arline Cooper

bullet Be Brave, Little Puffy by Arline Cooper: A Cute Fish Tale

Katz Cowley

bullet The Wonky Donkey by Craig Smith, Katz Cowley (Illustrator): Tongue-Tying Magic

Isabella Croker

bullet A Tale of Wonderful Whiffs by Sophie Loosveldt, Isabella Croker (Illustrator): Secret Agent Pug? A Spy for the House of Love?

Adelia Drubetski

bullet Practice Makes Perfect by Michael Portnoy, Adelia Drubetski, Freda Zolty Kovatch

Kathryn Durst

bullet Hey Grandude! by Paul McCartney, Kathryn Durst (Illus.): 4 Grandkids and their Grandude Take a Magical Journey Away from Boredom and Rain

Cassandra Gelvin

bullet Kitties Are Not Good To Eat by Cassandra Gelvin: and other useful and cute advice on feline care for the younger set.

Ann Göth

bullet Bush-turkey Needs a Friend by Ann Göth: He’s a Strange Bird (At Least a Little Different)

Ilana Graf

bullet The Flying Frog and the Kidnappers by David Yair, Ilana Graf, Natalie Jackson

Jennifer Harney

bullet How Dinosaurs Went Extinct: A Safety Guide by Ame Dyckman, Jennifer Harney (Illustrator): A Clever Father Teaches Safety (and Some Bad Paleontology)

Danko Herrera

bullet The Day My Fart Followed Me To Hockey by Sam Lawrence & Ben Jackson, Danko Herrera

Steve Humke

bullet What’s in Your Howl? by Douglas Gamble, Illustrated by: Steve Humke, Terri Isaacson: If Only Ylvis Had Asked This Question Instead…

Julia Iredale

bullet The Legend of the Christmas Witch by Dan Murphy and Aubrey Plaza, Julia Iredale (Illustrator): The Story of Santa’s Misunderstood Sister
bullet The Return of the Christmas Witch by Dan Murphy and Aubrey Plaza, Julia Iredale (Illustrator): The Witch Returns to Battle a Dystopian Holiday

Terri Isaacso

bullet What’s in Your Howl? by Douglas Gamble, Illustrated by: Steve Humke, Terri Isaacson: If Only Ylvis Had Asked This Question Instead…

Natalie Jackson

bullet The Flying Frog and the Kidnappers by David Yair, Ilana Graf, Natalie Jackson

Valerie D. Johnson

bullet 1 2 3 Count with Me on Granddad’s Farm by Valerie Johnson, Cee Biscoe (Illustrator): A Cute Read-Along with Some Great Bonuses

Fanny Liem

bullet The World’s Greatest Mousetrap by B.C.R. Fegan, Fanny Liem: A Cute Little Story about a Bookshop under Siege

Miri Leshem Peli

bullet Laughing Eyes by Haya Magner, Miri Leshem Peli

Josh Lewis

bullet Geeky Baby’s Guide to Colors by Ruenna Jones, Josh Lewis (Illustrator): Starting a Geek Off Right

Elliott Linker

bullet George the Bannana: Book One by Elliott Linker: The Origin of a Superhero (and his Writer!)

Rotem Lots-Zaiden

bullet Nils Cuts His Nails – The Scissors Game by Nurit Zvolon, Rotem Lots-Zaiden

Nate Lovett

bullet The Adventure Begins! (Dungeons & Dragons) by Dennis R. Shealy, Nate Lovett (Illustrator): Nostalgia for the Adult, an Adventure Story for the Kid

Derek Matthews

bullet God Never Changes by Carine MacKenzie, Derek Matthews (Illustrator): Small Words About a Big Idea

Jasmine Mills

bullet <href=”” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”>Hurricane Vacation by Heather L. Beal, Jasmine Mills: A cute little book with some important hurricane safety lessons for kids

Kyana Mitchell

bullet How Did the Hippopotamus Get There? by Sohrab Rezvan, Kyana Mitchell (Illustrator): A Question No Parent Wants to Ask

Or Oron/Or Oron Misgav

bullet Bravo and Elphie by Hagit R. Oron, Or Oron
bullet Elphie and Dad go on an Epic Adventure by Hagit R. Oron, Or Oron
bullet Elphie Goes Trick or Treating by Hagit R. Oron, Or Oron
bullet Elphie Meets the End of The World by Hagit R. Oron, Or Oron Misgav (Illustrator): It’s the End of the World as he Knows it, and Elphie (eventually) Feels Fine

Helena Perez Garcia

bullet Sophie and the Heidelberg Cat by Andrew Wilson, Helena Perez Garcia (Illustrator): Sophie Gets Clarity on an Important Truth

Fatima Pires

bullet Moshe Comes to Visit by Tehila Sade Moyal, Fatima Pires (Illustrator)

Julia Po

bullet We’ll Need a Bigger Mirror by Shmulik Shir, Julia Po: A Batch of Unusual Birthday Gifts

Jennie Poh

bullet God, Right Here: Meeting God in the Changing Seasons by Kara Lawler, Jennie Poh (Illustrator): A Little Dose of Natural Revelation

Remesh Ram

bullet Baby Dragon’s Big Sneeze by Sheryl Bass, Remesh Ram (Illustrator): A Sick Dragon in Need

Amy Rice

bullet Red Stripes VS Miles the Mutant Mouse by Amy Rice and Kyson Rice: Not Your Typical Cat and Mouse Story

Quiet Riley, Jr.

bullet Snobbity Snowman by Maria Bardyukova & Quiet Riley, Jr.

Jubayda Sager

bullet Elephant Wind by Heather L. Beal, Jubayda Sager
bullet Tummy Rumble Quake by Heather L. Beal, Jubayda Sager

Ali Smith

bullet Vernon the Vegetarian Lion by John Hughson, Ali Smith (Illustrator)

Kyle Stephen

bullet Mike Nero and the Superhero School by Natasha Carlow, Kyle Stephen (Illustrator): A First Day at a Great School

Zuzana Svobodová

bullet What the World Needs Now – Bees! by Cheryl Rosebush, Zuzana Svobodová: A Much-Needed Lesson for Kids About those Tiny Pollinators
bullet What the World Needs Now – Trees! by Cheryl Rosebush, Zuzana Svobodová: Orangutans and Rainforests for Kids

Olivier Tallec

bullet This Book Will Get You to Sleep! by Jory John, Olivier Tallec (Illustrator): A Delightful Case of False Advertising

Dan Tavis

bullet Noodle and the No Bones Day by Jonathan Graziano, Dan Tavis (Illustrator): A Great Dose of Adorableness to Pick Up Your Day
bullet Noodle Conquers Comfy Mountain by Jonathan Graziano, Dan Tavis (Illustrator): A Little Pug Faces a Cozy Challenge

Lenny Wen

bullet The Day That A Ran Away by B.C.R. Fegan, Lenny Wen: The Best Reasons (Excuses?) Schoolwork wasn’t Done that I’ve Ever Read
bullet Don’t Ever Look Behind Door 32 by B.C.R. Fegan, Lenny Wen

Brendan Wenzel

bullet Every Dreaming Creature by Brendan Wenzel: This Book Is So Soft and Comfy It Could Be a Pillow

There’s probably a decent way to automate this, but I’m not that clever, so I’ll be doing this by hand (IOW, it might be a little out of date from time to time).

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