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God to Us: Covenant Theology in Scripture by Stephen G. Myers: A Great Introduction to This Vital Idea

God to UsGod to Us:
Covenant Theology in Scripture

by Stephen G. Myers

Publisher: Reformation Heritage Books
Publication Date: November 27, 2021
Format: Hardcover
Length: 310
Read Date: June 11-August 22, 2023
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Some friends and I read this book at the same time, getting together to talk about it periodically. So it’s entirely possible, even likely, that some of what I say in this post is a thought borrowed from someone else. This will particularly be true if I say something insightful or interesting.

What’s God to Us About?

This is, pretty simply, an introduction to Covenant Theology. Myers defines covenant in his introduction (with special focus on the words used, and meanings suggested, in the Old Testament, New Testament, and Septuagint). From there, he gives a brief history of the development of Covenant Theology throughout Church History, which is probably worth a book unto itself—but this chapter serves well enough.

From there he looks at the three predominant covenants in Scripture/Theology—the Covenants of Works, the Counsel of Peace, and the Covenant of Grace. He spends two chapters on the Covenant of Grace—one on understanding the covenant and then one on the circumstances surrounding the announcement of the Covenant and what we can learn from that (and this is one of those chapters worth the purchase price of the book alone). He then looks at the developing covenants that make up the Covenant of Grace—the Adamic, Noahic, Abrahamic, Mosaic, Davidic, and New Covenant. Myers then looks at Covenant Theology in the New Testament and then in The Church. The Mosaic Covenant is another Covenant that gets two chapters (the rest all get one)—the second looks at the ways the New Testament writers think about and use the Mosaic Covenant.

Highlights of the Book

I like to focus on one or two chapters that really stand out to me when talking about books like this. Myers made this very difficult for me—I’m tempted to say Chapters 2-12 were highlights, but that seems to be cheating. It’s true, though—there’s something in each of those chapters that made me sit up and pay attention in a way I didn’t expect.

I guess I would have to say that the chapter on the Noahic Covenant was particularly effective—usually, I tend to think (and think I’ve seen authors treat it this way) about the Noahic Covenant being something covered just to check a box between Adam and Abraham—it’s where the word covenant is first used, so we need to look at it, but it’s not that big of a deal. Myers won’t let you think that way, showing how it’s a pivotal step in Redemptive History—and I’ll not make that mistake again.

Chapter Nine, “The Mosaic Covenant in the New Testament,” is so vital and so important that I have to mention it. Not only does Myers help the reader understand what the NT is doing, but he also helps the reader avoid some of the more popular and prevalent errors regarding this understanding today. The same could be said for Chapter Eleven, “The New Covenant.”

And if I’m not careful, I’ll list the other chapters, too—so I’m going to move along.

Things I Wasn’t Crazy About

I’m not going into details, but Myers uses Gen. 6:18 extensively in his arguments about God establishing covenants in Genesis before the word “covenant” was used. He’s not the first to do so—O. Palmer Robertson mentions someone (some people? I don’t remember and am not going to go look it up) doing the same in a footnote in his 1987 book, The Christ of the Covenants. It seems to be a perfectly valid argument—but I wonder if Myers relies on it too much. Yes, he uses a multi-pronged argument, and Gen. 6 is just one of them—but it seems to be called to do more than it maybe can.

Secondly, and I know I didn’t catch this, that’d be one of the others I read it with. Myers uses the early chapters of Hosea to substantiate his position on what the exiles of the Northern and Southern Kingdoms mean for the Davidic Covenant (and the Covenant of Grace as a whole). There’s much to be commended for his position—but a lot of what he says about the early chapters of Hosea seems to differ from what Hosea says later on. Now, if I studied this portion of this book a bit more, I might have an easier time defending Myers’s position—but at first and second glance, he seems to stumble a bit here.

Lastly, and this is a very minor problem, the thirteenth chapter, “Covenant Theology and the Church,” is a bit of a letdown. Your results may (and likely will) vary. But for me, after twelve chapters with insights that impressed me when they didn’t teach me and/or helped me to think about Covenant Theology in a new way, to come across a chapter about the sacraments, Church membership, and related ideas that was as basic and straightforward as this just left me wanting more. I didn’t see any problems in what Myers said, but it all seemed a bit too obvious. He’s been sailing along

So, what did I think about God to Us?

I loved this book. I’ve read more books on Covenant Theology than I can easily count, and if this isn’t the best, it’s so close to it as not to matter. Myers gives his readers a thorough introduction to Covenant Theology as it came to the Protestant Church from the Reformation—particularly the English Reformation and the explanation offered by the Westminster divines and their contemporaries. His introduction is readable, clear, and helpful to the layman willing to put in a little work—but he’s not just repeating what the previous generations gave us, he’s looking at contemporary theology and insights as well.

Is it perfect? Nope. Are there more problems with it than those I mentioned above? Almost certainly. But it’s just so good that the flaws are forgivable. I learned a lot—even if it was just a better way to state what I’d already believed and understood—but I got much more than that from the book. It’s such a helpful work.

More than that—as all good theology should, it led me to doxology. That our Lord would condescend to His people in covenant is mind-blowingly gracious in the first place—that He does so to rebels in order that he could win them to Himself? That should drive us to worship. And the more we understand the gracious and remarkable nature of these covenants, the more we should be driven to it. Myers brings his readers to this point repeatedly—sometimes just by explaining something clearly—sometimes by applying his explanation to the reader to help us understand how it should make us reflect in worship.

I’ve tried to keep this brief and to resist the urge to dive deeply into some of the areas of the book that I would want to if this was the place for deep dives into Theology. But this is about books, so I’m not going to. I cannot say enough good things about God to Us. It’s just great. I’ve given it as a gift already, I will do so in the future as well as recommend it to anyone who asks for a good intro to the topic. Also, I commend it to whoever reads this post.

5 Stars

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Some Disorganized Thoughts on the Excellence that is Light Bringer by Pierce Brown

Light BringerLight Bringer

by Pierce Brown

Series: Red Rising, #6
Publisher: Del Rey Books
Publication Date: July 25, 2023
Format: Hardcover
Length: 672
Read Date: August 14-24, 2023
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This Post

Yeah, this isn’t going to be my typical kind of post. I know deep in my bones, the way you know about a good melon, that if I tried my typical approach I’d probably finish this in December. And since I don’t have that kind of patience—and this book was due back at my library on August 19. I’m in deep sh…aving cream already.

So, I’m just going to mention a few things I think are worth saying—and hopefully think of a conclusion to wrap it all up (but no promises).

bullet I need to start with the fact that I went into this with a wrong assumption—I misunderstood something I saw Brown say on Twitter some months ago and thought that this was the finale of the series. I started wondering pretty soon how that was going to be the case, but it took me far too long to admit that I misunderstood him and shouldn’t expect any kind of bow to be put on things by the end of Light Bringer. Once I gave that up, most of my lingering questions about pacing and character went away.

bullet Lyria. If Brown had done nothing else impressive with the post-Morning Star books, what he’s done in creating and growing this character would justify the time reading them. I just cannot get over her. At this point, I enjoy her more than Darrow, Virginia, or the rest. Kavax and Sevro are the only characters that compete with her for my affection. Also, Brown did an excellent job of faking the reader out when it came to her character arc after the last book.

bullet Darrow grows more in these pages than he has since…maybe The Institute. Or probably with Lorn. And a lot of that has to do with the right book being given to him at the right time in his life. (maybe my libro-fixation makes me focus on that part, but, I’m right). I want to see this change in action more—but what Brown does here gives me a lot of hope for our hero. Assuming The Reaper is our hero by the end.

bullet I really, really, really, really want to know how long Brown has been plotting out the major events of this novel—has he been building up to them since Iron Gold or before? Or were they things that came into focus when he started planning Light Bringer? It won’t change what I think of them (devastating, brilliant, etc.)—it’ll just help me understand how he works.

bullet The bonds between so many of these characters are fantastic. Particularly between the classmates turned colleagues turned friends turned enemies turned uneasy allies turned brothers. (or relationships that follow similar paths) How these people can be bound up so tightly with each other after all they’ve gone through is something else. So many times I start off thinking, “There’s no way that Darrow/Lysander/Victra/Whoever is going to trust them is there?” And then they do—and I buy it every single time, just the way that Darrow/Lysander/Victra/Whoever does. And I’m caught as off-guard as they are in the significant percentage of times they end up getting betrayed.

bullet I cannot believe how often these people make me laugh—genuinely laugh. In the midst of all of the death, destruction, revenge, societal upheaval, and uncertainty—there’s a core humanity at work in them all.

bullet After all these thousands of pages (especially when I count re-reads and audiobook listens)…how can Brown completely surprise me the way he does? I can’t even count how many double-crosses that become triple-crosses then go awry and end up becoming alliances that are quadruple-crossed in this book alone. (And that’s not a spoiler, if you’ve read the series, you know that’s going to happen—and I likely left off at least 5 backstabbings).

bullet Speaking of stabbing…Brown’s action scenes—particularly when it comes to small groups of people fighting—one on one, two on two, one on five, etc.—are just great. He’s never been shabby at this, but it felt like he topped himself here. (as he has in each successive book).

bullet Sevro, Sevro, Sevro…I felt so bad for him through so much of this book. Even before he inadvertently found out what happened to his family in Dark Age. But you never want to count the Goblin out, right?

bullet Although, the fox Sophocles just might have done a better job of breaking my heart. Not that it’s a competition.

bullet There’s a fantastic potential spin-off series introduced around the mid-way point. I hope Brown doesn’t give it to us (although I’ll read it if he does), I think I’d prefer my imaginary version of it.

bullet The bond that I referred to earlier is seen in loyalty, forgiveness (and the ability to work together when that forgiveness hasn’t been granted), and best of all, a humor based on shared experiences and attitudes. The humor in this book is almost never situational (too grim for that), or physical (outside maybe of Sophocles)—it comes from old friends being rude to one another, making a joke in reference to something that happened a decade or more ago, etc. And it works—you can’t help but chuckle alongside these men—even when they’re likely saying goodbye for the last time, they can make you laugh. Well done, Mr. Brown.

Let’s See If I Can Wrap This Up

I really think I could just keep going flipping back and forth through the pages of the book and coming up with more and more bullet points to ramble about. But who wants to read that? (especially now that I see that I’ve repeated myself)

I really wish I spent time in discussion groups, fan sites, etc. for this series, so I’d have known that this wasn’t the ending before I started. That preconceived notion really skewed things for a while. Oh well. Like I said before, once I started thinking of this as penultimate—everything clicked.

I do think it’s time for Brown to tie this up—as much as I love this series, readers can only take so many Master Plans that go awry when they meet other Master Plans only to uncover someone else’s Deeper Master Plan working against both.

But it’s been—and will be—quite the ride. These characters are so full of honor, and nobility (of various types), that even when they’re “on the wrong side” it’s hard to think poorly of them until they’ve turned into hypocrites or something. Brown gives us a great picture of so many people working for the common good—if only they could agree with what that is. Chess masters vying against one another to help their picture of the best for society to come about. Sadly, their moves aren’t made with game pieces, but with thousands or millions of lives at a time.

I’m, of course, ignoring the few giant vacuums of decency with a hunger for power and destruction that are also running through the pages.

In Dark Age (and I’m going to be vague just in case someone hasn’t read it yet)—there’s a scene when someone holds down a dying foe, cuts out two giant strips from their back to reveal their ribcage and organs—and pour salt on the wounds. There are a couple of scenes in this book that felt like that. (except for the fact that I was in my recliner sipping on something cool while reading). And with at least one of those scenes the person I was having my heart torn up about was a character I either was bored by or didn’t bother to form an opinion of until this book. But over the course of the novel, Brown’s able to get every one of these modified humans to become a person practically as real as any flesh and blood creature you run into.

It took me less than 50 pages into Red Rising to be awed by Brown and thousands of pages later, he’s still doing it to me.

Go read this series.

5 Stars

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I’m a Little in Awe Over S.A. Cosby’s All the Sinners Bleed, and Probably Don’t Convey Just How Great It Is, But I Try

This was supposed to go up Monday afternoon, but I just didn’t like what I had then. I’m still not satisfied with this, but I don’t actively hate it, which will have to do.

All the Sinners BleedAll the Sinners Bleed

by S. A. Cosby

Publisher: Flatiron Books
Publication Date: June 06, 2023
Format: Hardcover
Length: 338 pg
Read Date: July 28-August 1, 2023
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Sheriff Titus Crown

We’re going to start with this character, instead of the plot. He makes or breaks your experience with this book more than anything else.

Titus Crown had a long career in the FBI until he retired and came home to take care of his father after a surgery. (or at least that’s what he tells people). An opening in the office of Sheriff presented an opportunity, and Titus was talked into running by many in the community. He’s now the first black Sheriff of Charon County, Virginia. It looks likely that he’ll be the last one for a while, too.

Electing Titus hadn’t initiated a golden era of racial reconciliation. True, minorities weren’t routinely pulled over for little reason, aren’t beaten, and so on—they’re treated fairly under the law. As are white men. Because Titus knows he has to play it straight—if he acted the way some of his supporters wanted him to, he’d be no better than his predecessors—and there’s no way the county government would let him stay in power. But mostly Titus treats everyone the same no matter their race or financial status because that’s the way he’s built. It’s just not in him to do otherwise.

Sadly, for many of the people that voted for him, that means he’s not the first black Sheriff anymore. He’s blue.

He is smart, controlled, and driven. For him, these are both strengths and curses—his life would be easier if those qualities weren’t so strong in him. Then again, he wouldn’t have accomplished almost everything he has otherwise.

When he’s not doing a thankless job that he wonders why he asked for, he’s trying to keep his girlfriend. He knows he’s not good at long-term relationships, but he keeps trying. He wants to be good at them—or at least better.

The Instigating Incident

I feel okay talking about this because it’s in the book description—I wouldn’t have otherwise (and am very glad I can because I don’t know how I’d have danced around it).

On the two-year anniversary of his taking office, Titus’ relaxed morning is interrupted by reports of an active shooter at the high school. In the midst of the chaos he and his deputies encounter when they arrive on the scene, he learns that one teacher has been killed in a targeted attack. They have a brief conversation with the shooter before his deputies open fire and kill him.

Titus has to calm the public, investigate both the shooter and his deputies, and somehow explain to an old friend why his son is dead at the hands of his department. But first…

What the Novel is Really About…

Until that morning, there’d been two murders in Charon County in the last fifteen years. Following up on something the shooter said, Titus and his deputies stumble onto something that makes the school shooting the least horrible thing imaginable. It turns out that there’d been more than two murders—several more. A serial killer has been active in Charon County for several years.

This is the kind of serial killer that will haunt the dreams of every officer involved in the investigation for the rest of their lives—and more than a few waking hours, as well. There’s the sheer number of victims that happened in this supposedly quiet and peaceful community without anyone noticing. There’s the brutality (a word that somehow feels inadequate) of what was done to the victims. And then they start to learn about the psychology of the killer—and what kind of life must’ve driven him to these killings.

Any of those are likely to leave some scars on Titus and his team—the combination is sure to. And when the killer changes up their modus operandi in reaction to people discovering what they’ve been up to and to discourage Titus? A new level of horror emerges.

Some of the Other Things Going On

On top of all of this are:

  • Too many things with Titus’ father, brother, and religion to talk about.
  • An ongoing investigation into a suspected drug distribution center.
  • An internal investigation into a suspected dirty cop.
  • Pressure from the County Government for Titus to clear all this up before tourist season is even more endangered than it is.
  • Pressure from a group called “The Sons of the Confederacy” to make sure that someone from Titus’ “cultural background” offers them adequate protection from protestors during the upcoming Fall Fest celebration/rally to protect a statue commemorating a Confederate officer.
  • Titus’ last girlfriend, a journalist turned True Crime podcaster who has come to town to report on the killer.

All in all, Titus has to wish that he’d never moved back home.

I’m pretty sure I left some stuff off that list—but this book never feels overstuffed.

So, what did I think about All the Sinners Bleed?

It’s this kind of book that makes me wish I was a real reviewer instead of a fanboy yelling by bookish yawp across the rooftops of the world. This begs for literary analysis. Sparse, but rich, prose that further disproves the notion that genre can’t be the home of good writing. Cosby tackles hard issues—but really doesn’t try to solve them—he merely puts them on display for readers to acknowledge and wrestle with.

It’s also just a cracking thriller that could be read as shallowly as you want and would keep you white-knuckled and racing to the final confrontation. Tricksy writer that he is, Cosby’s style makes that incredibly easy to do—but if you go that way, you miss the richness of this book.

Cosby’s Blacktop Wasteland blew me away as did this one. I wrote:

From the first paragraph that made me sit up and say “Oh, this explains the hype,” to the devastating last line—and all points in between, Blacktop Wasteland is one of those books that a guy can’t describe without seeming hyperbolic.

All the Sinners Bleed starts off more slowly (although the first few lines are dynamite), and it’s last line hits far differently, but the quality in between is just the same. Cosby’s going to knock you out every time you pick up one of his books, he’s just going to come at you from a different direction than last time.

This is not the beginning of a series—but I wish it was. I’d love to spend years with (many of) these people. Instead, we get to join them for one intense period in their lives and in the dark history of their town. That’s more than enough.*

* Also, more crimes like this in Charon County would be stretching credulity in a way that would be difficult to do with integrity.

Hopefully, I’m not over-hyping this book. My rating is one of the easiest 5 stars I’ve ever given. When I finished this book, I texted a friend that “Well, I really don’t have to read anything else this year, right? What’s going to match this?” Cosby’s talked frequently about the impact that some of Dennis Lehane’s early books made on him—there’s at least one yet-to-be-published crime writer out there who will be talking about All the Sinners Bleed in the same way in the years to come.

5 Stars

This post contains an affiliate link. If you purchase from it, I will get a small commission at no additional cost to you. As always, the opinions expressed are my own.

I Will Build My Church: Selected Writings on Church Polity, Baptism, and the Sabbath by Thomas Witherow, Edited by Jonathan Gibson: Presbyterianism 101

I Will Build My ChurchI Will Build My Church:
Selected Writings on
Church Polity, Baptism, and
the Sabbath

by Thomas Witherow, Edited by Jonathan Gibson

Publisher: Westminster Seminary Press
Publication Date: January 29, 2022
Format: Hardcover
Length: 251 pg.
Read Date: July 2-16, 2023

What’s I Will Build My Church About?

Thomas Witherow was an Irish Presbyterian pastor in the mid-Nineteenth Century, who later became a professor. Over the course of his ministry–in part thanks to the revivals of the time–he saw more competition in Ireland to the Presbyterian Church from a variety of Protestant groups. He also saw that too many Presbyterian members or ministers couldn’t define or defend the distinctives–many seeing them as a tradition more than a conviction.

One of Witherow’s driving missions was to help the Presbyterians he taught amongst to see that their distinctives were serious and defensible. He also wanted to explain them to the other Protestants and possibly convince them to at least consider them.

This is a collection of three of his works along those lines–about ecclesiology, sacraments, and the Sabbath–slightly edited for modern standards. Long sentences turned in to multiple, spelling updates, and so on–and the Bible citations modified to be the ESV. That sort of thing.

A Prince of Irish Presbyterianism

Before we get into the works, the editor, Jonathan Gibson, provides an almost 80-page biography of Witherow–sketching his education, family life, pastoral work, writing, and professorial work.

I just picked this up to read Witherow, and hadn’t counted on learning anything about him and it was a great bonus for me to get more context for his work both in terms of his own life and the Church situation he found himself in.

The Apostolic Church

Odds are, if you know anything that Witherow wrote, it’s this short book (in this edition, it’s about seventy pages long). The subtitle to this is “Which is it? – An Inquiry at the Oracles of God as to Whether Any Existing Form of Church Government is of Divine Right.” Which is a pretty good summary of the work.

Witherow’s convinced that too many people (no matter their preferred ecclesiology) see it as a matter of convenience, taste, and traition. He cannot abide by that kind of thinking–convinced that if the Church cannot find Scriptural endorsement of a way of doing something, it ought to be abandonded.

Witherow starts this work by listing and explaining six principles he sees in the Apostolic Church then he looks at the three forms of church government–prelacy (whether in Roman Catholic or Anglican form), congregational, and presbyterian–to see which, if any, does the best job of embodying those principles.

Scriptural Baptism

This is a slightly shorter book on the subject of Baptism–tackling (in turn) the mode of baptism and the subjects of it.

He deals with the question of mode pretty quickly–first by Scriptural evidence and then moving to practical considerations.

Then he moves on to the issue of the subjects of baptism–from the outset, he’s careful not to let prominent Irish Baptists set the terms of the debate, instead he reframes the typical way these conversations went in his circles. Rather than starting with the positions of the baptists and then responding to them, he sets out a few points he wants baptists to answer–and then shows how (from his vantage point, anyway) they cannot.

The Sabbath

The book on the Lord’s Day/Sabbath is more pointed than the others. Witherow takes a pretty traditional path–defining moral and ceremonial law at the outset. Then he addresses Christ’s attitude toward and teaching about the Sabbath before getting into the abrogation of the ceremonial law and the practice of the New Testament church.

Then Witherow addresses a move to adjust the equivalent of the Blue Laws there to make Sunday a day for amusement (I’m a little vague on the details and it’d take to long to explain my guesses). Basically, where you could go pay for theaters and shopping and the like. Witherow follows his explanation for the Christian observance of the Lord’s Day with a warning about what will happen if the laws are changed–how it will negatively impact workers, businesses, and the economy–in addition to the church.

Say what you will about Blue Laws (and I have plenty to say in other contexts), Witherow was spot-on with his predictions.

So, what did I think about I Will Build My Church?

I spent a lot of time with The Apostolic Church almost twenty years ago–I used it and a paper by him to compare with some contemporary American ecclesiologies. I haven’t read it since for a variety of reasons (mostly overkill), but man, it was fun to come back to it.

I appreciate the footnotes Gibson added, but I’m not so sure that we needed the ESV update. I don’t know what it gained, outside of maybe making it more accessible for contemporary readers. But those who are going to need an ESV rather than the AV for translation are really going to be put off by Witherow’s insistence to call the baptists Anabaptists throughout the second book. He’s definitely not a 21st century writer🙂

I enjoyed all these books–and Gibson’s biography was a great bonus. The photographs of Witherow and his family were unexpected, too.

Sharp, concise writing, with a little bit of punch (but not quarrelsome). This is a great introduction/tutorial on Presbyterian Church distinctives. Highly recommended.

5 Stars

PUB DAY REPOST: Fearless by M.W. Craven: I Didn’t Realize How Ominously “Proactive” Could Be Used in a Sentence

1. I don’t think I adequately expressed how good this book is below—it’s always a problem I have when I’m as enthusiastic about a book as I am about this one.
2. I typically post about a pre-publication book less than a month before publication, this is more than three months in advance. I just couldn’t wait that long to read it. See what I said about “enthusiastic” above.
3. Related to #1, I really don’t know if this is all that coherent–I get rambly when I’m this enthusiastic. I’m also not sure I rambled about the right things. You get what you pay for here.


by M.W. Craven

Series: Ben Koenig, #X
Publisher: Flatiron Books
Publication Date: July 11, 2023
Format: ARC
Length: 405 pgs. 
Read Date: March 20-21, 2023

What’s Fearless About?

I’m going to be vague and/or withholding a lot here because Ben Koenig/M.W. Craven will give you the details in a more satisfying manner than I will/can. So live with that—or go order the book. (the better option)

Ben Koenig used to be a U.S. Marshal. Well, he never resigned, so maybe he still is one. But he’s no-showed enough that he probably isn’t anymore. Before he went off-the-grid six years ago, he headed up the Special Operations Group—a task force that went after the worst of the worst on the Marshals’ caseload. They’re the kind of guys that Raylan Givens would call when things got over his head (or hat, I guess).

Koenig literally cannot feel fear—which is a great asset in a situation fraught with danger—it’s also a major problem. Fear keeps people from reckless and foolish moves. A move he might not have made if he’d hesitated a moment (but that he doesn’t regret) put him in a situation where he needed to disappear. No one is better at disappearing than someone who is great at tracking anyone.

But something has happened, and the Marshals have to go to extraordinary lengths to find him. The Director of the Marshals Service, Mitchell Burridge needs his help. Mitch was Ben’s mentor/friend/father figure, so he’d agree to pretty much anything. Mitch’s daughter went missing from her college some weeks ago, and no one has a lead on her—no police force, no Federal agency. Mitch asks Ben to bring his daughter home (at this point, probably her body, but no one admits that out loud). And as for those who took her? Well, that’s also best left unsaid. Ben will address that when it comes time.

As Mitch puts it, Ben’s an apex predator and there’s no one else who can do all of what needs to get done. He may be that, but he’s been acting more like prey for a long time so he makes a few stumbles along the way as he shakes the dust off. But it’s not too long before Koenig catches a scent and starts following it.

That’s an Unfortunate Name

There’s a figure mentioned pretty early on and then repeatedly throughout the book—it takes a while to know if he’s a victim of something, involved in the disappearance, tangentially connected to the abductors, a dupe, or a red herring—or something else entirely. But the name keeps coming up, and it threw me.

The name is Spencer Quinn. Spencer Quinn is also the pen name of Peter Abrahams. Readers of this blog will recognize that name as the author of one of my favorite PI series, The Chet and Bernie Mysteries, among other things. The name is distinctive enough that it jumps out at you—it took me out of the moment each time. In a way that Rob Parker, Pat Cornwall, or Tom Harris might not (or even the non-nickname versions of their names). Will this be a hiccup for anyone who isn’t a Quinn reader? Nope. Was it easy to get over? Yeah, but there’s the instinctual flash of name recognition throughout.

Craven had no idea he was doing this (as I’d assumed, although I’d theorized that he could be a major fan or a major detractor—depending on how things went with the character), although I have to confess I’m a little surprised that no editor stopped him along the way.

Still, it’s a cool name, you can’t blame a guy for wanting to use it. Just ask Peter Abrahams.

Michael Westen-Moments

The show Burn Notice would regularly feature the protagonist giving voice-over lessons on spycraft, weapons, strategy, etc. to the viewer, and that’s the name I inevitably give to moments in thrillers when the first-person narrator, or the protagonist’s thought process described by the third person narrator, breaks down the hero’s decision making, etc.

I love this stuff. Almost every thriller writer has to feed the reader this kind of thing because most of us don’t know how much pressure you have to exert on the trigger of Gun X to get it to fire, or why it’s important that the guy on the left is holding the knife the way he is so the hero knows he’s more dangerous than the larger guy on the right with the shotgun. Sometimes the protagonist—either through confidence (cockiness?) or to help intimidate the opposition—will deliver this in dialogue. I always appreciate the flair that gives.

Ben Koenig is great at this kind of thing. When he Michael Westons his way through the way he approaches a certain building in the final confrontation, why he picks the type of car he does to use on his mission, why he punches this guy the way he does, etc. the reader can actually believe they’ve been given some information they can use in their daily life. You know, the next time they need to drive a car into another state to locate the missing child of their old boss.

But my favorite Michael Westoning in this book—and the scene that hooked me—is early on when Koenig takes time to critique the group of deputies who came to bring him into custody for the way they went about it—location, timing, where the person with the shotgun was standing in relation to everyone else, etc. Sure, Koenig was the one being detained—but there was no doubt who was in control (and who could’ve made everyone’s day much, much worse had he wanted to).

Incidentally, it’s been too many years since I read the book, but you can’t tell me that this scene wasn’t a tip of the hat to Child’s Killing Floor—and a suggestion to the reader that this character is going to be their next Reacher (who is also good at Michael Westoning).

Who Wrote This Again?

I’m not going to try to claim that I’m an expert on M.W. Craven—but I’m fairly familiar with his work (I’ve read 6 of his 7 previously published novels—don’t ask me to explain the missing one). It’s easy to see that the Avison Fluke novels are written by the same author that gave us the Washington Poe novels. This makes sense, it’s fairly common amongst writers of multiple series—no one is surprised to learn that the Mickey Haller books are written by Bosch’s creator; the Sunny Randall and Virgil Cole/Everett Hitch series and the stand-alone Double Play are clearly the work of the Spenser writer; even if John Rebus wasn’t Malcolm Fox’s white whale, everyone could tell those series were written by the same man; and so on.

But Fearless? It probably took me less than 50 pages to stop thinking of this as ‘the new Craven’ book and ‘the first Koenig’ book. If Koenig shares any DNA with Fluke or Poe, it’d take 23andMe or Ancestry.com to figure it out. If you know nothing about Craven’s previous work, all you’ll see is someone writing a book in the mold of Jack Reacher and Peter Ash—with a little bit of Nick Mason and Nick Heller thrown in. Well, writing in that mold—and matching each series at their best.

So, what did I think about Fearless?

I think the past 5 years have demonstrated pretty clearly that I’m probably going to love whatever Craven writes—and now I know that’s true even if it doesn’t feel like a Craven book.

This just worked on every level—Koenig is a fertile character, well-designed to carry a series for quite a while. His assets are perfect for a Reacher/Peter Ash-type character. His flaws keep him from being invincible, and provide plenty of ways for him to be his own greatest adversary. His quirks (e.g., fixation on chocolate milkshakes, absorption of odd bits of trivia) round him out nicely. The reason he’s off the grid is better than being a Luddite/technophobe. Can he grow—and can the reader grow in their understanding of him? Sure. He can also believably regress and find develop new hindrances and weaknesses to work through or overcome.

The narrative voice that Craven uses here will suck in the reader and keep the pages turning between action scenes. The action scenes might as well be directed by John McTiernan, Shane Black, or Chad Stahelski. I don’t know how “realistic” they are, but I don’t think you have to suspend much disbelief. And they’re so fun, who cares?

The story could have been a little more intricate—just a tad. But given everything else that this book had to do—introduce Koenig, establish the series and his backstory, provide some good potential recurring characters—some things have to be sacrificed. Then again, I can point to several beloved and best-selling thrillers that aren’t as intricate as this one. So don’t take this point as anything but me being greedy.

I did have a quibble or two with the novel—it’s not perfect. But I hesitate to get into them as I read an ARC, and there’s still a chance for them to vanish before publication. Also, they’re pretty much at the straining at gnats level, and I try to avoid that. In the end, those quibbles only serve to underline how great the rest of it is.

This is clearly the first in a series (even if all the promotional materials didn’t call it that, you’d get that sense throughout—and the last five pages make it abundantly clear that there’s more to come. So I do think future books will have a slightly different flavor than this one—which could’ve very easily served as a standalone.

To put it simply, I loved every second I spent reading this, Fearless was the highlight of the month for me—and I expect that I’ll keep talking about it throughout the year—I can’t wait for it to get published here so that American audiences can meet Craven. Put your orders in now, folks, July will be here before you know it, and you don’t want to miss this.

Disclaimer: I received this eARC from Flatiron Books via NetGalley, and an ARC from Flatiron with an assist from the author in exchange for this post—thanks to all involved for this. Their providing it only influenced my opinion by giving me something to opine about—I raved about it of my own free will.

5 Stars

This post contains an affiliate link. If you purchase from it, I will get a small commission at no additional cost to you. As always, the opinions expressed are my own.

A Geerhardus Vos Anthology edited by Danny E. Olinger: A Collection of Theological Gems

A Geerhardus Vos AnthologyA Geerhardus Vos Anthology:
Biblical and Theological
Insights Alphabetically Arranged

edited by Danny E. Olinger

Publisher: P & R Publishing
Publication Date: March 11, 2005
Format: Paperback
Length: 363
Read Date: January 1-June 25, 2023
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What’s A Geerhardus Vos Anthology About?

Danny Olinger literally wrote the book on Geerhardus Vos,* but he’s been studying him for a lot longer than that. As a part of his own personal study, he’s taken notes—he’s written quotations that meant a lot to him, seemed important, and so on—basically (as he put it in the Preface) “the best” of what he was reading. He built upon this foundation to assemble this anthology.

* 2018’s Geerhardus Vos: Reformed Biblical Theologian, Confessional Presbyterian.

Arranged topically (and those topics are arranged alphabetically), this is a collection of excerpts of varying lengths (all pretty short) from his published and published writings—the crème de la crème of one of the best of the 20th Century.

There’s also a great introduction by Olinger outlining Vos’ importance and work.

So, what did I think about A Geerhardus Vos Anthology?

My guess is that this book isn’t meant to be a devotional read, it’s a resource—a reference book. A quick way to find some of Vos’ insights and then know what work to consult for more. That’s a better use for it, for sure. But I liked the way I read it.

So I took this as a letter at a time (although some letter’s entries were long enough that I split them in two). It made for a nice few minutes once a week to think about a variety of bite-sized nuggets of Biblical Theology.

Some were pithy, some took a little chewing to get through—all were insightful and useful (although some took some thinking to figure out how they were useful). Most of all, each one made me curious about the work they were excerpted from.

One aspect (I’m not sure if it’s a pro or a con) of this book being a collection of short (1 sentence to 4 paragraphs or so) thoughts is that some jumped out at me more than others, I’m pretty sure that I could restart it today and different things would grab my attention.

This is a great way to get an easy-to-read introduction to Vos. Grace and Glory might be better—but this is nothing to sneeze at.

5 Stars

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Broken by Don Winslow: It Doesn’t Get Better Than This


by Don Winslow

Publisher: William Morrow
Publication Date: August 10, 2021
Format: Paperback
Length: 335
Read Date: February 24-28, 2023

From the Back of the Book

No matter how you come into this world, you come out broken . . .
In six intense, haunting short novels, Don Winslow returns to the themes that are the hallmarks of his acclaimed body of work—crime, corruption, vengeance, justice, loss, betrayal, guilt, and redemption—to explore the savagery and nobility that drive and define the human condition.

In Broken, Winslow creates a world of high-level thieves and low-life crooks, obsessed cops and jaded private detectives, dope dealers and government agents, bounty hunters and fugitives. Diverse and richly drawn, these characters—some familiar, others new—are lost souls driving without headlights on the dark highway of modern America. Set in New Orleans and Hawaii, Southern California and south Texas, each story in this collection is distinctively Winslow, shaped by his trademark blend of insight, humanity, humor, drama, and consummate literary craftsmanship.

A powerful, gripping collection of tales that will become classics of crime fiction, Broken is Don Winslow at his nerve-shattering, heartbreaking best.

I’m not so sure I’d call these “short novels,” or novellas, or whatever. They’re long short stories. 50-60 pages or so each. But eh, who cares what they’re called? They’re a bunch of stories by Don Winslow—that’s enough for me.

Here are a few words about each.


Stunning. Gut-wrenching. Violent.

At its core, it’s about a narcotics officer in the New Orleans Police Department out for vengeance against the drug lord who killed his brother.

It’s about the price of vengeance, the hole a death can leave in a family, the costs of the War on Drugs to those on both sides, and what can happen when the watchmen aren’t watched.

Crime 101

Winslow is a master of style. It’s like he periodically decides to show the world that he’s the flashiest Crime Fiction writer in action. Sometimes he does it in a chapter (or less) of a novel, sometimes he does it for longer (I recall Savages being that)—this is one of those times. The entire thing is so quotable. The term cinematic comes to mind—you can practically see everything as you read it—maybe even reach out and touch it.

The story focuses on a master thief—so good that no one knows what he looks like. He’s referred to as the 101 Bandit because his targets seem to be focused up and down the Pacific Coast Highway, Highway 101.

Davis is everything you want a master thief to be (especially if you’ve watched too many movies). He’s cool, he drives flashy cars, he has exquisite taste in food and drink, and—because he lives by certain ironclad rules for his jobs–he’s never been caught.

Lou’s the detective who’s devoted to catching him. He’s not cool or stylish—he’s leaving his (cheating) wife, starting a new chapter in his life, and is determined to put the Bandit away.

Both are very good at their chosen professions—which is better?

The San Diego Zoo

Rightly or wrongly, I think of Winslow stories in one of two ways—they’re either full of gritty realism (think The Force, The Cartel trilogy, or Broken above). Or they’re this kind of crime story that you want to laugh at, even though it’s not really a comedy. They’re just as grounded, but there’s a joy to them that seems impossible to come from the same pen as the others.

This story belongs here. I shared the opening a couple of months ago—and it hooked me hard. I’m pretty sure that I texted the friend who gave me the book about my fanaticism for the story before I was half-done. I really think that I could read this daily for a month and still enjoy it.

Oh, what’s it about? A chimpanzee has escaped from the San Diego Zoo and somehow got a pistol. One of the cops at the scene is instrumental in getting the gun away from the chimp without a tourist (or anyone) getting shot and helping the Zoo retrieve it. Then gets curious about how the chimp got the gun and does his best to answer the question, and the reader gets taken on a wild ride.


I will always and forever take an excuse to read about Boone Daniels from The Dawn Patrol and The Gentleman’s Hour. In this story, Boone is off to chase down a beloved and legendary surfer who’s skipped on bail. How beloved? Some time ago Boone tagged this man with the nickname “ELT” for “Everyone Loves Terry.”

But now Terry’s on the verge of ruining a bail bondsman’s business. And yeah, he’s beloved—except by those he’s taken advantage of (like Boone, who keeps letting him do it).

I’m on the verge of retelling the whole thing in a lousy way. So I’ll just shut up. It’s a great cat-and-mouse hunt starring the world and characters from The Dawn Patrol (my personal favorite Winslow novel).

Even if you don’t regard the initial novel as an almost-Platonic ideal, even if you’ve never read that novel, you’ll find something to enjoy in this story.


The trio at the center of Winslow’s Savages and The Kings of Cool head to Hawaii to vacation and hopefully start doing some business. Because it’s this particular trio and they attract trouble, things go horribly wrong. But they go wrong in a flashy, stylish, and violent way. There’s some connection with other Winslow works, too.

It’s been years since I read them, so I can’t say for certain—but I think this isn’t as good as Savages, but better than The Kings of Cool. But both were so good, I’m not sure it matters.

The Last Ride

This was simply heartbreaking. It’s a story about a guard at an ICE detention center for children who’s had enough. The sight of one particular girl locked up moves him in a way that others haven’t. So he takes matters into his own hands.

So, what did I think about Broken?

This is a fantastic collection—not a dud in the batch, although I liked some more than others, but that says more about my tastes than the quality of the stories. This really feels like a broad overview of “here’s the spectrum of what Crime Fiction can be” (except for cozy, I don’t know if Winslow is capable of cozy). Each story is distinct and self-contained*—it’s hard to think that some are written by the same man—with different voices, different types of stories, and so on.

* Although there are some links between some of these stories in the volume—as well as ties to earlier novels.

One reason that I don’t want to quibble too much with the whole “short novel” descriptor is that unlike many short stories or novellas—every one of these stories packed the punch of a novel. The plots, intricacies of story and character, the emotional weight, and whatever else you want to ascribe to the reading experience felt more like it belonged to a 200+ page novel rather than a 50± page story.

Anything else I can think to say at this point is just a repetition. This is a great collection from a master of the craft. Don’t miss it.

5 Stars

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Grandpappy’s Corner: Sophie and the Heidelberg Cat by Andrew Wilson, Helena Perez Garcia (Illustrator): Sophie Gets Clarity on an Important Truth

Grandpappy's Corner Sophie and the Heidelberg Cat

Sophie and the Heidelberg Cat

by Andrew Wilson, Helena Perez Garcia (Illustrator)

Publisher: Crossway
Publication Date: September 3, 2019
Format: Hardcover
Length: 32 pg.
Read Date: June 3, 2023

What’s Sophie and the Heidelberg Cat About?

Sophie has been, well, let’s be kind and say misbehaving toward her sister, and is in her bedroom crying. Outside the window, she sees the cat belonging to her neighbors, the Heidelbergs. The cat asks her what’s wrong (yes, the cat talks) and the two go for a walk to things about things.

Sophie talks about how she’s not living up to what the Bible teaches:

“Be bold like King David, be brave like Queen Esther,
and do what God tells you, no matter how scary.
Don’t fight him, like Pharaoh, or trick him, like Judas.
Be patient, like Paul, and respectful, like Mary.

The cat responds by showing her that no one she knows lives up to this standard she thinks the Bible teachers. Not just the people in town, but the people in the Bible, too.

But more than that, she doesn’t have to work for God’s acceptance—the hope she has doesn’t come from her or her efforts. The hope for Sophie is a gift from God. Because she belongs to him, he will protect and comfort her.

A Bit of Playfulness

There are a few moments where the text takes a minute to recognize how strange it is for Sophie to do what she’s doing. Which is nice enough for a book for this age—but what makes it better is Sophie’s reason to go along for it. If a talking cat tells you to do something, asks you a question, etc.—you roll with it.

In the middle of these important ideas for a child (or an adult), Wilson still finds a moment for play. I loved it.

Let’s Talk about the Art for a Minute

I really liked the art. It reminded me of something—not in a derivative way or anything—but it struck a chord in me and made me think of something from my childhood. So I was won over—but I think it’d work for people without my nebulous tie to it, too.

It’s a crisp style, there’s a little whimsy in it, and it’s attractive enough to hold the eye of a young reader/child being read to. But—and this is important—it’s not so eye-catching that it takes away the focus from what Sophie and the cat are talking about.

How is it to Read Aloud?

This isn’t a “we’re going to have fun” reading this book full of tongue-twisters or crazy lines. But it’s not dull by any means—particularly the parenthetical thoughts about talking cats. It’s a text that I reflexively read in a quiet voice. I don’t know if other adults will have the same reaction, but I sure did.

So, what did I think about Sophie and the Heidelberg Cat?

It’s easy for Christian books/media for children to slip into moralism—whether its singing produce, works about notable historical/Biblical figures, or books about getting along with siblings and people who are different from us—the type of moralism and works righteousness that plague Sophie in this story are just around the corner.

That’s nowhere to be found here—in fact, the cat shoots down that notion. I’d have recommended the book for that alone. But the Heidelberg cat* doesn’t stop there—it goes on to talk about belonging to Jesus and resting in that.

* That name’s not subtle, but why should it be?

The answer to the first question of the Heidelberg Catechism is well known in many circles—as it should be. And while the words are easy enough for a young child to get by rote, the meaning might be more difficult to grasp for a few years. Wilson’s book helps tremendously with that—and as a bonus, it’s a great reminder for any adult reading it just how simple the truth is.

I don’t remember reading a Christian children’s book that comes close to this in terms of content, and I plan on heartily recommending this to as many people as I can. Starting with you, reader.

I cannot wait to read this to the Grandcritter—almost as much for my sake as his.

5 Stars

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On the Apostolic Preaching by Irenaeus of Lyons: A Timeless Survey of Redemptive History

On the Apostolic PreachingOn the Apostolic Preaching

by Irenaeus of Lyons , John Behr (Translator)

Series: Popular Patristics Series, #17
Publisher: St Vladimir's Seminary Press
Publication Date: September 01, 2003
Format: Paperback
Length: 101 pgs.
Read Date: April 2-9, 2023

What’s On the Apostolic Preaching About?

This is one of the two surviving works we have from the Second-Century theologian, Irenaeus. In this work, he simply recounts the Biblical storyline about the promised and coming and then Incarnate Messiah, His Earthly ministry, death, resurrection, and the spread of the Gospel.

I’m really not sure what else to say—he basically summarizes the Scriptures with a focus on Jesus.


I said essentially the same thing with the last book in this series that I blogged about, but I think it bears repeating.

For just about every reader (at least we non-scholars) the idea of reading Patristics is fairly daunting—even if you’ve done it before and emerged relatively unscathed (and maybe even learned something or enjoyed it). And it probably shouldn’t be that daunting on the whole (am more than sure that there are plenty of examples of intimidating texts).

There’s a reason that this work has endured through the centuries—it’s not just for its historical significance (although I’m sure that’s a lot of it), but this is something that has benefitted believers through the years from all levels of education and experience. There’s no one who can’t read and learn from this.

So, what did I think about On the Apostolic Preaching?

I started off a little annoyed by one of the introductory essays that stated that the first reading

will probably result in surprise and perhaps disappointment. Irenaeus does not present Christianity, in the way we have come to think of it, as a system of theological beliefs. Moreover, very little place is given to the ecclesiastical or sacramental dimensions of Christianity, nor does he describe the mystical life of prayer.

One, I didn’t know what to expect from this—I really only knew “Irenaeus” and “Popular Patristics” when I bought and then opened the book. Secondly, when I discovered what it was, I wasn’t disappointed. This is exactly what I want to see out of a 2nd Century writer—because it’s the kind of thing I appreciate in a 21st Century Writer. It’s reassuring to see that the central idea of what Apostolic Preaching ought to be is pretty much the same for both eras—yeah, some of what Irenaeus wrote could use some fine-tuning (and he’d likely say the same of what shows up in one of the Essential Studies in Biblical Theology volumes I’ve discussed). But their modus operandi are so similar, that it’s clear that they’re walking in the same direction.

I found this to be a quick, approachable read—as relatable today as it had to have been centuries ago (although I guess it’d be safe to say that many of his readers might not be ready to hear what he said in the same way I was). I was very encouraged by this and wish I’d read it years ago so I could be on my fifth or sixth reading now.

Highly recommended.

5 Stars

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Fearless by M.W. Craven: I Didn’t Realize How Ominously “Proactive” Could Be Used in a Sentence

1. I don’t think I adequately expressed how good this book is below—it’s always a problem I have when I’m as enthusiastic about a book as I am about this one.
2. I typically post about a pre-publication book less than a month before publication, this is more than three months in advance. I just couldn’t wait that long to read it. See what I said about “enthusiastic” above.
3. Related to #1, I really don’t know if this is all that coherent–I get rambly when I’m this enthusiastic. I’m also not sure I rambled about the right things. You get what you pay for here.


by M.W. Craven

Series: Ben Koenig, #X
Publisher: Flatiron Books
Publication Date: July 11, 2023
Format: ARC
Length: 405 pgs. 
Read Date: March 20-21, 2023

What’s Fearless About?

I’m going to be vague and/or withholding a lot here because Ben Koenig/M.W. Craven will give you the details in a more satisfying manner than I will/can. So live with that—or go order the book. (the better option)

Ben Koenig used to be a U.S. Marshal. Well, he never resigned, so maybe he still is one. But he’s no-showed enough that he probably isn’t anymore. Before he went off-the-grid six years ago, he headed up the Special Operations Group—a task force that went after the worst of the worst on the Marshals’ caseload. They’re the kind of guys that Raylan Givens would call when things got over his head (or hat, I guess).

Koenig literally cannot feel fear—which is a great asset in a situation fraught with danger—it’s also a major problem. Fear keeps people from reckless and foolish moves. A move he might not have made if he’d hesitated a moment (but that he doesn’t regret) put him in a situation where he needed to disappear. No one is better at disappearing than someone who is great at tracking anyone.

But something has happened, and the Marshals have to go to extraordinary lengths to find him. The Director of the Marshals Service, Mitchell Burridge needs his help. Mitch was Ben’s mentor/friend/father figure, so he’d agree to pretty much anything. Mitch’s daughter went missing from her college some weeks ago, and no one has a lead on her—no police force, no Federal agency. Mitch asks Ben to bring his daughter home (at this point, probably her body, but no one admits that out loud). And as for those who took her? Well, that’s also best left unsaid. Ben will address that when it comes time.

As Mitch puts it, Ben’s an apex predator and there’s no one else who can do all of what needs to get done. He may be that, but he’s been acting more like prey for a long time so he makes a few stumbles along the way as he shakes the dust off. But it’s not too long before Koenig catches a scent and starts following it.

That’s an Unfortunate Name

There’s a figure mentioned pretty early on and then repeatedly throughout the book—it takes a while to know if he’s a victim of something, involved in the disappearance, tangentially connected to the abductors, a dupe, or a red herring—or something else entirely. But the name keeps coming up, and it threw me.

The name is Spencer Quinn. Spencer Quinn is also the pen name of Peter Abrahams. Readers of this blog will recognize that name as the author of one of my favorite PI series, The Chet and Bernie Mysteries, among other things. The name is distinctive enough that it jumps out at you—it took me out of the moment each time. In a way that Rob Parker, Pat Cornwall, or Tom Harris might not (or even the non-nickname versions of their names). Will this be a hiccup for anyone who isn’t a Quinn reader? Nope. Was it easy to get over? Yeah, but there’s the instinctual flash of name recognition throughout.

Craven had no idea he was doing this (as I’d assumed, although I’d theorized that he could be a major fan or a major detractor—depending on how things went with the character), although I have to confess I’m a little surprised that no editor stopped him along the way.

Still, it’s a cool name, you can’t blame a guy for wanting to use it. Just ask Peter Abrahams.

Michael Westen-Moments

The show Burn Notice would regularly feature the protagonist giving voice-over lessons on spycraft, weapons, strategy, etc. to the viewer, and that’s the name I inevitably give to moments in thrillers when the first-person narrator, or the protagonist’s thought process described by the third person narrator, breaks down the hero’s decision making, etc.

I love this stuff. Almost every thriller writer has to feed the reader this kind of thing because most of us don’t know how much pressure you have to exert on the trigger of Gun X to get it to fire, or why it’s important that the guy on the left is holding the knife the way he is so the hero knows he’s more dangerous than the larger guy on the right with the shotgun. Sometimes the protagonist—either through confidence (cockiness?) or to help intimidate the opposition—will deliver this in dialogue. I always appreciate the flair that gives.

Ben Koenig is great at this kind of thing. When he Michael Westons his way through the way he approaches a certain building in the final confrontation, why he picks the type of car he does to use on his mission, why he punches this guy the way he does, etc. the reader can actually believe they’ve been given some information they can use in their daily life. You know, the next time they need to drive a car into another state to locate the missing child of their old boss.

But my favorite Michael Westoning in this book—and the scene that hooked me—is early on when Koenig takes time to critique the group of deputies who came to bring him into custody for the way they went about it—location, timing, where the person with the shotgun was standing in relation to everyone else, etc. Sure, Koenig was the one being detained—but there was no doubt who was in control (and who could’ve made everyone’s day much, much worse had he wanted to).

Incidentally, it’s been too many years since I read the book, but you can’t tell me that this scene wasn’t a tip of the hat to Child’s Killing Floor—and a suggestion to the reader that this character is going to be their next Reacher (who is also good at Michael Westoning).

Who Wrote This Again?

I’m not going to try to claim that I’m an expert on M.W. Craven—but I’m fairly familiar with his work (I’ve read 6 of his 7 previously published novels—don’t ask me to explain the missing one). It’s easy to see that the Avison Fluke novels are written by the same author that gave us the Washington Poe novels. This makes sense, it’s fairly common amongst writers of multiple series—no one is surprised to learn that the Mickey Haller books are written by Bosch’s creator; the Sunny Randall and Virgil Cole/Everett Hitch series and the stand-alone Double Play are clearly the work of the Spenser writer; even if John Rebus wasn’t Malcolm Fox’s white whale, everyone could tell those series were written by the same man; and so on.

But Fearless? It probably took me less than 50 pages to stop thinking of this as ‘the new Craven’ book and ‘the first Koenig’ book. If Koenig shares any DNA with Fluke or Poe, it’d take 23andMe or Ancestry.com to figure it out. If you know nothing about Craven’s previous work, all you’ll see is someone writing a book in the mold of Jack Reacher and Peter Ash—with a little bit of Nick Mason and Nick Heller thrown in. Well, writing in that mold—and matching each series at their best.

So, what did I think about Fearless?

I think the past 5 years have demonstrated pretty clearly that I’m probably going to love whatever Craven writes—and now I know that’s true even if it doesn’t feel like a Craven book.

This just worked on every level—Koenig is a fertile character, well-designed to carry a series for quite a while. His assets are perfect for a Reacher/Peter Ash-type character. His flaws keep him from being invincible, and provide plenty of ways for him to be his own greatest adversary. His quirks (e.g., fixation on chocolate milkshakes, absorption of odd bits of trivia) round him out nicely. The reason he’s off the grid is better than being a Luddite/technophobe. Can he grow—and can the reader grow in their understanding of him? Sure. He can also believably regress and find develop new hindrances and weaknesses to work through or overcome.

The narrative voice that Craven uses here will suck in the reader and keep the pages turning between action scenes. The action scenes might as well be directed by John McTiernan, Shane Black, or Chad Stahelski. I don’t know how “realistic” they are, but I don’t think you have to suspend much disbelief. And they’re so fun, who cares?

The story could have been a little more intricate—just a tad. But given everything else that this book had to do—introduce Koenig, establish the series and his backstory, provide some good potential recurring characters—some things have to be sacrificed. Then again, I can point to several beloved and best-selling thrillers that aren’t as intricate as this one. So don’t take this point as anything but me being greedy.

I did have a quibble or two with the novel—it’s not perfect. But I hesitate to get into them as I read an ARC, and there’s still a chance for them to vanish before publication. Also, they’re pretty much at the straining at gnats level, and I try to avoid that. In the end, those quibbles only serve to underline how great the rest of it is.

This is clearly the first in a series (even if all the promotional materials didn’t call it that, you’d get that sense throughout—and the last five pages make it abundantly clear that there’s more to come. So I do think future books will have a slightly different flavor than this one—which could’ve very easily served as a standalone.

To put it simply, I loved every second I spent reading this, Fearless was the highlight of the month for me—and I expect that I’ll keep talking about it throughout the year—I can’t wait for it to get published here so that American audiences can meet Craven. Put your orders in now, folks, July will be here before you know it, and you don’t want to miss this.

Disclaimer: I received this eARC from Flatiron Books via NetGalley, and an ARC from Flatiron with an assist from the author in exchange for this post—thanks to all involved for this. Their providing it only influenced my opinion by giving me something to opine about—I raved about it of my own free will.

5 Stars

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