by Anton Strout
Mass Market Paperback, 290 pg.
Ace, 2012
Yay! Been waiting for this one for too long. Sure, I’d prefer a new Simon Canderous novel, but this makes up for it.
This isn’t a conventional UF–your three human heroes are definitely not run-of-the-mill, which is nice; they’re all likeable, which is nicer. You want to spend time with them, you want them to come out on top, you want the giant, nigh-humorless and nigh-invulnerable, living statue to come to their rescue. Which works out for everyone, because that’s what the statue wants, too.
Stanis, the statue–gargoyle–in question here is a pretty nice character, too. Can’t get into all of it without entering spoiler territory, but for a superhero that gets, but doesn’t totally get, these odd humans, he’s pretty fun.
That’s a good description for the whole book–pretty fun. Not as intense, or dark and brooding, as a lot of UF. But a nice, fun, character-driven read. Good ending that’s not quite a cliff-hanger, but whets the appetite for volume 2.