Tag: Archer and Baines

Price to Pay by Dave Sivers: “The past is never dead. It’s not even past.”

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Price to PayPrice to Pay

by Dave Sivers

Series: Archer and Baines, #7
Publication Date: February 28, 2024
Format: eBook
Length: 288 pg.
Read Date: May 9-11, 2024

What’s Price to Pay About?

It’s not necessarily news-making when someone threatens a DCI. But DCI Archer gets a couple of very fresh threats from family members of someone she’s just put away and from a would-be organized crime heir, and things seem to be a little more real than usual. She’s ready to ignore them both, but some spoilery-events prevent that.

More annoyingly, an ex—some might call him the ex—tracks her down and announces his intention to win her back. Archer is utterly uninterested in him—and her husband is not amused by his antics at all. The ex- is on the verge of turning into a full-fledged stalker, and Archer’s mild-mannered husband is about to try to get into a fistfight over this.

As the distractions and annoyances start to pile up—there’s a murder. The initial evidence points at Archer and her husband, and a lot of their past starts coming back to haunt them. There are plenty of alternate suspects around, but none of them are quite as convenient for the police (Archer, on the other hand….)

Meanwhile, DI Baines has to deal with the repercussions of stopping the serial killer, The Invisible Man, on his family—who were almost victims. As the expert in The Invisible Man, he’s also brought in to consult on some cold case murders that might be connected to him. As much as he wants to help out—his loyalties are divided, because Archer needs help a lot sooner than these cold cases. (although he’s officially not allowed to be working on the case, for obvious reasons)

Backstory, Backstory, Backstory

Now it takes a little bit for the plot to get really rolling along because there is just so much backstory involved with Archer and Baines individually at this point. Particularly when it comes to Archer—she’s got connections with just about everyone we meet early on in these pages.

As this is my first time reading Sivers, I don’t know how many of these various and sundry people are making their first appearance in these pages, and how many are just people from her past that are being brought back into her life in this book. It really doesn’t matter, because Sivers will pause the narrative long enough to catch you up with the relationship/history between Baines, Archer, and these people from their pasts.

Most authors do this—and most of the time it’s good as a refresher or a way to get a new reader oriented. But with a book as rooted in the past and the ties between characters past and present as this one…taking the time to give all this background really slows things down. I think I’d have appreciated Sivers finding a better way to blend these into the narrative rather than stopping everything. It was such a momentum killer.

That said…all the backstories were pretty interesting. A couple might have been a smidgen too soap-opera-ish for me, but still interesting. The amount of work and character development demonstrated by these says a lot about the series that’s been built up to now.

So, what did I think about Price to Pay?

Once all the dominoes were set up—the crime established, the motives, the backstories told—Sivers started knocking them over and things moved so well that all the annoyances of the stop-and-start pacing of the early chapters were forgiven. To change up metaphors, it took a long time for Sivers to get his hook into me, but once he did—I couldn’t stop turning the pages.

This is such a rich, detailed world with a very clever—and well-executed—mystery. And, as is necessary for a police procedural series to be as established as this one, the characters are really well-developed and jump off the page. It’s a real treat to read.

While Price to Pay can serve as an entry point to the series, and has a strong stand-alone element to it, the amount of ongoing character and story arcs involved are going to be an obstacle for anyone approaching it without some previous knowledge of Archer, Baines, and the rest—and what they’ve been up to lately. Is it worth persevering? Oh yeah. But you should know that going in. And by the time you’re done—you’ll be curious about what’s next*—and maybe about what was before. Based on Book 7, Books 1-6 are quite the ride, you might be well-served starting from there.

* I will admit that I’m not sure what kind of future the series has, but it should be fun to see.

If you’re not new to this series, obviously, you’re not going to have that difficulty. You likely won’t need me to suggest that you give this a shot, you’re probably ahead of me on that point. Still, if you haven’t gotten around to it, you should probably remedy that.

That’s two paragraphs just to say: Price to Pay is an entertaining and rewarding police procedural that I recommend to you.

My thanks to Overview Media for the invitation to participate in this tour and the materials they provided (including the novel).

BOOK SPOTLIGHT: Price to Pay by Dave Sivers

I’m very pleased to welcome Overview Media’s Book Tour for the seventh Archer and Baines novel, Price to Pay by Dave Sivers. We’ll start with this spotlight to learn a little about the book and I’ll be along a little later with my take on the novel.

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Book Details:

Book Title: Price to Pay by Dave Sivers
series: Archer and Baines, Book 7
Genre: Police Procedural
Format: eBook/Paperback
Release Date: February 28, 2024
Price to Pay Cover

About the Book

‘Fast-paced, devious and twisty – the pages turned themselves! I loved it!’  – Liz Mistry

The more you have, the more you have to lose…

Following an arrest that went wrong, leaving her disfigured and her life in ruins, DCI Lizzie Archer transferred to Buckinghamshire’s Aylesbury Vale, hoping to rebuild her confidence, her career and her life. Eleven years later, she’s happily married, her career is back on track, and she has friends she would trust with her life.

But things can change in a heartbeat.

Meanwhile, her friend and colleague, DI Dan Baines, has worries of his own as the long shadow of the serial killer known as the Invisible Man continues to hang over him. When the chance comes to finally get answers to some troubling questions, he is almost afraid to learn the truth. Because sometimes the reality can be worse than your imagination.

Soon after receiving unsettling threats from local criminals, an old flame makes an unwelcome return to Lizzie’s life. Days later, a grisly murder too close to home plunges her into a nightmare that could cost her everything as suspicion falls on her and her husband, Dominic.

Dan and his team are sidelined from the murder investigation, but they’re not going to let that stop them when a friend is in trouble. And the clock is ticking. Because, if they can’t uncover the truth soon, things will get even worse for Lizzie and Dominic.

Book Links:

Amazon UK ~ Amazon US

About the Author:

Dave Sivers
Dave Sivers grew up in West London and has been writing all his life. His books include the popular crime series featuring the Aylesbury Vale detectives, DI Lizzie Archer and DS Dan Baines.

The Scars Beneath the Soul and Dead in Deep Water were both top three bestsellers in the Amazon Kindle Serial Killers chart. In Ice is the second in the DI Nathan Quarrel series.

His other works include the Lowmar Dashiel crime fantasy novels.

Dave also writes plays and other material for the amateur stage and is a founder of the annual BeaconLit festival of books and writing. He lives in Buckinghamshire with his wife, Chris.

To keep up with Dave’s news and upcoming releases, subscribe to his newsletter at www.davesivers.co.uk.

Author Links:

Website ~ Twitter/X ~ Facebook

My thanks to Overview Media for the invitation to participate in this tour and the materials they provided.

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