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Return from Exile and the Renewal of God’s People by Nicholas G. Piotrowski: Looking At The Heart of the Bible’s Narrative

Cover of Return from Exile and the Renewal of God's People by Nicholas G. PiotrowskiReturn from Exile and the Renewal of God’s People

by Nicholas G. Piotrowski

Series: Short Studies in Biblical Theology
Publisher: Crossway
Publication Date: March 18, 2025
Format: eARC
Length: 224 pg.
Read Date: January 19-26, 2025
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What’s Return from Exile and the Renewal of God’s People About?

I’m not going to do better, or be more succinct, than the Publisher’s Description:

God’s people, once resting in his divine presence, now toil in exile. The theme of humanity’s expulsion and wandering begins with Adam and Eve, but echoes in events throughout the Bible. Emphasizing the pain of separation from God, exile stories also highlight the hope of resurrection and creation’s imminent restoration back to the Edenic state.

In this addition to the Short Studies in Biblical Theology series, Nicholas G. Piotrowski traces the theme of exile throughout Scripture, giving readers a renewed appreciation for redemptive history and atonement in Christ. Sharing from his 15 years of study, Piotrowski connects the journeys of Abraham, Joseph, and Jesus with tabernacle imagery and other types to illustrate recurring themes of exile from Genesis until the new creation. This accessible volume helps believers understand their own exile and rejoice with the hope that they will one day worship in God’s holy presence.

Part 1: Exile and Death

The first part of the book traces the theme of Exile—beginning in Adam and Eve being exiled from the presence of God and the mountain garden/temple of Eden. Then several expulsions/exiles (with returns) are looked at as recapitulations of these themes, over and over up to the Babylonian exile.

In the last chapter of this section, “Chapter 5: Israel out of the Land,” there’s an extended discussion of the Psalms’ discussion of Exile/Return, seeing it even in the structure of the Psalter. This section (and the footnotes that accompany it for follow-up) is one of the highlights of Part 1 (actually, of the whole book, as I think about it).

Piotrowski does a fantastic job of drawing out the Redemptive-Historical threads running through this part of the canon and tracing their development.

Part 2: Return and Resurrection

For reasons that are generally obvious, the tone and manner of discussion shift a bit—as does the focus—here in the second part, which focuses on the pivotal, epoch-making event in this narrative—the Death/Resurrection/Ascension of the Lord Jesus Christ.

He begins with the Gospel accounts of Christ’s life—he applies the metaphor of “foreshocks” to these—his life, his teachings, and his miracles, how they point to the fulfillment of the Old Testament in the “mainshock” of his Death/Resurrection/Ascension. This is followed by the “aftershocks” of the returns from exile experienced by His people in the inter-advental period, leading to the ultimate “ultrashock” of the New Heavens and the New Earth, where the Return to the Garden Temple is complete.

It’s hopeful, it’s encouraging, it keeps the reader focused on the assurance we can gain from the Gospel events while we anticipate the Last Day and Return of Christ.

It’s easy to take John 3 for granted—or to avoid it due to “overuse” (or a perception of it) in contemporary Evangelical writings. But Piotrowski’s discussion in this part of the book was excellent—as was the final chapter on the close of the narrative arc.

So, what did I think about Return from Exile and the Renewal of God’s People?

Am I wholly convinced by the thesis that the principal drama of Scripture is best understood in the Exile because of Adam’s sin and the Return due to Christ terms? No. But I’m not going to argue against it. And even if I were to do that, it’d be half-hearted at best, because it’s a fantastic way to frame things, and any alternative I could suggest is easily compatible with it. I only mention this because I think some of Piotrowski’s insistence on it being “the” way to read Scripture is a bit too strong.

I do appreciate his use (and frequent footnoting) of some titles from the Essential Studies in Biblical Theology series (particularly, and unsurprisingly, Harmon’s Rebels and Exiles), if only because I couldn’t help thinking of that series as I read this (a common occurrence for books in this series). At the same time, I do admit to preferring this to Harmon’s book. I can’t put my finger on why, but Piotrowski’s discussion better resonated with me (this might also be my favorite book in this series).

My main complaint—and this is not one that most readers will have to put up with—is that the eARC doesn’t come with any of the figures/tables that will be in the published versions. It would’ve been so helpful to see them—or at least it would satisfy my curiosity. That’s such a niche (and self-centered) complaint that you should probably disregard this—I just wanted to whinge about it a bit. Just know if you buy a copy, you’re going to have a fuller experience than I did.

Like the other books in this series, there’s an emphasis in Piotrowski’s work to be accessible—and he really succeeds with that. But that shouldn’t be read as saying that there’s no depth, no challenge to the reading. There is, but the little bit of effort is greatly rewarded and it’ll carry you through the book. There’s plenty to chew on, but plenty of help to do that.

I took more notes that I expected to while going through this book—even now as I look over them, I’m surprised at the ratio of notes to pages. It’s higher than usual for a book of this depth and length. I got a lot out of reading this (and think a re-read would be equally rewarding), and I fully expect I won’t be alone in that.

I strongly recommend this for your personal study and encouragement.

Disclaimer: I received this eARC from Crossway via NetGalley in exchange for this post which contains my honest opinion—thanks to both for this.

4 Stars

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Word and Spirit: Selected Writings in Biblical and Systematic Theology by Richard B. Gaffin, Jr.: Righteous Gems

I can’t put this one off any longer—if I could, I promise you I would (I’ve delayed it a few weeks already). I’m out of my league here, but I’ve got nothing else to write about. And I really need to write something about this.

Cover of Word and Spirit by Richard B. Gaffin, Jr.Word and Spirit:
Selected Writings in Biblical and Systematic Theology

by Richard B. Gaffin, Jr.; edited by David B. Garner & Guy Prentiss Waters

Publisher: Westminster Seminary Press 
Publication Date: December 1, 2023
Format: Hardcover
Length: 723 pg.
Read Date: January 7, 2024-September 22, 2024

The word atonement does not occur in Paul’s writings.’ But no concern is more central for him than the meaning of the death of Christ, the church’s perennial concern in its doctrine of the atonement. What does Christ’s death achieve? How is it effective for the salvation of sinners? This chapter considers Paul’s answers to such questions with an eye to the issue of continuity between Paul’s teaching and later church doctrine. How faithful to the apostle is subsequent Christian understanding of the atonement?

Contemporary Pauline scholarship is marked by a fairly widespread consensus that in its dominant and most influential expressions, traditional atonement theology departs from Paul in at least two substantial ways. First, it fails to recognize, or at least do justice to, the Christus Victor theme in Paul, that Christ’s death destroys actual slavery to sin and its consequences in the sinner. Second, its notion of the cross as penal substitution, particularly as it has been developed beginning with the Reformation, is foreign to Paul.? In my view, the first of these critiques contains some measure of truth; however, the second is wrong. As a fair generalization, historic Christianity, including Protestant orthodoxy, is weak in not recognizing adequately Paul’s teaching that the cross destroys sin in the sinner as a corrupting and enslaving power, but modern historical-critical scholarship is defective for not dealing adequately with his teaching that the cross removes the guilt and just punishment of sin.

What’s Word and Spirit About?

According to the Publisher,

Few Reformed theologians have exerted the influence in both the church and the academy that Richard B. Gaffin, Jr. has, shaping the theology and spiritual formation of generations of pastors and teachers. Until now, his most significant published works have been inaccessible to most theological readers, published in academic journals, denominational newsletters, and out of print festschrifts and essay collections. A decade in the making, Word & Spirit gathers Gaffin’s finest works of biblical and systematic theology and arranges them in a singular, organic whole that presents Gaffin’s thought and work as comprehensively and clearly as it ever has been. More than 40 essays, articles, and tracts have been compiled, including “The Usefulness of the Cross”, No Adam, No Gospel, “A Cessationist View,” and “The Work of Christ Applied”. This collection is a must-have for any student of theology.

There’s really not much else to say. It’s broken down into five sections, and I’d be tempted to say that each section was the most valuable/useful (well, at least 2-5, but maybe if I spent some time re-reading part 1, I’d reconsider that). Let’s take a quick look at each:

Hermeneutics, Biblical Theology, and Systematic Theology

This is ten articles spread out over 170+ pages, covering the basics of Biblical Theology, how it can and should interact with Systematic Theology (and vice versa).

There’s some repetition of ideas (this will be a common thread throughout each section), which makes sense as these were written as individual pieces, not as part of a book, and Gaffin’s position and ideas about these things have remained static/build on each other.

It’s vital to understand him and his work—and just good to have a handle on these ideas regardless.

Theology of Hebrews and Paul

Most of these seven articles encapsulate (and expand on) the ideas from In the Fullness of Time: An Introduction to the Biblical Theology of Acts and Paul, a book I raved about a couple of years ago. But there are teachings and texts he didn’t address there, that he does here.

This section was so rich, so helpful—the chapters “‘The Obedience of Faith’: Some Reflections on the Rationale for Romans,” “Atonement in the Pauline Corpus: ‘The Scandal of the Cross,'” “and “The Priesthood of Christ: A Servant in the Sanctuary”—were good enough that I almost re-read them immediately (and I probably should’ve).

The first article in this section, The Usefulness of the Cross is available as a PDF Free Chapter Download from the publisher, take advantage of this.

Scripture, Epistemology, and Anthropology

The first three of these six chapters might have been the most mind-stretching for me (they won’t be for everyone), and were very rewarding.

The final three were the easiest for me—and the most repetitive in the book. They focus on Biblical anthropology (as in teaching on the nature of man), focusing on the historicity and nature of Adam. I’ve read at least “No Adam, No Gospel” before—it was published as a booklet a few years ago, and I think I read the previous chapter, the Translator’s Foreword to Adam in the New Testament as well. And I didn’t mind one bit re-reading it/them. Still helpful.


These seven chapters could be (should be, if you ask me) be reworked into one book. Gaffin shines in these studies—and going back to his By Faith, Not By Sight and Resurrection and Redemption, these teachings are where he’s historically helped me the most. And that streak continues here.

Reformed theologians often (and wrongly) get the reputation for not talking about the Spirit as much as other traditions, and—even worse—are considered to ignore Him. Gaffin makes it clear that everything about Reformed Theology is based on the work of the Spirit in believers’ lives and helps us understand just what that means—both theologically and practically.

The Law of God, Soteriology, and Eschatology

This section pretty much covers “everything that couldn’t fit above.” Again, I’ve read a few of these before in other publications/stand-alone works. But I don’t care.

The chapters on eschatology are gold.

The chapters on Justification and Calvin are even better—the way he talks about Calvin’s view of the relationship of Sanctification and Justification (and the way he presents the two in The Instittues even in the organization of them) is so important for us all to heed. Particularly as he roots them both in Union in Christ—as is every benefit that the believer enjoys in this life and in the resurrection.

So, what did I think about Word and Spirit?

The justification of God’s elect is unshakably secure because, in a sentence, Jesus Christ is “the same yesterday, today and forever” (Heb. 13:8). Despite the way it is often read, this is not, at least in the first place, a proof text for Christ’s divine immutability, that as God he is unchanging, though that attribute is surely in the background (see, for instance, 1:10—12).” Rather, it is most likely an affirmation of his unwavering fidelity, his abiding reliability as high priest—in his once-for-all sacrifice in the past on earth and in his ongoing present and future (cf. 7:25) intercession in heaven. That is as good a note as any to bring these reflections to a close. “Jesus Christ—the same yesterday, today and forever.” This, first and finally, is what Christians need to know about their justification when they consider Christ as their priest, not only in his state of humiliation but also in his state of exaltation.

Outside of the Foreword, Introduction, and Brief Biography (Appendix A), none of this is particularly easy reading. Nor quick. But all of it is accessible—for the depth he gets into at points, this is much more approachable than On Classical Trinitarianism (to mention a recent example).

This is probably the most personally beneficial read I’ve had in the last couple of years—sitting down with Gaffin for 30-50 minutes every week has been a great discipline and a great boon.

I should probably have more to say than that, but I can’t think of what else to say that’s not just a restatement of this: this is a fantastic book—with insights, teachings, and reminders of the things that are vital for every believer.

Highly recommended.

5 Stars
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Redemptive History & Biblical Interpretation: The Shorter Writings of Geerhardus Vos Edited by Richard B. Gaffiin, Jr.: A Treasure of Briefer Theological Writings

Cover of Redemptive History & Biblical Interpretation by Geerhardus VosRedemptive History & Biblical Interpretation: The Shorter Writings of Geerhardus Vos

by Geerhardus Vos, edited by Richard B. Gaffin, Jr.

Publisher: P & R Publishing 
Publication Date: June 1, 2021
Format: Hardcover
Length: 543 pg. 
Read Date: January 7-September 1, 2024

“Jehovah appeared of old unto me saying, Yea, I have loved thee with ap everlasting love, therefore have I drawn out long lovingkindness unto thee” (31:3), in order to do justice to their sweetness and beauty. This is like coming out of the waste of the wilderness into a land of paradise. Even quite objectively regarded, the piece has its ineffable charm. It is like a landscape bathed in the glow of the harvest-season. In the farther distance winds the caravan of returning captives, coming homeward with weeping and supplication along rivers of water. The people are seen flowing unto the goodness of Jehovah, to the grain, the new wine, and the oil. In the foreground rises Judah with her cities, a mountain resplendent in holiness. And the whole is made musical by the sound of tabrets in the dances of them that make merry. Still, while a delight in itself, the scene, in order to be fully enjoyed, should be seen through the eyes of the prophet. It sounds like the notes of a bird finding its cage unexpectedly open, and with delirious joy exploring the new-gained freedom. For once the vision and the seer’s deepest desire are perfectly blended. The lyre thrills in unison with something that sings itself within and needs no composing. The words move in absolute harmony with the graceful movements of the dancing virgins in the feast. Surely this prophet bore within himself a great poet. One cannot help feeling this even in his litanies with their forecast of doom on the sin of Israel. But most effectively, it shows itself in the larger and freer rhythms of the ascriptions of glory to Jehovah. It is in part a poet’s satisfaction, that at the receding of the tide of vision, finds voice in the spontaneous words, “Upon this I awaked and beheld, and my sleep was sweet unto me” (31:26). For the prophets are the only true interpreters of the sleeping or waking moments in which God communicated His word unto them.

What’s Redemptive History & Biblical Interpretation About?

Paraphrasing the Preface, the plan for this work was to include almost all of Vos’s work that wasn’t included in his “major works.” But there was just too much of it—so Gaffin limited this to his shorter works that weren’t sermons or that weren’t dated. We get seven “Major Biblical and Theological Studies,” sixteen “Shorter Biblical Studies,” two addresses, and nine book reviews.

Those reviews “either deal with books of continuing influence or provide a valuable statement of Vos’s own views.”

Major Studies

The book starts out with the heavy-weights of the collection20+ page articles on things like “The Eschatology of the New Testament,” “The Range of the Logos Title in the Prologue to the Fourth Gospel,” two (dynamite) pieces on the book of Hebrews, the Doctrine of the Covenant, and so on.

Most of these were worth the purchase price of the book as a whole—I’ve read entire volumes on some of these topics that didn’t give me as much to chew on as these did. Most of what he said in his article on Biblical Theology has been echoed by Vos’s students and readers for decades, so I didn’t get as much from that one as I’d hoped—but it was nice hearing it from his own pen.

Basically, just an outstanding way to start this book, and a great way to spend 270 or so pages.

The Shorter Studies and Addresses

These were a mixed bag of focused and impactful articles and some that had to settle for being interesting and thoughtful. There was one article here that went largely over my head—and probably relied too much on linguistic scholarship that has probably shifted a great deal in the century +/- since it was written. Sometimes—especially in these shorter pieces—you can see that Vos also dabbled in poetry, because some of the phrasing is so lyrical.

The addresses make me wish we had video—or at least audio—recordings of him. I bet those were fascinating to hear—they’re fascinating to read, but probably would give an extra punch when delivered. The first of the addresses, “The Scriptural Doctrine of the Love of God” is something I should read annually—at least.

Book Reviews

Dr. Denney’s latest book puts us under the strange necessity of heartily praising its contents and at the same time deploring most deeply the main purpose for which it was written. We confess to having seldom read a book productive of such a sudden and painful revulsion of feeling, from a sympathetic and enthusiastically admiring state of mind to one of sharp protest and radical dissent, as the work before us. Dr. Denney’s style and manner of presentation are so brilliant and yet so warm and genial, he carries us along so easily, so absolutely compels our belief in the irrefutableness of his argument, that, when he proceeds to make the disagreeable application, we find it more than ordinarily difficult to arrest the momentum of conviction acquired and turn our minds all at once in the opposite direction. The sense of disillusionment at the close is so poignant that it inevitably gives rise to the question, whether perhaps the profound agreement in which we imagined ourselves to be with the writer was not after all a delusion, arising from a misinterpretation on our part of the real drift of the discussion, so that, if we had only read more carefully and between the lines, we would have disagreed from the beginning. Whether the case lies actually as just stated or whether it is a simple instance of non sequitur between approved premises and a false conclusion, we find it extremely difficult to decide.

I really figured that the home stretch of this book contained in these reviews would be easy reading, and really something I could skim because who’d ever heard of most of these books? Wow, I could not have been more wrong (and, it had been months since I read the Preface, so I’d forgotten that “valuable statement of Vos’s own views” part).

To start with, we get reviews of the first two volumes of Bavinck’s Gereformeerde Dogmatiek (known in English as Reformed Dogmatics)—I wish we’d gotten reviews of all four volumes. What I found interesting here was how much what Vos said about these volumes matched what my friends, others in my Church, and I have said about Bavinck’s writing.

Then we move to the books he wasn’t quite so positive about—there are two books by Albert Schweitzer here, and I at least know a little about him, but the other names were new to me. I’m not positive, but I think that all but Bavinck fall under the “statement of Vos’s own views.” These all share a similar outline: a pretty glowing introductory paragraph, a quick synopsis of the work or its premise, and a very nice one-paragraph conclusion. He’s largely complimentary in these parts, recognizing the labor, the experience, and the intelligence of the author. It’s all the stuff in-between where Vos will talk about the many, many flaws of these works and will challenge the thinking, conclusions, and some of the basic assumptions involved. He is capable of appreciating the work and its strengths—and has no problem talking about them—but still talking about the faults, in a serious but not in an offensive or mean-spirited way. He really gives an example for his readers in that way.

He also does a bang-up job of working in those principles and types of argument that can be profitable, even if the works he’s talking about have faded from almost everyone’s memory.

So, what did I think about Redemptive History & Biblical Interpretation?

Let us not forget, however, that as of all theology, so of Biblical Theology, the highest aim cannot lie in man, or in anything that serves the crea. ture. Its most excellent practical use is surely this, that it grants us a new vision of the glory of Him who has made all things to the praise of His own wonderful name. As the Uncreated, the Unchangeable, Eternal God, He lives above the sphere of history. He is the Being and never the Becoming One. And, no doubt, when once this veil of time shall be drawn aside, when we shall see face to face, then also the necessity for viewing His knowledge in the glass of history will cease. But since on our behalf and for our salvation He has condescended to work and speak in the form of time, and thus to make His works and His speech partake of that peculiar glory that attaches to all organic growth, let us also seek to know Him as the One that is, that was, and that is to come, in order that no note may be lacking in that psalm of praise to be sung by the Church into which all our Theology must issue.

This is not going to come as a shock to anyone who’s read any of the things I’ve said about Vos in the previous four posts about his work, but this collection just knocked my socks off. I read an article a week and it was one of the highlights of the week for me to do so.

I learned a lot. Not just about Vos and his brand of theology, but about the Scriptures and the Lord who gave them to His Church so she would see Him and His glory in them.

The writing is fantastic. The thinking is even better. I had to think about a lot of this, to ponder and wrestle with it, and got to revel in it, too.

I can’t think of a reason to not read this book—it’ll reward careful reading (and casual reading, too—just not as richly). It’s just great stuff.

5 Stars

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REPOSTING JUST ‘CUZ: Christ of the Consummation, Vol. 1 by O. Palmer Robertson: The Beginning of A Wonderful Trilogy

Until the bugs get worked out, I really can’t do a whole lot. So, here’s one of my favorite reads from the last few years.

Christ of the Consummation:Christ of the Consummation:
A New Testament Biblical Theology
Volume 1: The Testimony of
the Four Gospels

by O. Palmer Robertson

Publisher: P & R Publishing
Publication Date: June 1, 2022
Format: Paperback
Length: 321 pg.
Read Date: August 7-28, 2022
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In these new phases of redemptive history, the heart of the revelation does not change, but it broadens and deepens in the realities of the truth. Jesus Christ is the same, but his church, his precious bride, is being built by the addition of nations being born in a day as a consequence of Christ’s pouring out the gifts of his Spirit on all flesh. The kingdom of God has come and continues to come. The kingdom of God is yet to come. It will arrive in all its fullness on that day, the great judgment day, the day of resurrection and restoration of all things. To God be the glory for the things he has done, is doing, and yet will do.

What’s Christ of the Consummation, Volume 1 About?

At some point when reading Vos’ Biblical Theology most readers like me* start to wonder, “How is he doing to have time to cover the New Testament? While Vos doesn’t give his readers the same kind of insight into the history of revelation of the NT as he does the OT, he does set out some principles. Robert’s work is the first book-length attempt to apply Vos’ directions to apply his method to the NT (actually, the first of three book-length attempts).

That’d be people who didn’t know what was coming from pre-knowledge about the book or reading the Table of Contents.

He begins by stating the difference between the two works—there are centuries upon centuries of history of OT revelation, and a maximum of one from the announcement of Jesus’ birth to Mary to the end of John’s writing on Patmos. But that doesn’t mean that there’s no development, but how best to approach that? Robertson focuses on three distinctives in his approach:

  1. Retracing the Historical Progression across the Various Phases of New Covenant Revelation as the Organizing Principle
  2. The Foundational Role of the Old Covenant Scriptures
  3. Contemporary [to their writing] Application of New Testament Biblical Theology

With these distinctives in mind, Robertson looks at material concerning Jesus’ self-testimony; various phases of His life and work; the progressive revelation of the Kingdom during His life; His death, burial, resurrection, and ascension; and then he moves into closer looks at the various Gospels individually and corporately.

An Unexpected Bonus

A number of times throughout the text Robertson will hit pause on his exegetical work, the historical reflections, or the interpretative/theological conclusions from those, to offer application to the lives and hearts of the reader. Sometimes a broader or more general call and sometimes it’s a narrow focus. I really didn’t expect these at all, and I almost never saw them coming when he did pause for one. But I appreciated them all and found them to be a real enhancement to the work.

So, what did I think about Christ of the Consummation, Volume 1?

I’m clearly not qualified to evaluate Robertson’s application of Vos, but people like D.A. Carson and Richard Gaffin are, so I’ll take their word for it. Sure, they wrote the forward and a “further word” for this book, so it’s not like we’re talking about impartial evaluations.

Nor am I capable of—or willing to—give this a good and thorough review/evaluation. Although I do wish I could. So let me offer a few thoughts from my perspective as a lay reader. And I do think this is a book written with the layman in mind—it’s not a casual read by any means, but it is not a book solely for scholars.

I’m not sure I’ve read a Christian book this year that has made me think more, read slower/closer, and pushed my thinking more. It’s also been the most rewarding and I think it will prove the most fecund for my future reading, study, and devotion.

At the same time, the number of times that I read something I don’t think I’d ever been exposed to, or that was wholly novel to me is so small as to be negligible. This is not to say that it was all review or that he didn’t make me stop and think for a minute or ten to consider a point before moving on. But on the whole, it’s a reframing and refocusing of many things I’ve read in lay-friendly works or heard in sermons/lectures. It’s not “here’s a whole new way to read/think about the Gospels”—and Robertson would be the last to want something like that. Instead, this is a “here’s a way to profitably consider the way these things were revealed” and “here’s how the Gospels build upon one another and build up each other.”

I’m already trying to figure out when I can get in a re-read without ruining plans for next year—possibly in combination with a re-read of Vos’ Biblical Theology so I can more directly see for myself the connections between the two works and Vos’ influence.

This is the first in a trilogy—if the rest of the trilogy is as good as this one, the series will likely end up on shelves everywhere next to Vos. I know I’m already ready to dive into the next volume.

5 Stars

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The Return of the Kingdom by Stephen G. Dempster: A Quick Look at this Redemptive Historical Overview

The Return of the KingdomThe Return of the Kingdom:
A Biblical Theology of God’s Reign

by Stephen G. Dempster

Series: Essential Studies in Biblical Theology
Publisher: IVP Academic
Publication Date: March 19, 2024
Format: Paperback
Length: 202 pg.
Read Date: April 14-28, 2024
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What’s The Return of the Kingdom About?

I’m low on energy, so I’m just going to copy the back of the book here:

The biblical story begins and ends with God as king. Human beings rebel, however, rather than fulfilling their royal calling to rule creation on behalf of their Sovereign—and the world became enslaved to the rule of a dark, serpentine lord.

In this volume of IVP Academic’s Essential Studies in Biblical Theology, Stephen Dempster traces the themes of kingship and kingdom throughout Scripture, illuminating the challenges, pain, and ultimate hope that the Bible offers. The story of God’s kingship is ultimately the fulfillment of a promise, a promise to restore the rightful rule of humanity over creation by defeating sin and death and to establish a world of peace and justice.

After a quick overview of his approach in this book and his understanding of the Kingdom, Dempster surveys the story of the Bible highlighting the teaching of the Kingdom throughout. After spending three chapters covering Creation and the Fall, he then covers Redemptive History–with two chapters on the Gospels. Then he wraps things up with a look at Revelation and the current status of the Church and Kingdom–and what we should expect after the present.

So, what did I think about The Return of the Kingdom?

Dempster’s survey was helpful, and on more than one occasion, insightful. But at the same time, it was a little too much like the other surveys in this series. What he brought wasn’t all that distinctive from the rest.

On the one hand, this is a very good thing–while focusing on other themes and motifs than the others, he’s picking up the same overarching storyline in the Bible the others were. And there should be a lot of overlap between those.

On the other hand, for the reader, while we can draw confidence from the unity, we can also get bored.

I thought the introduction (“The Return of the Kingdom: The Biblical Theology of God’s Reign”, the first chapter “The Big Picture: The Bible’s Bookends”), and the last chapter (“Grand Finale and Kingdom Come: Revelation and the Present”) were very strong and helpful. And they pretty much justified the time and money I invested in the book. The rest was utterly fine. I wanted more, but I can be satisfied with what I got.

For people who haven’t read all/most of the books in this series, you could probably gain a lot from this book. For those who have read the rest? Go in with the right expectations and you’ll be okay.

3 Stars

This post contains an affiliate link. If you purchase from it, I will get a small commission at no additional cost to you. As always, the opinions expressed are my own.
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My Favorite Theology/Christian Living Books of 2023

My Favorite Theology/Christian Living Books of 2023
It probably says something about me that 40% of this list was written pre-20th Century (I have some friends who’d opine that it says I read too many contemporary authors). My reading plans for 2024 (as sketchy as they are at the moment), suggest I could be looking at a similar number next year. I actually hope so—this was good for me.

As always, re-reads don’t count for these lists.

(in alphabetical order by author)

The Nicene Creed: An IntroductionThe Nicene Creed: An Introduction

by Phillip Cary

My original post
This is a fantastic introduction to the Nicene Creed and/or some of the doctrines taught by it (technically, the Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed, but who calls it that outside of technical discussions?). In many cases, it’ll be a review of ideas—but even in those cases, Cary will likely shed a different light on it, or make you think about the idea in a way you’re not used to. This can be a quick and breezy read, but it’s a mistake to let Cary’s simple and straightforward text let you read quickly—because there’s a lot to think about and reflect on here. Even if—especially if, actually—you recite the Creed on a regular or frequent basis every Lord’s Day. This is a great way to stop and meditate on these essential truths of the Christian faith.

4 1/2 Stars

The Existence and Attributes of GodThe Existence and Attributes of God: Updated and Unabridged

by Stephen Charnock, edited by Mark Jones

An original post (another is forthcoming)
This isn’t a definitive, exhaustive work on God’s attributes (or existence)—it cannot be (and would be blasphemous to suggest otherwise). But when you’re in the middle of a chapter, it’d be easy to think it is. Not just because of the depth Charnock goes into on each topic, but the angles he approaches it from. In the middle of the Discourse on God’s Knowledge, I was astounded, for example, by how many different ways he found to talk about it. It’s easy to see why this work has stood the test of time and can’t imagine anything in the 21st Century topping it (maybe someone will get their act together in the 22nd).

5 Stars

Who Chose the Gospels?Who Chose the Gospels?: Probing the Great Gospel Conspiracy

by C. E. Hill

My original post
An alternate title for the book could be, how do you solve a problem like Iraneaus? Or, more to the point, how do you ignore his (early date) recognition of only 4 gospels—Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John—despite what we’re told about the state of gospel availability and canonization by so many today. Hill examines some of the time frames, uses, content, and provenance of some of the so-called competitor gospels (i.e., those that never were considered canonical) to compare them to both the canonical gospels and those early figures of the Church we see discussing the gospels. But primarily, Hill is concerned with the use of and testimony regarding the canonical gospels—and the evidence regarding their use by the Church and when it started. What’s more, he discusses (and educates) these ideas while being entertaining (never sacrificing educating for entertaining). Hill is careful and thorough, acknowledging challenges to his position about the emergence of the fourfold Gospel to the place it holds today. But he’s consistent in showing how those challenges don’t have the weight and merit that so many in our culture assume they do.

5 Stars

On the Apostolic PreachingOn the Apostolic Preaching

by Irenaeus of Lyons , John Behr (Translator)

My original post
This is exactly what I want to see out of a 2nd Century writer—because it’s the kind of thing I appreciate in a 21st Century Writer. It’s reassuring to see that the central idea of what Apostolic Preaching ought to be is pretty much the same for both eras—yeah, some of what Irenaeus wrote could use some fine-tuning (and he’d likely say the same of what shows up in one of the Essential Studies in Biblical Theology volumes I’ve discussed). But their modus operandi are so similar, that it’s clear that they’re walking in the same direction. This is a a quick, approachable read—as relatable today as it had to have been centuries ago (although I guess it’d be safe to say that many of his readers might not be ready to hear what he said in the same way I was). I was very encouraged by this and wish I’d read it years ago so I could be on my fifth or sixth reading now.

5 Stars

The Beginning and End of All ThingsThe Beginning and End of All Things: A Biblical Theology of Creation and New Creation

by Edward W. Klink III

My original post
Klink starts by saying that a doctrine of creation needs to be about more than what happened in Genesis 1-2, piquing my interest and getting me on his side immediately. His point is that the doctrine needs to concern itself with why God made the Earth—what was His purpose in creating, what’s His goal for the creation, and so on. It’s about the goodness of the creation and how we are to enjoy and preserve it. It’s ultimately about the new creation, what is going to happen on that Last Day when creation is renewed, restored, and recreated. This is a refreshing, warm, and pastoral look at a doctrine we too often limit to a narrow question, missing the big picture.

4 Stars

Flood and FuryFlood and Fury: Old Testament Violence and the Shalom of God

by Matthew J. Lynch

I read this book back in March, and have yet to write a post about it because I’m still wrestling with some of Lynch’s positions and arguments. The biggest area that I was working through and on was his treatment of the relation of the Flood to the Covenant in the Garden and the Noahaic covenant to that covenant as well. The next book on this list helped me tremendously (mostly to Lynch’s detriment). But that’s not to say that I didn’t get anything from that portion of the book, it just made me think a lot—so much that I couldn’t write anything about the book as a whole. The portions of the book on Divine Violence in general (how to think of it, how not to think of it or avoid the idea, either) and about the conquest of Canaan are strong and very helpful.

4 Stars

God to UsGod to Us: Covenant Theology in Scripture

by Stephen G. Myers

My original post
I’ve read more books on Covenant Theology than I can easily count, and if this isn’t the best, it’s so close to it as not to matter. Myers gives his readers a thorough introduction to Covenant Theology as it came to the Protestant Church from the Reformation—particularly the English Reformation and the explanation offered by the Westminster divines and their contemporaries. His introduction is readable, clear, and helpful to the layman willing to put in a little work—but he’s not just repeating what the previous generations gave us, he’s looking at contemporary theology and insights as well.

That our Lord would condescend to His people in covenant is mind-blowingly gracious in the first place—that He does so to rebels in order that he could win them to Himself? That should drive us to worship. And the more we understand the gracious and remarkable nature of these covenants, the more we should be driven to it. Myers brings his readers to this point repeatedly—sometimes just by explaining something clearly—sometimes by applying his explanation to the reader to help us understand how it should make us reflect in worship.

5 Stars

The Holy Spirit: An IntroductionThe Holy Spirit: An Introduction

by Fred Sanders

My original post
A very capable, useful, and timely introduction to Pneumatology. Sanders doesn’t allow himself to get drawn into the flashy and controversial aspects of the doctrine of the Spirit (not that he shies away, either)—he sticks to the basics and essentials (and a good understanding of those will eliminate the need to discuss some of the controversial areas). Sanders’s tone is certainly engaging—he never loses sight of the importance of what he’s talking about, and the necessary reverence. But he’s okay with being chatty and a little witty with the reader. He’s able to break down some complicated and technical points in a way that the reader can find them understandable and compelling. It’s just so helpful, and so good, that I can’t help but recommend this one.

4 1/2 Stars

The Shadow of Christ in the Book of LamentationsThe Shadow of Christ in the Book of Lamentations: A Guide to Grieving with Faith

by C.J. Williams

My original post
I didn’t expect this to come up as an option for this year’s list, I thought I read this a year or two ago, not 11 months ago. But I was glad to look over my notes and post about it again for this post. This is a very accessible and thorough—without trying to be exhausting—look at the book of Lamentations and how it reveals Christ to the reader for his assurance and comfort in trial.

4 Stars

I Will Build My ChurchI Will Build My Church: Selected Writings on Church Polity, Baptism, and the Sabbath

by Thomas Witherow, Edited by Jonathan Gibson

My original post
Yes, this is kind of a cheat—because I have read one of the three works (plus a lengthy biographical essay) in this collection. But it’s a self-imposed rule, so I’m not going to be that precious about it (this once). Also, reading it in the midst of all this other material gave The Apostolic Church: Which Is It? a different vibe (for lack of a better term). It’s not just a defense of Presbyterian Church Polity, but it’s part of an apologetic for Presbyterian Distinctives as a whole.

And that’s what Winslow’s mission was—to present Presbyterianism as not just another flavor for Irish Protestants to pick, but one that has a message, a conviction about their distinctives, and Biblical reasoning—not just whim or tradition—behind them. Sure, some of it will feel dated to contemporary readers. And it should—but that doesn’t make any of it bad. Nor does it disprove any of Winslow’s arguments (in fact, some of our contemporary situations would lead the reader to say, “he was right, if we do X, Y will follow.”)

5 Stars

The Beginning and End of All Things: A Biblical Theology of Creation and New Creation by Edward W. Klink III: This Is Our Father’s World

The Beginning and End of All ThingsThe Beginning and End of All Things:
A Biblical Theology of Creation and New Creation

by Edward W. Klink III

Series: Essential Studies in Biblical Theology
Publisher: IVP Academic
Publication Date: May 30, 2023
Format: Paperback
Length: 172 pg.
Read Date: June 4-25, 2023
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While there is some biblical wiggle room for us to disagree about how God created the world, we better not misunderstand who God is and who humanity was designed to be, or what God intended to do in the world, ultimately through the work and person Jesus Christ, or why God made the world in a way that explains my life and purpose in the world. In short, if we misread the beginning of the story, we potentially misread the rest of the story. And since this story is about the Creator and his creation, the stakes could not be higher.

The Beginning of All Things (Mostly of the Book)

Every time the term creation or even doctrine of creation was used, the Christians in my church were thinking of origins. It was as if the only category the term creation would elicit in their minds was the beginning of time when the world came into existence. The only question was about what happened in the beginning, and even then, the primary focus was clearly on the heavily debated “six days” The rest of the history of the world, the physical reality in which we live our lives, or even the purposes for which the world was created were not even part of the equation. It seemed to me to be like a man who, when asked about his marriage, was unable to think of anything else besides his wedding ceremony. His love and commitment to his wife, the purpose and design of marriage, and even the current state of his marriage and the family it produced were viewed as distinct or unrelated. My point is not to deny the importance of the first six days of creation but to make important every created day.

Klink starts out by stressing that a doctrine of creation is not about what the first two chapters of Genesis mean—it’s not about how God made the Earth. Or at least, it’s not just about that. It’s about why God made the Earth—what was His purpose in creating, what’s His goal for the creation, and so on. It’s about the goodness of the creation and how we are to enjoy and preserve it. It’s ultimately about the new creation, what is going to happen on that Last Day when creation is renewed, restored, and recreated.

With that in mind, Klink then looks at how these (and related) ideas and themes are expressed throughout the Biblical narrative, from the Fall through Christ’s ministry on Earth, and on through the time up to the End.

The End of All Things (and of the Book)

…Creation was good but not yet finished to perfection. Again, quoting Gunton: “As created, it is perfect, because it is God’s project. . . . But it is not pertest in the sense of completion. It has somewhere to go” To be clear, this is eschatology. Not in the sense of the last few years of human history (the end times) but the entirety of human history. Eschatology, therefore, is referring to God’s goal or purpose for creation, his ordained intention and the plot of the world. Thus, eschatology 1s the aim of trajectory of all things, the goal of all things. Our argument in this chapter—and the book as a whole has been that the biblical stary of creation and new creation, which includes redemption, is a biblical theology of the goal of all things. The use of etymology for defining eschatology (the study of the end times) should be banned by royal decree! Eschatology ts only tangentially defined by interpretive questions regarding a millennium, let alone a rapture. Simply stated, eschatology is referring to the intentions of God for the world, even the will of God. Eschatology, which extends from creation to new creation, is the goal of all things.

From the Introduction through the first nine chapters, Klink has kept one eye on the Eschaton (and kept the reader looking for it, too). Chapter 10, Creation’s Consummation, focuses on that. He shows how all those earlier themes bring us to this point, and Creation and Redemption will shape the coming New Creation. This chapter is worth at least half of the purchase price of the book. It’s a great way of tying the book together and reminding the reader what our focus should be during our pilgrimage on Earth.

He follows this with a concluding few pages of Pastoral Reflections. He talks about the importance of thinking—and having pastors getting their flocks to consider—about creation in a fuller sense than just the “beginnings.” He also tries to show ways that the doctrine of creation should be applied and worked out in the believer’s life, what it should look like lived out. It’s a brief few pages, but very powerful.

So, what did I think about The Beginning and End of All Things?

…the Christian life is not merely a spiritual life but a physical life—a life lived in creation and in relation to the Creator. If Christians are united to their Creator in Christ and through the Spirit, then they should be the most aware of their physical existence and createdness. A few examples might be helpful. First, Christians should have a robust theory and practice of the human body and reflect God’s concern for its purpose and care. Second, Christians should be both aware of and concerned for physical creation, especially the earth, which is a gift from God that he both created and will re-create.”’ Both of these topics, however, have been minimized or manipulated by too many Christians for too long. This is not only detrimental to the church’s witness but also to the fullness of its life. In a world filled with creatures who neither know or submit to their Creator, Christians should reflect in word and deed the beauty, awe, and affection of the mystery of creation that is reflective of the new life they have been given by their Creator and Redeemer. Psalm 104 (especially Ps 104:24, 30, 33) provides us with a lens for our appreciation of the physical world and, therefore, the honor and praise due to our Creator.

When Klink started by saying that a doctrine of creation needs to be about more than what happened in Genesis 1-2, he piqued my interest and got me on his side immediately. The Introduction and Chapter 1 were just fantastic.

The “meat” of the book—Chapter 2, Creation’s Curse, through Chapter 8, Creation’s Commission—is refreshing both in outlook and insight. Any quibbles I had with Klink did show up in these chapters but were only in some of the ways he described ideas or on minor points (ultimately due to differences in confessional outlooks).

But as I indicated above, the last chapter and the pastoral reflections were as good (probably better) as the beginning of the book. At least a third of the notes I took about the whole book were on these 24 pages.

On the whole, this book is warm and pastoral, reminding the believer that the world we live in was created very good, and while it groans for the new creation, it remains full of good gifts from our Father for us to use, enjoy, and glorify Him with. I heartily encourage you to pick this up and read it.

4 Stars

This post contains an affiliate link. If you purchase from it, I will get a small commission at no additional cost to you. As always, the opinions expressed are my own.

A Geerhardus Vos Anthology edited by Danny E. Olinger: A Collection of Theological Gems

A Geerhardus Vos AnthologyA Geerhardus Vos Anthology:
Biblical and Theological
Insights Alphabetically Arranged

edited by Danny E. Olinger

Publisher: P & R Publishing
Publication Date: March 11, 2005
Format: Paperback
Length: 363
Read Date: January 1-June 25, 2023
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What’s A Geerhardus Vos Anthology About?

Danny Olinger literally wrote the book on Geerhardus Vos,* but he’s been studying him for a lot longer than that. As a part of his own personal study, he’s taken notes—he’s written quotations that meant a lot to him, seemed important, and so on—basically (as he put it in the Preface) “the best” of what he was reading. He built upon this foundation to assemble this anthology.

* 2018’s Geerhardus Vos: Reformed Biblical Theologian, Confessional Presbyterian.

Arranged topically (and those topics are arranged alphabetically), this is a collection of excerpts of varying lengths (all pretty short) from his published and published writings—the crème de la crème of one of the best of the 20th Century.

There’s also a great introduction by Olinger outlining Vos’ importance and work.

So, what did I think about A Geerhardus Vos Anthology?

My guess is that this book isn’t meant to be a devotional read, it’s a resource—a reference book. A quick way to find some of Vos’ insights and then know what work to consult for more. That’s a better use for it, for sure. But I liked the way I read it.

So I took this as a letter at a time (although some letter’s entries were long enough that I split them in two). It made for a nice few minutes once a week to think about a variety of bite-sized nuggets of Biblical Theology.

Some were pithy, some took a little chewing to get through—all were insightful and useful (although some took some thinking to figure out how they were useful). Most of all, each one made me curious about the work they were excerpted from.

One aspect (I’m not sure if it’s a pro or a con) of this book being a collection of short (1 sentence to 4 paragraphs or so) thoughts is that some jumped out at me more than others, I’m pretty sure that I could restart it today and different things would grab my attention.

This is a great way to get an easy-to-read introduction to Vos. Grace and Glory might be better—but this is nothing to sneeze at.

5 Stars

This post contains an affiliate link. If you purchase from it, I will get a small commission at no additional cost to you. As always, the opinions expressed are my own.

My Favorite Theology/Christian Living Books of 2022

My Favorite Theology/Christian Living Books of 2022
Finally, we’re at the end of my 2022 wrap-up. Thanks for sticking with me for so long! (assuming you have). At a certain point this year, it felt like I was reading a set all around similar/related ideas. The Kapic-Noble-Horton-Zahl books weren’t written in that way, but they hit me that way. I can’t think of one anymore without the others—that’s not the entire reason they all made my favorites list, but I can’t deny there’s a link. The rest are varied enough to show that I didn’t have tunnel vision all year.

As always, re-reads don’t count for these lists.

(in alphabetical order by author)

What is Christianity?What is Christianity?

by Herman Bavinck, Gregory Parker, Jr. (Translator)

My original post
These are two short works by the noted Dutch Theologian newly translated into English. Bavink is clear and convincing without being combative in this pair of brief apologetic pieces. Typically for him, he displays a catholicity in his approach—he’s clearly Reformed Protestant, but he doesn’t disparage other views. I don’t know he accomplishes all he does in so few pages—there’s a lot of subtle theological and apologetic work, here. But there’s also a lot that’s just easy to digest, clear and helpful. Bavinck gives his readers a Christ-centered, Christ-focused definition and description of Christianity (you’d think that’d be a given, but…). As Warfield put it, “We cannot imagine how the work could be done better.”

4 1/2 Stars

In the Fullness of TimeIn the Fullness of Time: An Introduction to the Biblical Theology of Acts and Paul

by Richard B. Gaffin, Jr.

I haven’t written about this yet, and I’m pretty intimidated to try. I loved every second of it—I felt like I was a beginning student and at the same time, like I was understanding texts with a depth I’m not accustomed to. There’s a lot of depth to Gaffin’s thinking—as one expects every time you read the man—but I thought this work was a bit easier to work through than some of his shorter works. There’s a strong focus on Pentecost and what it means for the rest of New Testament theology (as there should be). Gaffin also sketches out a way to approach Paul’s theology that’s so helpful you wish that it was at least twice as long so he could develop it more and give more examples (although everything in the book is sufficient, I’m just greedy). I’m likely returning to this book this year.

5 Stars

In Divine CompanyIn Divine Company: Growing Closer to the God Who Speaks

by Pierce Taylor Hibbs

My original post
A great work on prayer. Grounding our need for it not in our limitations or sense of need. Nor in the command to do so. Instead, Hibbs focuses on the nature of God as a communicative God and us as His image bearers. Hibbs being Hibbs, this is one of the better-written books on this list.

4 Stars

Recovering Our SanityRecovering Our Sanity: How the Fear of God Conquers the Fears that Divide Us

by Michael Horton

My original post
Horton seeks to address several issues facing contemporary American Christians through the filter of the fear of God—the basic thesis is that if we are maintaining that fear as we ought, it’s easier to maintain a proper perspective on our problems and concerns (as real and as valid as they are). There’s a lot of wisdom in these pages, a lot to chew on (and a handful of things to disagree with).

4 Stars

You're Only HumanYou’re Only Human: How Your Limits Reflect God’s Design and Why That’s Good News

by Kelly M. Kapic

My original post
Kapic seeks to apply the doctrine of Creation to remembering that we are created with limits—and, as such, we need to be dependent on one greater than us to help us when we are pushed beyond those limits. There’s a freedom in this realization—we can’t do it all and need to cut ourselves (and others) some slack. Although Kapic states it better than that. The book is a great combination of careful theology and careful application. It’s challenging and reassuring.

4 Stars

What Are Christians For?What Are Christians For?: Life Together at the End of the World

by Jake Meador

My original post
Meador wants to address American (specifically) and Western (generally) politics from a confessional and Natural Law perspective. He challenges positions and foundations of the Right and the Left calling us all to something deeper and better. And more Biblical. This is a careful book, one that I’m not convinced I completely understood on a first read, but I really appreciated what I did glean from it.

4 1/2 Stars

The Imputation of Adam's SinThe Imputation of Adam’s Sin

by John Murray

My original post
This is a very brief work—but as is typical for John Murray, he doesn’t need a lot of words to make his point. He focuses his arguments for the Imputation of Sin on a careful look at Romans 5:12-19. This book is typical Murray—crisp, clear, concise, and convincing. Sure, there’s the drawback that his prose is dry and empty of all personality. The book doesn’t need them (and I’d think it strange to read Murray with it). It’s easy to see why it’s still so heavily used this many years after publication.

4 Stars

You Are Not Your OwnYou Are Not Your Own: Belonging to God in an Inhuman World

by Alan Noble

My original post
American Christians are too prone to think of themselves as their own, Noble seeks to remind us that (in the words of the Heidelberg Catechism), “I am not my own, but belong with body and soul, both in life and in death, to my faithful Saviour Jesus Christ.” Noble points the believer to recalibrate their understanding of human nature—particularly redeemed human nature—to begin to understand what being the possession of Christ means to our life, our future, our identity. Noble’s writing flows—he’s engaging, compassionate, and relatable. It’s easy to understand even the more complex points he’s making, and his illustrations give the reader plenty to hang on to. Noble’s diagnosis and advice were sound—they seemed to match up with the world around us and the problems we see. More importantly, he points to the One whose grace, mercy, and care offer any true hope and help in this broken and dying world.

4 1/2 Stars

Christ of the Consummation:Christ of the Consummation: A New Testament Biblical Theology Volume 1: The Testimony of the Four Gospels

by O. Palmer Robertson

My original post
This is the first of a three-part exercise in applying the method of Biblical Theolgy for the New Testament as outlined by Vos. This volume focuses on the Gospels (obviously) and is a treasure from beginning to end. It’s not “here’s a whole new way to read/think about the Gospels”—and Robertson would be the last to want something like that. Instead, this is a “here’s a way to profitably consider the way these things were revealed” and “here’s how the Gospels build upon one another and build up each other.” It’s one of those books that mid-way through, you’re already trying to figure out when you can schedule a re-read.

5 Stars

Low AnthropologyLow Anthropology: The Unlikely Key to a Gracious View of Others (and Yourself)

by David Zahl

My original post
Zahl’s concern is the way we think about human nature—our anthropology—not in some academic sense (or just that), but how, individually, what we believe about human nature impacts the way we live and think. A Low Anthropology remembers that we are dust, we are broken, we suffer, in short—we aren’t perfect. This is an engaging, frequently humorous, and grace-filled look at human frailty and how remembering we are that way (and that others are, too).

4 Stars

Christ of the Consummation, Vol. 1 by O. Palmer Robertson: The Beginning of A Wonderful Trilogy

Christ of the Consummation:Christ of the Consummation:
A New Testament Biblical Theology
Volume 1: The Testimony of
the Four Gospels

by O. Palmer Robertson

Publisher: P & R Publishing
Publication Date: June 1, 2022
Format: Paperback
Length: 321 pg.
Read Date: August 7-28, 2022
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In these new phases of redemptive history, the heart of the revelation does not change, but it broadens and deepens in the realities of the truth. Jesus Christ is the same, but his church, his precious bride, is being built by the addition of nations being born in a day as a consequence of Christ’s pouring out the gifts of his Spirit on all flesh. The kingdom of God has come and continues to come. The kingdom of God is yet to come. It will arrive in all its fullness on that day, the great judgment day, the day of resurrection and restoration of all things. To God be the glory for the things he has done, is doing, and yet will do.

What’s Christ of the Consummation, Volume 1 About?

At some point when reading Vos’ Biblical Theology most readers like me* start to wonder, “How is he doing to have time to cover the New Testament? While Vos doesn’t give his readers the same kind of insight into the history of revelation of the NT as he does the OT, he does set out some principles. Robert’s work is the first book-length attempt to apply Vos’ directions to apply his method to the NT (actually, the first of three book-length attempts).

That’d be people who didn’t know what was coming from pre-knowledge about the book or reading the Table of Contents.

He begins by stating the difference between the two works—there are centuries upon centuries of history of OT revelation, and a maximum of one from the announcement of Jesus’ birth to Mary to the end of John’s writing on Patmos. But that doesn’t mean that there’s no development, but how best to approach that? Robertson focuses on three distinctives in his approach:

  1. Retracing the Historical Progression across the Various Phases of New Covenant Revelation as the Organizing Principle
  2. The Foundational Role of the Old Covenant Scriptures
  3. Contemporary [to their writing] Application of New Testament Biblical Theology

With these distinctives in mind, Robertson looks at material concerning Jesus’ self-testimony; various phases of His life and work; the progressive revelation of the Kingdom during His life; His death, burial, resurrection, and ascension; and then he moves into closer looks at the various Gospels individually and corporately.

An Unexpected Bonus

A number of times throughout the text Robertson will hit pause on his exegetical work, the historical reflections, or the interpretative/theological conclusions from those, to offer application to the lives and hearts of the reader. Sometimes a broader or more general call and sometimes it’s a narrow focus. I really didn’t expect these at all, and I almost never saw them coming when he did pause for one. But I appreciated them all and found them to be a real enhancement to the work.

So, what did I think about Christ of the Consummation, Volume 1?

I’m clearly not qualified to evaluate Robertson’s application of Vos, but people like D.A. Carson and Richard Gaffin are, so I’ll take their word for it. Sure, they wrote the forward and a “further word” for this book, so it’s not like we’re talking about impartial evaluations.

Nor am I capable of—or willing to—give this a good and thorough review/evaluation. Although I do wish I could. So let me offer a few thoughts from my perspective as a lay reader. And I do think this is a book written with the layman in mind—it’s not a casual read by any means, but it is not a book solely for scholars.

I’m not sure I’ve read a Christian book this year that has made me think more, read slower/closer, and pushed my thinking more. It’s also been the most rewarding and I think it will prove the most fecund for my future reading, study, and devotion.

At the same time, the number of times that I read something I don’t think I’d ever been exposed to, or that was wholly novel to me is so small as to be negligible. This is not to say that it was all review or that he didn’t make me stop and think for a minute or ten to consider a point before moving on. But on the whole, it’s a reframing and refocusing of many things I’ve read in lay-friendly works or heard in sermons/lectures. It’s not “here’s a whole new way to read/think about the Gospels”—and Robertson would be the last to want something like that. Instead, this is a “here’s a way to profitably consider the way these things were revealed” and “here’s how the Gospels build upon one another and build up each other.”

I’m already trying to figure out when I can get in a re-read without ruining plans for next year—possibly in combination with a re-read of Vos’ Biblical Theology so I can more directly see for myself the connections between the two works and Vos’ influence.

This is the first in a trilogy—if the rest of the trilogy is as good as this one, the series will likely end up on shelves everywhere next to Vos. I know I’m already ready to dive into the next volume.

5 Stars

This post contains an affiliate link. If you purchase from it, I will get a small commission at no additional cost to you. As always, the opinions expressed are my own.

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