Tag: Brian W. Caves

PUB DAY SPOTLIGHT: A Long Way from Home by Brian W. Caves

It’s publication day for Brian W. Caves’s A Long Way from Home, and I’m glad to help spread the word about the book. Make sure to give this a look!

Book Details:

Title: A Long Way from Home by Brian W. Caves
Genre: Mystery
Publisher: Red Dragon Publishing
Release date: May 27, 2022
Format: Paperback/Ebook
Length: 363 pages
A Long Way from Home Cover

About the Book

A sleepy town in 1960s South Georgia, where to some residents, segregation is more important than catching a killer.

An ex-homicide detective from Chicago called to honour an old promise.

With a rising body count and a community guarding their secrets more fiercely than their children, asking questions could prove deadly for the outsider…

What the Reviewers Are Saying:

★★★★★ A book that grabbed me and took me back in time, it will enthral you

★★★★★ Outstanding! Caves has weaved a gripping story. I simply could not put it down

★★★★★ A powerful read

★★★★★ Thought-provoking and unmissable from the first page until the last

Purchase Links:

Amazon US ~ Amazon UK

About the Author

Brian W. CravesI started out as an engineer, then an estate agent, followed by senior management roles in cable TV and telecoms. Spent a few years as a management consultant and now work in the language translation industry.

I have played music all my life. Classically trained on the clarinet from the age of eight until fourteen when my world took a quantum leap forward after hearing Jimi Hendrix and Voodoo Child on the radio. I thought, wow, I gotta do that. I dumped the clarinet and I picked up the guitar and have never put it down. I have played alongside topflight musicians, both live and in studios.

From a young age I read books like Treasure Island, Robinson Crusoe, Black Beauty, Swallows and Amazons, then The Famous Five, Billy Bunter, Jennings and Derbyshire, Biggles, and Tarzan. Agatha Christie had a major impact as did Georges Simenon. I penned short stories at school – mostly adventure, but it wasn’t until I became hooked on American Crime Noir that my urge to write came crashing to the forefront of my mind. Reading Hammett, Chandler, Jim Thompson, Macdonald, and the master, James M. Cain had the same effect on my potential writing career as Hendrix had for my music.

Currently, having been further influenced by the greats of Southern literature, I write crime stories based in the Deep South as well as UK based dark noir crime set in the county of Northamptonshire where I reside. Throw into the pot crime and horror short stories and novellas and you’ll have some idea of what goes on in my head.

My thanks to Red Dragon Publishing for the invitation to participate in this Spotlight and the materials they provided.

Red Dragon Publishing

COVER REVEAL: A Long Way from Home by Brian W. Caves

Welcome to The Irresponsible Reader’s part in the Cover Reveal for Brian W. Caves’s A Long Way from Home! We’ll get to the (IMHO) impressive cover in a bit, but first, let’s read a little about the book, okay?

About the Book

The Watcher is a psychological thriller that will keep you hooked from the first page until the last…

What the reviewers are saying about A Long Way from Home:
A sleepy town in 1960s South Georgia, where to some residents, segregation is more important than catching a killer.

An ex-homicide detective from Chicago called to honour an old promise.

With a rising body count and a community guarding their secrets more fiercely than their children, asking questions could prove deadly for the outsider…

What the Reviewers Are Saying:

★★★★★ A book that grabbed me and took me back in time, it will enthral you

★★★★★ Outstanding! Caves has weaved a gripping story. I simply could not put it down

★★★★★ A powerful read

★★★★★ Thought-provoking and unmissable from the first page until the last

About the Author

Brian W. CravesI started out as an engineer, then an estate agent, followed by senior management roles in cable TV and telecoms. Spent a few years as a management consultant and now work in the language translation industry.

I have played music all my life. Classically trained on the clarinet from the age of eight until fourteen when my world took a quantum leap forward after hearing Jimi Hendrix and Voodoo Child on the radio. I thought, wow, I gotta do that. I dumped the clarinet and I picked up the guitar and have never put it down. I have played alongside topflight musicians, both live and in studios.

From a young age I read books like Treasure Island, Robinson Crusoe, Black Beauty, Swallows and Amazons, then The Famous Five, Billy Bunter, Jennings and Derbyshire, Biggles, and Tarzan. Agatha Christie had a major impact as did Georges Simenon. I penned short stories at school – mostly adventure, but it wasn’t until I became hooked on American Crime Noir that my urge to write came crashing to the forefront of my mind. Reading Hammett, Chandler, Jim Thompson, Macdonald, and the master, James M. Cain had the same effect on my potential writing career as Hendrix had for my music.

Currently, having been further influenced by the greats of Southern literature, I write crime stories based in the Deep South as well as UK based dark noir crime set in the county of Northamptonshire where I reside. Throw into the pot crime and horror short stories and novellas and you’ll have some idea of what goes on in my head.

The Cover

A Long Way from Home Cover
There’s something about that cover that grabs you, right? I love the detail on the bird. This releases on May 27, but why not go order your copy today?

Amazon US ~ Amazon UK

My thanks to Red Dragon Publishing for the invitation to participate in this reveal and the materials they provided.

Red Dragon Publishing

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