Tag: Edward W. Klink III

My Favorite Theology/Christian Living Books of 2023

My Favorite Theology/Christian Living Books of 2023
It probably says something about me that 40% of this list was written pre-20th Century (I have some friends who’d opine that it says I read too many contemporary authors). My reading plans for 2024 (as sketchy as they are at the moment), suggest I could be looking at a similar number next year. I actually hope so—this was good for me.

As always, re-reads don’t count for these lists.

(in alphabetical order by author)

The Nicene Creed: An IntroductionThe Nicene Creed: An Introduction

by Phillip Cary

My original post
This is a fantastic introduction to the Nicene Creed and/or some of the doctrines taught by it (technically, the Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed, but who calls it that outside of technical discussions?). In many cases, it’ll be a review of ideas—but even in those cases, Cary will likely shed a different light on it, or make you think about the idea in a way you’re not used to. This can be a quick and breezy read, but it’s a mistake to let Cary’s simple and straightforward text let you read quickly—because there’s a lot to think about and reflect on here. Even if—especially if, actually—you recite the Creed on a regular or frequent basis every Lord’s Day. This is a great way to stop and meditate on these essential truths of the Christian faith.

4 1/2 Stars

The Existence and Attributes of GodThe Existence and Attributes of God: Updated and Unabridged

by Stephen Charnock, edited by Mark Jones

An original post (another is forthcoming)
This isn’t a definitive, exhaustive work on God’s attributes (or existence)—it cannot be (and would be blasphemous to suggest otherwise). But when you’re in the middle of a chapter, it’d be easy to think it is. Not just because of the depth Charnock goes into on each topic, but the angles he approaches it from. In the middle of the Discourse on God’s Knowledge, I was astounded, for example, by how many different ways he found to talk about it. It’s easy to see why this work has stood the test of time and can’t imagine anything in the 21st Century topping it (maybe someone will get their act together in the 22nd).

5 Stars

Who Chose the Gospels?Who Chose the Gospels?: Probing the Great Gospel Conspiracy

by C. E. Hill

My original post
An alternate title for the book could be, how do you solve a problem like Iraneaus? Or, more to the point, how do you ignore his (early date) recognition of only 4 gospels—Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John—despite what we’re told about the state of gospel availability and canonization by so many today. Hill examines some of the time frames, uses, content, and provenance of some of the so-called competitor gospels (i.e., those that never were considered canonical) to compare them to both the canonical gospels and those early figures of the Church we see discussing the gospels. But primarily, Hill is concerned with the use of and testimony regarding the canonical gospels—and the evidence regarding their use by the Church and when it started. What’s more, he discusses (and educates) these ideas while being entertaining (never sacrificing educating for entertaining). Hill is careful and thorough, acknowledging challenges to his position about the emergence of the fourfold Gospel to the place it holds today. But he’s consistent in showing how those challenges don’t have the weight and merit that so many in our culture assume they do.

5 Stars

On the Apostolic PreachingOn the Apostolic Preaching

by Irenaeus of Lyons , John Behr (Translator)

My original post
This is exactly what I want to see out of a 2nd Century writer—because it’s the kind of thing I appreciate in a 21st Century Writer. It’s reassuring to see that the central idea of what Apostolic Preaching ought to be is pretty much the same for both eras—yeah, some of what Irenaeus wrote could use some fine-tuning (and he’d likely say the same of what shows up in one of the Essential Studies in Biblical Theology volumes I’ve discussed). But their modus operandi are so similar, that it’s clear that they’re walking in the same direction. This is a a quick, approachable read—as relatable today as it had to have been centuries ago (although I guess it’d be safe to say that many of his readers might not be ready to hear what he said in the same way I was). I was very encouraged by this and wish I’d read it years ago so I could be on my fifth or sixth reading now.

5 Stars

The Beginning and End of All ThingsThe Beginning and End of All Things: A Biblical Theology of Creation and New Creation

by Edward W. Klink III

My original post
Klink starts by saying that a doctrine of creation needs to be about more than what happened in Genesis 1-2, piquing my interest and getting me on his side immediately. His point is that the doctrine needs to concern itself with why God made the Earth—what was His purpose in creating, what’s His goal for the creation, and so on. It’s about the goodness of the creation and how we are to enjoy and preserve it. It’s ultimately about the new creation, what is going to happen on that Last Day when creation is renewed, restored, and recreated. This is a refreshing, warm, and pastoral look at a doctrine we too often limit to a narrow question, missing the big picture.

4 Stars

Flood and FuryFlood and Fury: Old Testament Violence and the Shalom of God

by Matthew J. Lynch

I read this book back in March, and have yet to write a post about it because I’m still wrestling with some of Lynch’s positions and arguments. The biggest area that I was working through and on was his treatment of the relation of the Flood to the Covenant in the Garden and the Noahaic covenant to that covenant as well. The next book on this list helped me tremendously (mostly to Lynch’s detriment). But that’s not to say that I didn’t get anything from that portion of the book, it just made me think a lot—so much that I couldn’t write anything about the book as a whole. The portions of the book on Divine Violence in general (how to think of it, how not to think of it or avoid the idea, either) and about the conquest of Canaan are strong and very helpful.

4 Stars

God to UsGod to Us: Covenant Theology in Scripture

by Stephen G. Myers

My original post
I’ve read more books on Covenant Theology than I can easily count, and if this isn’t the best, it’s so close to it as not to matter. Myers gives his readers a thorough introduction to Covenant Theology as it came to the Protestant Church from the Reformation—particularly the English Reformation and the explanation offered by the Westminster divines and their contemporaries. His introduction is readable, clear, and helpful to the layman willing to put in a little work—but he’s not just repeating what the previous generations gave us, he’s looking at contemporary theology and insights as well.

That our Lord would condescend to His people in covenant is mind-blowingly gracious in the first place—that He does so to rebels in order that he could win them to Himself? That should drive us to worship. And the more we understand the gracious and remarkable nature of these covenants, the more we should be driven to it. Myers brings his readers to this point repeatedly—sometimes just by explaining something clearly—sometimes by applying his explanation to the reader to help us understand how it should make us reflect in worship.

5 Stars

The Holy Spirit: An IntroductionThe Holy Spirit: An Introduction

by Fred Sanders

My original post
A very capable, useful, and timely introduction to Pneumatology. Sanders doesn’t allow himself to get drawn into the flashy and controversial aspects of the doctrine of the Spirit (not that he shies away, either)—he sticks to the basics and essentials (and a good understanding of those will eliminate the need to discuss some of the controversial areas). Sanders’s tone is certainly engaging—he never loses sight of the importance of what he’s talking about, and the necessary reverence. But he’s okay with being chatty and a little witty with the reader. He’s able to break down some complicated and technical points in a way that the reader can find them understandable and compelling. It’s just so helpful, and so good, that I can’t help but recommend this one.

4 1/2 Stars

The Shadow of Christ in the Book of LamentationsThe Shadow of Christ in the Book of Lamentations: A Guide to Grieving with Faith

by C.J. Williams

My original post
I didn’t expect this to come up as an option for this year’s list, I thought I read this a year or two ago, not 11 months ago. But I was glad to look over my notes and post about it again for this post. This is a very accessible and thorough—without trying to be exhausting—look at the book of Lamentations and how it reveals Christ to the reader for his assurance and comfort in trial.

4 Stars

I Will Build My ChurchI Will Build My Church: Selected Writings on Church Polity, Baptism, and the Sabbath

by Thomas Witherow, Edited by Jonathan Gibson

My original post
Yes, this is kind of a cheat—because I have read one of the three works (plus a lengthy biographical essay) in this collection. But it’s a self-imposed rule, so I’m not going to be that precious about it (this once). Also, reading it in the midst of all this other material gave The Apostolic Church: Which Is It? a different vibe (for lack of a better term). It’s not just a defense of Presbyterian Church Polity, but it’s part of an apologetic for Presbyterian Distinctives as a whole.

And that’s what Winslow’s mission was—to present Presbyterianism as not just another flavor for Irish Protestants to pick, but one that has a message, a conviction about their distinctives, and Biblical reasoning—not just whim or tradition—behind them. Sure, some of it will feel dated to contemporary readers. And it should—but that doesn’t make any of it bad. Nor does it disprove any of Winslow’s arguments (in fact, some of our contemporary situations would lead the reader to say, “he was right, if we do X, Y will follow.”)

5 Stars

The Beginning and End of All Things: A Biblical Theology of Creation and New Creation by Edward W. Klink III: This Is Our Father’s World

The Beginning and End of All ThingsThe Beginning and End of All Things:
A Biblical Theology of Creation and New Creation

by Edward W. Klink III

Series: Essential Studies in Biblical Theology
Publisher: IVP Academic
Publication Date: May 30, 2023
Format: Paperback
Length: 172 pg.
Read Date: June 4-25, 2023
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While there is some biblical wiggle room for us to disagree about how God created the world, we better not misunderstand who God is and who humanity was designed to be, or what God intended to do in the world, ultimately through the work and person Jesus Christ, or why God made the world in a way that explains my life and purpose in the world. In short, if we misread the beginning of the story, we potentially misread the rest of the story. And since this story is about the Creator and his creation, the stakes could not be higher.

The Beginning of All Things (Mostly of the Book)

Every time the term creation or even doctrine of creation was used, the Christians in my church were thinking of origins. It was as if the only category the term creation would elicit in their minds was the beginning of time when the world came into existence. The only question was about what happened in the beginning, and even then, the primary focus was clearly on the heavily debated “six days” The rest of the history of the world, the physical reality in which we live our lives, or even the purposes for which the world was created were not even part of the equation. It seemed to me to be like a man who, when asked about his marriage, was unable to think of anything else besides his wedding ceremony. His love and commitment to his wife, the purpose and design of marriage, and even the current state of his marriage and the family it produced were viewed as distinct or unrelated. My point is not to deny the importance of the first six days of creation but to make important every created day.

Klink starts out by stressing that a doctrine of creation is not about what the first two chapters of Genesis mean—it’s not about how God made the Earth. Or at least, it’s not just about that. It’s about why God made the Earth—what was His purpose in creating, what’s His goal for the creation, and so on. It’s about the goodness of the creation and how we are to enjoy and preserve it. It’s ultimately about the new creation, what is going to happen on that Last Day when creation is renewed, restored, and recreated.

With that in mind, Klink then looks at how these (and related) ideas and themes are expressed throughout the Biblical narrative, from the Fall through Christ’s ministry on Earth, and on through the time up to the End.

The End of All Things (and of the Book)

…Creation was good but not yet finished to perfection. Again, quoting Gunton: “As created, it is perfect, because it is God’s project. . . . But it is not pertest in the sense of completion. It has somewhere to go” To be clear, this is eschatology. Not in the sense of the last few years of human history (the end times) but the entirety of human history. Eschatology, therefore, is referring to God’s goal or purpose for creation, his ordained intention and the plot of the world. Thus, eschatology 1s the aim of trajectory of all things, the goal of all things. Our argument in this chapter—and the book as a whole has been that the biblical stary of creation and new creation, which includes redemption, is a biblical theology of the goal of all things. The use of etymology for defining eschatology (the study of the end times) should be banned by royal decree! Eschatology ts only tangentially defined by interpretive questions regarding a millennium, let alone a rapture. Simply stated, eschatology is referring to the intentions of God for the world, even the will of God. Eschatology, which extends from creation to new creation, is the goal of all things.

From the Introduction through the first nine chapters, Klink has kept one eye on the Eschaton (and kept the reader looking for it, too). Chapter 10, Creation’s Consummation, focuses on that. He shows how all those earlier themes bring us to this point, and Creation and Redemption will shape the coming New Creation. This chapter is worth at least half of the purchase price of the book. It’s a great way of tying the book together and reminding the reader what our focus should be during our pilgrimage on Earth.

He follows this with a concluding few pages of Pastoral Reflections. He talks about the importance of thinking—and having pastors getting their flocks to consider—about creation in a fuller sense than just the “beginnings.” He also tries to show ways that the doctrine of creation should be applied and worked out in the believer’s life, what it should look like lived out. It’s a brief few pages, but very powerful.

So, what did I think about The Beginning and End of All Things?

…the Christian life is not merely a spiritual life but a physical life—a life lived in creation and in relation to the Creator. If Christians are united to their Creator in Christ and through the Spirit, then they should be the most aware of their physical existence and createdness. A few examples might be helpful. First, Christians should have a robust theory and practice of the human body and reflect God’s concern for its purpose and care. Second, Christians should be both aware of and concerned for physical creation, especially the earth, which is a gift from God that he both created and will re-create.”’ Both of these topics, however, have been minimized or manipulated by too many Christians for too long. This is not only detrimental to the church’s witness but also to the fullness of its life. In a world filled with creatures who neither know or submit to their Creator, Christians should reflect in word and deed the beauty, awe, and affection of the mystery of creation that is reflective of the new life they have been given by their Creator and Redeemer. Psalm 104 (especially Ps 104:24, 30, 33) provides us with a lens for our appreciation of the physical world and, therefore, the honor and praise due to our Creator.

When Klink started by saying that a doctrine of creation needs to be about more than what happened in Genesis 1-2, he piqued my interest and got me on his side immediately. The Introduction and Chapter 1 were just fantastic.

The “meat” of the book—Chapter 2, Creation’s Curse, through Chapter 8, Creation’s Commission—is refreshing both in outlook and insight. Any quibbles I had with Klink did show up in these chapters but were only in some of the ways he described ideas or on minor points (ultimately due to differences in confessional outlooks).

But as I indicated above, the last chapter and the pastoral reflections were as good (probably better) as the beginning of the book. At least a third of the notes I took about the whole book were on these 24 pages.

On the whole, this book is warm and pastoral, reminding the believer that the world we live in was created very good, and while it groans for the new creation, it remains full of good gifts from our Father for us to use, enjoy, and glorify Him with. I heartily encourage you to pick this up and read it.

4 Stars

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