Giovanni Goes To Med SchoolGiovanni Goes To Med School

by Kathy Bryson

Kindle Edition, 70 pg.
Kathy Bryson Books, 2016

Read: May 7, 2016

Giovanni is an aspiring medical student and an ER scribe who just started working in the hospital morgue on the overnight shift, Astral is a first year resident with plenty of attitude; Rufus is Mrs. Harris’ rather large dog, temporarily in Giovanni’s care; Mrs. Harris was a patient of Astral’s that Gio helped with, and sadly, didn’t make it — but she just won’t shut up and leave Gio alone.

Yeah, you read that right.

There’s humor here, a little gore — and far more detail about the process that a decaying corpse goes through than I wanted to know — and a nice little story.

What isn’t there? Any real idea why Mrs. Harris is up to what she’s up to (there’s one explanation that seems to carry the day, but even it doesn’t fully work). In the moment it works — but when you put this down, it starts to nag at you.

It’s enjoyable enough, a quick read, and there’s a lot of potential here. I’m going to give this a tentative 3 Stars — because so much is left unexplained, so much is uncertain about what happens here, if we’re given at least a hint of some answers or explanations in the next one (or a good reason why we’re not given hints of answers yet), I’ll stand by it. But without that, there’s just too much uncertainty for me to strongly encourage anyone read this.

Disclaimer: I received a copy of this from the author in exchange for an honest review.


3 Stars