Tag: Guest Post Page 2 of 8

GUEST POST: Southern California Beyond the Beach by Mary Camarillo

Mary Camarillo is one of those who jumped when I asked for Guest Posts, and she suggested this great list. This Guest Post is full of good-looking books (pay particular attention to #6). Be sure to Visit Mary’s website and sign up for her newsletter, “Life With Riley.”

6 Books that Explore Southern California Beyond the Beach


When I pitched H.C. this idea for a guest post he replied, “There’s more to So Cal than the beach??” [And boy, do I hope my sarcasm came through]

I understand where he’s coming from. When my family moved to Southern California from North Carolina in the late 1960s, we’d heard the Beach Boys on the radio and seen the Gidget movies but we were shocked to learn that not everyone lived on the beach. We landed first in Reseda in the San Fernando Valley and then in Fountain Valley in Orange County. We couldn’t see the ocean and we were confused.

I’ve lived in Huntington Beach for almost 30 years now and I’m still a bit confused by Southern California. So that’s what I write about.

My two novels have been inspired by so many wonderful California authors including the five on this list. Their short story collections, novels, essays and poetry are set in a wide variety of Southern California neighborhoods spanning all of Southern California—from Orange County to the San Gabriel Valley, from North Long Beach to Pasadena, and from South El Monte to Beachwood Canyon right underneath the Hollywood sign.

All of these authors are joining me on a panel at this year’s Lit Fest in the Dena at 5 p.m. on May 4th in Altadena, California. The festival theme is Neighborhoods. Join us at the festival if you happen to be in Southern California then. If not, stop by your favorite indie bookstore and pick up these books.

1. Elsewhere, California by Dana Johnson

Dana Johnson was born and raised in and around Los Angeles and is a Professor of English at USC. In Elsewhere, California, Johnson’s protagonist Avery and her family escape the violent streets of Los Angeles and move to a more gentrified neighborhood in suburban West Covina. When Avery’s cousin moves in with her family, he triggers a series of events that follow Avery throughout her life: to her studies at USC, to her budding career as a painter and artist, and into her relationship with a wealthy Italian and their life in a glass-walled house in the Hollywood Hills.

As a young imaginative child, Avery says she’s from Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, a name she invented with the help of TV. “I loved where I was already, in Los Angeles,” Avery says. “But I still loved my invented place in California even better because it sounded like confetti and long streamers coming down from the sky, caressing my face.”

Southern Californian neighborhoods with their palm trees, swimming pools, and perfect weather can seem like a paradise complete with confetti and streamers, but this façade can also conceal the loneliness, mistrust and fear of change that is often at the center of so many modern lives. A recent Gallup survey found that nearly 1 in 4 adults across the world have reported feeling very or fairly lonely. In many ways Southern California suburbia is designed to be more of a forced community that can make those who don’t quite fit in feel excluded.

But those “misfits” sometimes have the most powerful stories.

2. L.A. Breakdown by Lou Mathews

Speaking of misfits in paradise, Lou Matthews’ L.A. Breakdown offers what another California author Jim Gavin calls “a love letter to doomed knuckleheads everywhere.” Stunning, bleakly beautiful, and laugh-out-loud funny, L.A. Breakdown paints a riveting portrait of drag racing culture in 1960s Los Angeles. Mathews is a master at capturing working class realism in character and place.

Here’s Charlie, one of the knuckleheads in Mathews’ novel, observing an apartment building. “The El Dorado, and its red, green, and white spotlighted tropical landscaping—banana plants, mock rubber trees, Schefflera, and Giant Bird of Paradise.”

Lou Mathews is also the author of another terrific SoCal novel Shaky Town. He has taught in UCLA Extension’s acclaimed creative writing program since 1989 and he lives right underneath the Hollywood sign.

3. Eat the Mouth That Feeds You by Caribbean Fragoza

Caribbean Fragoza is a fiction and nonfiction writer from South El Monte. In her collection of stories. Eat the Mouth That Feeds You, her imperfect characters are drawn with a sympathetic tenderness as they struggle against circumstances and conditions designed to defeat them. But there is still a strong sense of community in this collection, even in death.

“I feel my family shifting,” Fragoza writes in the story ‘Mi Muerta.’ “Moving like weather over the earth. The rumbling of busy tias, loaded down with thick bodies and domestic duties. The rain of young children in chase. The uncles, mountains that won’t lift a finger her except when drunk to dance or fight.”

Fragoza is the Prose Editor at Huizache Magazine. She also co-edited a wonderful compilation of essays, East of East: The Making of Greater El Monte.

4. Letters to My City by Mike Sonksen

Mike Sonksen, aka Mike the PoeT, is a poet, professor, journalist, historian and tour guide. The poems and essays in his Letters to My City combine two decades of field experience, research, personal observations, and stories told to the author, a third-generation Los Angeles native, by his grandfather and other family members. Sonksen is on a mission to help locals learn local history. He writes that this knowledge “helps one become more of an engaged citizen of wherever they are.”

Sonksen’s history lessons are in the form of poems and stories about Los Angeles streets and neighborhoods. His grandmother lived for over 50 years just a few blocks from where Ice Cube grew up. Patty Hearst and the SLA shot up the sporting goods store half a mile away from his grandmother’s house. In my favorite poem ‘Arrival Stories’ he writes “I mastered the art of not hitting the brakes on the freeways of L.A.”

That takes serious skill.

5. The Secret Habit of Sorrow by Victoria Patterson

Victoria Patterson has been described as the Edith Wharton of Southern California. The characters in The Secret Habit of Sorrow feel like people I know. Patterson writes with emotional wisdom and wry humor about human beings struggling with parenthood, relationships, excessive drinking, drug abuse, and trying to fit into suburban life.

In the story ‘DC’ in this collection, Patterson writes “Serena helped Elaine transition into the Palm Garden Apartments in Costa Mesa, explaining how the garbage cans should be set in a specific spot along the sidewalk pre-trash day or the trash men wouldn’t empty them.”

Southern California neighborhoods usually have unwritten rules about where and how folks should put their trashcans, park their cars, and take care of their lawns. It’s mostly about maintaining those all-important property values.

6. Those People Behind Us by Mary Camarillo

Finally, my novel Those People Behind Us takes us back to the beach, although most of the characters never set foot in the sand. Those People Behind Us is set in suburban coastal town increasingly divided by politics, protests, and escalating housing prices—divisions that change the lives of five neighbors as they search for home and community in a neighborhood where no one can agree who belongs. There’s a realtor, an aerobics teacher, an ex-con, a Vietnam vet, and a teenage boy all confronting death, betrayal, financial decline, and loneliness and not realizing until the end how much they have in common.

In these politically charged and increasingly less united states of America, we often make assumptions about “those people” around us, without knowing anything about our neighbors’ hopes, dreams, and heartbreaks. That’s what the characters in my novel do.

“We have the beach,” Lisa (the real estate agent) tells her daughter. “And before you say that I hardly ever go down there, it’s important to me to know that it’s there.”

What’s important to you about your neighborhood?

Mary Camarillo is the author of the award-winning novels The Lockhart Women and Those People Behind Us. Her poems and short fiction have appeared in publications such as Inlandia, TAB Journal, 166 Palms, Sonora Review, and The Ear. She lives in Huntington Beach, California with her husband, who plays ukulele, and their terrorist cat Riley, who makes frequent appearances on Instagram.

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Top 5 All-Time Desert Island Books with Stacey from Whispering Stories

Top 5 All-Time Desert Island Books
Like Carol yesterday, Stacy took her own intro into her hands. I’m trying not to take it personally (are mine that bad?). I’m very pleased to welcome her and her list to the blog today, there’s some good looking things here.

Hi My name is Stacey and I run Whispering Stories Book Blog, which I established in 2015. I’m in my forties, married to my fab hubby Steve, and mum to three grown up sons. I work in social housing and I do a lot of volunteer work too. Aside from reading I am a massive American Detective TV series fan and a big rock music fan too.

Many thanks to H.C. for letting me share my top five Desert Island books!
Oh, to be able to spend some time on a Desert Island, sit in the sun with a nice cocktail and no-one to bother me.  Plus, lots of time to read!!

Below is my list in no particular order and a little about why I chose them.

  1. The Snow Child by Eowyn Ivey. (My review – https://www.whisperingstories.com/snow-child/)

Snow Child
Well, I need a book to cool me down in the glaring sunshine and this book would definitely hit the mark.

Set in 1920s Alaska and based on the Russian fairy-tale, ‘Snegurochka’, which translates to ‘Little daughter of the snow’, The Snow Child is an enchanting and heartwarming tale of a couple unable to have children who relocate to the Alaskan wilderness to get away from being reminded daily about their situation.

One day they meet a young girl who is alone and frozen, she won’t enter their home and they don’t know where she has come from. The couple learn to live and prosper with the help of this young girl who they care so much about but is she real or made of snow?

The story is gripping and I just adore it, so much so that I have read the book numerous times and given people copies as presents too.

  1. The Stranger Times by C.K. McDonnell (My Review – https://www.whisperingstories.com/the-stranger-times-ck-mcdonnell-book-review/)

The Stranger Times
OMG, if there ever was a book, or should I say a series that I knew from the blurb would be right up my street, this is it. If you haven’t read it, why not!!!

The Stranger Times is a weekly newspaper dedicated to the weird and the wonderful (but mostly the weird), it is the go-to publication for the unexplained and inexplicable.

Set in my hometown this book has me laughing and giggling along, well it is written by a comic.  This is a book to give me a laugh whilst I am stuck on this island.

From the wacky characters to the fantastical situations that occur daily, this is one of my favourite series and I hope there are many more books to come.

  1. Where the Truth Lies by M J Lee (My review – https://www.whisperingstories.com/where-truth-lies-mj-lee-book-review/)

Where the Truth Lies
Another first book in a series I adore is this detective thriller from author M J Lee. The premise of the book follows Detective Ridpath who has been seconded to the Coroner’s Office. He used to work for CID until he was diagnosed with cancer. On returning to work the bosses decided that the Coroner’s Office was the best place for him.

What I love about this book and the rest of the series is one, it is again set in my hometown of Manchester and two, Ridpath is never one to back down and it doesn’t matter if he is coming up against his bosses or criminals, he tells them like it is. I love a straight talker.

  1. Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte

Jane Eyre
I first read Jane Eyre when I was in high school. I wasn’t really much of a big reader during my teen years, reading just a few books a year, but this book stayed with me and I have a few editions of it.

I remember thinking I hated the classics and then bam, this book hits and here we had this young woman with a fiery temper and who came across so many obstacles in her life and yet she faced each one and was determined to live her life on her own terms.

Jane Eyre taught me a lot about resilience as a teenager.

  1. Message from Nam by Danielle Steel (My review – https://www.whisperingstories.com/message-from-nam-review/)

Message from Nam
This is a book that touched me so much. I read it as a young teen when the Gulf War was happening. I didn’t really know or understand what had happened during the Vietnam War given that it was over before I was born but as the Gulf War was raging and there were daily updates and photos etc, this book spoke to me.

It follows the life of a young journalist, Paxton Andrews, who is in Vietnam covering the war, though it begins way before her journey there and shows you exactly why she needed the life.  She needed to understand war, and wanted to show the world the truth about how it changes everyone.

I read this book so many times the cover came off. Then there was a movie (or TV show) which I adored too. I always swore if I had a girl I was calling her Paxton – The hubby refused stating our child would get called Paxo Stuffing (a UK brand). Luckily for both of us we had three boys.

So that is my five choices. I could have gone on forever with the amount of books I simply adore. I tried to mix it up a little with some from my teens and others that are newer books.

I hopefully have given you some inspiration for your next read. Thanks H.C. I enjoyed writing up my thoughts.

Links –
Website – https://www.whisperingstories.com/
Twitter (X) – https://twitter.com/storywhispers
Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/whisperingstoriesblog/

Be sure to check out https://www.whisperingstories.com/!

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Top 5 All-Time Desert Island Books with Carol from Reading Ladies Book Club

Top 5 All-Time Desert Island Books
This is where I should be introducing Carol and her blog, but she did the work for me. So I’m going to shut up and let her do her thing….

Shout Out to H.C. Newton @ IrresponsibleReader for this guest post opportunity!

I’m Carol, a retired 5th-grade teacher, an ardent and avid bibliophile, a literacy advocate, and your new bookish friend. My favorite genres are historical fiction, literary fiction, and contemporary fiction.

In addition, I enjoy reading selected memoirs and other narrative nonfiction. I’m an incorrigible mood reader.

My blog www.ReadingLadies.com is almost seven years old, and my mission is to share a love of great literature across a variety of genres with an intentional focus on new releases, thoughtful themes, diverse cultures, and “own voices” authors. I desire to be a trusted reviewer for your next great read! Respectful conversations are always welcome. 

I love making book lists and sharing recommendations. My Top Five or Top Ten of anything varies from day to day

If I were on an island, I’d be thrilled with ANY five books! After all, I’m the kid who read the back of cereal boxes. In reality, I’d have my entire library with me on my kindle (with a solar charger).

However, if I had a choice of grabbing five physical books, I might reach for the following:


A Book to Encourage Endurance: a survival story set on an island
Castle of Water by Dane Hucklebridge
Genre/Categories/Setting: Contemporary Fiction, Survival, Cast-a-ways, Remote and Uninhabited Island
Castle of Water

Link to my review: https://readingladies.com/2017/09/22/castle-of-water/

Sophie, an architect and honeymooner, and Barry, disillusioned with his career in finance and seeking inspiration for his love of art end up on one very small island when their plane is hit by lightning and crashes in the middle of the South Pacific. Strangers and sole survivors and as different as night and day, Sophie and Barry wash up on a small uninhabited island and survival becomes their primary objective. Sophie and Barry draw from each other’s strengths and skills and through harrowing experiences, keep the hope of rescue alive.
“And so it came to pass that two utterly disparate lives happened to overlap … bound together on an uninhabited island some 2,359 miles from Hawaii, 4,622 miles from Chile, and 533 miles from the nearest
living soul.

Crap, as Barry liked to say.

Putain de merde, as Sophie was known to exclaim.”

A Book For inspiration: one that will encourage me to write my own letters
Gilead by Marilynne Robinson
Genre/Categories/Setting: Literary Fiction, Father/son, Faith, Small Town Rural America


Review link: https://wordpress.com/post/readingladies.com/16491

Pulitzer Prize 2005. New York Times Top-Ten Book of 2004. Winner of the National Book Critics Circle Award for Fiction. Marilynne Robinson writes the quiet story of three generations of fathers and sons. faith, and rural life. In the present day, our main character is most concerned that the son will truly know his father and appreciate the legacy he leaves.

“When things are taking their ordinary course, it is hard to remember what matters. There are so many things you would never think to tell anyone. And I believe they may be the things that mean most to you,
and that even your own child would have to know in order to know you well at all.”

“I’m writing this in part to tell you that if you ever wonder what you’ve done in your life, and everyone does wonder sooner or later, you have been God’s grace to me, a miracle, something more than a miracle. You may not remember me very well at all, and it may seem to you to be no great thing to have been the good child of an old man in a shabby little town you will no doubt leave behind. If only I had the words
to tell you.”

A Book About Family: one that reminds me of unconditional love
A Place For Us by Fatima Farheen Mirza
Genre/Categories/Setting: Contemporary Fiction, Complicated Family Drama, California
A Place for Us

Review Link: https://wordpress.com/post/readingladies.com/6599

A Place For Us shares the story of an Indian-American Muslim family whom we meet as they gather to celebrate a family wedding. Through flashbacks, readers are filled in on the family dynamics, family history, and become acquainted with the parents, Rafiq and Layla, and their three children, Hadia, Huda, and Amar. Told mostly from the perspectives of Layla, Hadia, and Amar, readers begin to appreciate the complexity of family relationships, understand the bonds that draw the family together, and become acquainted with the personalities along with the insecurities and rivalries that cause conflict. In light of the parents’ conservative Muslim faith and living in California, the children must find their way in reconciling the faith of their parents and their traditional ways with the reality of day-to-day lives, and individual hopes and dreams. At the wedding of the oldest daughter, which breaks with tradition and is a union of love and not arranged by parents, Amar, the prodigal son, reunites with his family for the first time in three years. The last part of the story is told from the father’s heartfelt perspective. This is a story of love, parenting, coming of age, faith, and belonging.

“Of all my mistakes the greatest, the most dangerous, was not emphasizing the mercy of God.” 

A Historical Fiction Reread: one memorable and thought-provoking story

Invention of Wings by Sue Monk Kidd
Genre/Categories/Setting: Historical Fiction, Slavery, Abolition, Women’s Rights, Charleston, Plantation Life, pre Civil War
The Invention of Wings

Review Link: https://wordpress.com/post/readingladies.com/6859

The Invention of Wings is a fictionalized biographical account of the Grimke sisters as they become trailblazers in the abolition movement and early leaders in the fight for women’s rights.

The story takes place in the pre Civil War era and begins on a plantation in Charleston. On the occasion of Sarah Grimke’s eleventh birthday, she’s presented with her own slave, ten-year old Hetty “Handful” Grimke. Sarah has always been uncomfortable with this tradition. At first, Sarah and Handful are more like sisters and playmates as they develop a friendly companionship. As the story progresses, Sarah leaves Charleston to join her adventurous and fearless sister, Angelina, in the north as early pioneers in the fight for abolition and women’s rights. We follow Sarah’s and Hetty’s journeys for thirty-five years as both women strive to carve out a life of their own and navigate a close and complex relationship.
“The world may try to dim your light, but it can never extinguish your fire.”

A Comfort Read: a favorite book about books
The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society by Mary Ann Shaffer
Genre/Categories/Setting: Historical fiction, Book About Books and Book Club, Found Family

The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society

Written in epistolary form, this is a warmhearted story of a unique book club that formed on the Island of Guernsey during WWII. Juliet begins a correspondence with the literary members and learns about the impact
of the recent German occupation. Her in-person visit will change her life.

“Reading good books will ruin you for enjoying bad ones.”

For Hope and Comfort: words from Scripture
The New Testament

The New Testament

(Threads link in bio):


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Top 5 All-Time Desert Island Books with Noelle Holten

Top 5 All-Time Desert Island Books
What can I possibly say about Noelle Holten? I first heard her on the Two Crime Writers and a Microphone podcast, and sought out her blog, CrimeBookJunkie. Sometime after that I started reading her novels–and am an even bigger fan of those than her (too rare) posts. Noelle’s a great supporter of the blog, too–and has been known to share one of my posts before I get a chance to on social media–and expressed interest in taking part in these if I did it again. Well, here we are…

Her official bio states: “Noelle Holten is an award-winning blogger at www.crimebookjunkie.co.uk. She’s a PR & Social Media Manager for Bookouture, a leading digital publisher in the UK, and she worked as a Senior Probation Officer for eighteen years, covering a variety of cases including those involving serious domestic abuse. Noelle has three Hons BA’s – Philosophy, Sociology (Crime & Deviance) and Community Justice, a Diploma in Probation Studies and a Masters in Criminology. Her hobbies include reading, attending as many book festivals as she can afford and sharing the booklove via her blog.
Dead Inside – her debut novel with One More Chapter/Harper Collins UK is an international kindle bestseller and the start of a new series featuring DC Maggie Jamieson. 6 Ripley Avenue is her first stand-alone crime thriller and hopefully not her last!”

Huge thanks to H.C. for taking me up on my offer to share my 5 Desert Island books! Assuming I can’t take my kindle… plus I’m not scientific enough to figure out how I’d power it without a plug, here are the 5 books I’d choose and a little explanation as to why!

In no particular order:

Sophie’s World by Jostein Gaarder. Don’t be shocked it’s not crime as my love of philosophy is just as strong – my Hons BA proves that! Or does it? 🤔 The book is about a girl named Sophie who starts getting letters from a philosopher, Alberto Knox. It’s like a crash course in philosophy, wrapped in a story and has stayed with me for over 40 years. It’s about understanding people, the decisions they make, the importance of knowledge and learning as well as questioning everything. I recently bought a special edition copy to re-read and see if I pick up anything new!

Rebecca by Daphne DuMaurier. A classic psychological suspense thriller, this story got under my skin when I first read it in high-school. I then became obsessed with the original film and anything since. I think this book just stands the test of time (I bought a special edition copy of this one a few years ago!). It is haunting, thrilling and emotional and if you haven’t read it yet… you should!

A Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin. Mainly because I might actually finish it! 😂 I have the whole collection and love the world-building, characters and imagery. It would be the perfect escape and it’s one hell of a story. Plus I’d get my fix of dragons… another obsession! If I could bring the whole collection, I would (but that would be cheating!

Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky. This was one of the books that made me want to go into Probation. The question of morality and justice, good and evil, are prominent in the story as well as whether what the MC, Raskolnikov, did was wrong. A fine line where murder is just? 🤔 His conscience soon catches up with him as the police close in. I’ve read it so many times, I’ve lost count and will probably read it many more as I usually pick up something new from the previous read.

The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood. I’ve read the book a few times and watched the series multiple times because it is one hell of a story… something you could picture happening if certain people got into power. 😲 I was fascinated at the insight the author had and although there is violence, oppression, power, misogyny, etc … the fight for survival and justice is strong. It is haunting, thrilling and another that has stayed with me. So this would definitely be coming – in case I need any tips to escape!

There you have it. I stayed away from any current novels because as much as I would love to take a few, the choice was much harder. I’m a series gal as well, so this would make the choice even worse. Thanks again to H.C. for having me.

Are any of these on your list, let us know in the comments!

Be sure to check out Noelle’s blog and novels!

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Top 5 All-Time Desert Island Books with Lashaan Balasingam

Top 5 All-Time Desert Island Books
Lashaan is a Tolkien and Batman nut. There’s more to him, but those are the things that first jump to mind. His blog describes him as:

“A reader. A reviewer. A researcher.
He’s a Ph.D. candidate in criminology and works full-time in a North American police organization.
He has an eclectic reading taste but primarily focuses on science-fiction, fantasy, and graphic novels.
He might seem busy by day, but he chases after stories, whatever form they are in, by night.”

He’s also an incredibly nice guy who has pointed me to about 50% of the comics/graphic novels I’ve picked up in the last few years. Lashaan is one of the first I reached out to for this round of guest posts, asking him “What’s your Top 5 Desert Island Top 5 list?

Be sure to check out Roars and Echoes on a regular basis, you’ll be glad you did.

Yep. That’s THE question that always sends ANY reader down a dark, dark spiral of madness and mayhem. You’d think it’s an easy question with the number of books you might have already read so far into your life, but that’s just it. So many to pick from. Which five do you keep? So here I go:

Crime and Punishment cover

  1. Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoyevsky (https://roarsandechoes.com/2016/01/30/crime-and-punishment-by-fyodor-dostoyevsky/)

I usually systematically go with this book as my all-time favourite novel, so it’s a bit hard not to keep it in a list like this one. Every time I think back at the first time I read and finished this book, I’m reminded by the suffocating psychological journey the protagonist goes through and that’s definitely a story I’d like to have by my side to relativize my own desert island experience.

The Hobbit cover

  1. The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien (https://roarsandechoes.com/2019/11/08/the-hobbit-by-j-r-r-tolkien/)

The book that paved the way to my deep plunge into the professor’s fantasy universe. This one is sure to keep me entertained, to keep me dreaming awake, to keep me resilient all alone on my island.

The Lord of the Rings cover

  1. The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien (https://roarsandechoes.com/2020/07/25/the-fellowship-of-the-ring-by-j-r-r-tolkien/)

I’m sort of cheating with this one since this would contain all three books in one neat edition, but hey, that’s the only way to get the whole adventure. How can I also not bring this along when it’s clearly the ultimate epic fantasy adventure that couldn’t possibly ever get hold no matter how many times you read it!

Dune cover

  1. Dune by Frank Herbert (https://roarsandechoes.com/2019/10/02/dune-by-frank-herbert-2/)

Another classic that I’ll always cherish and even more because of the protagonist’s coming of age story, his ability to face the unknown, to surmount his fears, to embrace his prophecy. While I might not be able to continue the rest of the series on my island, this along will surely keep me happy until my last breath!

The Killing Joke Cover

  1. Batman: The Killing Joke by Alan Moore (https://roarsandechoes.com/2015/07/26/the-killing-joke-by-alan-moore-2/)

You didn’t possibly think I’d end this top 5 without at least mentioning Batman once, did you? One of my all-time favourite graphic novels is one of Alan Moore’s greatest creation: The Killing Joke. I’m always all giddy with excitement when I think of this particular story. Such a masterpiece.

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Top 5 All-Time Desert Island Books with Me, The Irresponsible Reader

Top 5 All-Time Desert Island Books
It’s time to wrap this series up—at least for now, I’ve had people reach out to me to express interest in doing this in the future. If you’d like to take a shot at this, just let me know! I’d be more than happy to try this all again. But for now, I get to give my 2¢.

In a perfect world, the first paragraph or so of this was going to be the prompt I gave everyone. But, I didn’t finish writing them* until after everyone submitted their lists. Which actually worked out pretty well, because I prefer what I got to what this would’ve produced.

* Or start, actually.

If you’re reading this site, I probably don’t need to give an introduction like I did with the rest, but the reflex is there. As the Irresponsible Reader, I’m a fanboy sounding my bookish yawp over the roofs of the Internet. Essentially, I’m just some guy with a habit that’s gotten out of control, and will very likely die crushed by an out-of-control TBR Pile in my dotage (or tomorrow). Appreciator of the Strange, the Neat, and/or the Yummy.

As I often do on weekends, I recently found myself at Championship Paperbacks, this charming little New and Used bookstore downtown. It’s a little rundown on the outside, but inside? It’s a monument to books—there are some new releases, of course—in paperback and trade paperbacks. But primarily it’s a treasure-trove of Mass Market Paperbacks—classics, little-heard-of backlist titles, obscure and hard-to-find SF&F treasures, and mystery novels galore.

The place is owned and run by a moody guy named Ron—I’m not sure why he keeps the place, he doesn’t really seem to like it much. But he does seem to have some pretty serious opinions about the books. He has two booksellers on staff that really add some…color, shall we say to the place. First of all, there’s Larry. Larry is a boisterous guy who seems to like junk food almost as much as he does the sound of his own voice. Larry will go on extended rants about Grimdark Fantasy, Hard Science Fiction, and Horror (although rumor has it, he writes cozy mysteries about a Hamster Breeder who solves murders when he’s not at work). The other bookseller is a quiet, knowledgeable man, Nick—who has plenty of firm opinions (and the familiarity with fiction to back them up) himself but has to be pushed into expressing them.

When I walk in, there are a few people browsing around the store’s perimeter, and the three booksellers are lounging around the cash register chatting with a few customers, everyone seems engaged in the conversation, people are chuckling, and a few are taking notes on scratch paper or their phones. Larry cuts off whatever scathing remark he was in the middle of to point at me just inside the door, cocks an eyebrow and, bellows—”You, there, Irresponsible Reader*—name your Top 5 All-Time Desert Island Books. Now!”

* If I’d actually finished this in time, Larry would be calling out the participants here.

I freeze…it’s just a conversation with a few complete strangers, and the guys who run the bookshop I like to shop in. It’s not like I’m on trial at the Hauge, behind the center podium on the Alex Trebek stage trying to come up with a decent wager in limited seconds, or trying to decide what I want for dinner on a Cheat Day—but there’s something about the way these guys are looking at me that ratchets up the pressure.

Mentally (I think, maybe it was literally), I mop my brow and try to come up with something to say. “Well, I could go for something major that I’ve always wanted to—or thought I should read—Crime and Punishment or something really weighty and important, like Eat, Pray, Love.” The shared silence is deafening, tough crowd. “But really, if I’m stuck on a deserted island for who knows how long, I want comfort. I want familiarity, I want something that I know will make me feel good.”

I nod to myself, that sounds about right. Larry taps his fingers impatiently on the counter. “No more stalling—come on!”

“Okay, okay, okay. We’ll start with Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre—I’ve been a fan since High School. I get caught up in the story, I love the looks at and criticisms of British culture of the time and the ways Christianity was expressed at the time, and Jane’s just a great character. I get something new out of it each time I read it.” Ron looks unimpressed, Larry rolls his eyes, but Nick gives a quiet nod. That nod gave me the assurance to move on.

“I’m going to need something else that takes a while. So I guess Rothfuss’ The Name of the Wind—the 10th Anniversary Edition, of course (I’m going to need those extra fifty pages and whatnot).” I see Larry start to say something in response, “Yeah, yeah, I know—it’s crazy to just pick the first volume of a trilogy—especially one that might never get finished*—but I just love that book. I really don’t care if we get the rest of the trilogy as long as I can re-read this every so often.”

* As much as I want K.R.R. to get his trip.

I start to pick up speed. “I have to have some Douglas Adams. I’m going to pick So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish.” I note the crowd’s skeptical reaction. “Yeah, yeah, I know. It’s not the funniest of the series, but there are several great moments and it’s a better novel than the rest.” Larry sneers at that choice, Ron actually seems to be paying attention, and Nick seems intrigued (but still mildly skeptical). I’m having a hard time watching the rest out of the corner of my eye, I can’t seem to stop seeing Larry’s glare.

“Fourth is a tricky one, I don’t want to be apart from Nero Wolfe or Archie Goodwin for an indefinite period. Also, just spending time in the Brownstone on West 35th will make me think of a nice, cozy home—something unlike whatever hut I found myself in. The Silent Speaker maybe? Gambit? Eh, I guess The Golden Spiders sounds best. Or at least good enough.” I thought about picking, Triple Zeck—the bound edition of the Zeck Trilogy—And Be a Villain, The Second Confession, and In the Best Families—but I’m almost certain that Larry and Ron would call that cheating.

“Those last couple of reads aren’t going to take me too long, I realize—but the comfort makes them worthwhile. Which is why I have to go with Early Autumn by Robert B. Parker for my last choice. There’s a little bit of the action and P.I. story, along with a healthy dose of Thoreau-esque self-reliance. If nothing else, reading about Spenser building that cabin might inspire me to construct something liveable on the island.” I get a couple of chuckles for that last line. Not too many, but I’ll take them.

Ron shrugs and gets back to whatever it is he does. Nick takes a couple of notes and smiles at me. Then Larry starts to critique my picks, telling me all the problems with them, drawing on his wealth of opinions. I tune him out and start browsing, some series of blog posts had given me quite the shopping list.

Be sure to check out the great lists provided by the authors/creators/bloggers/reviewers this last week and a half!

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Top 5 All-Time Desert Island Books with K.R.R. Lockhaven

Top 5 All-Time Desert Island Books
“K.R.R. (Kyle Robert Redundant) Lockhaven used to love writing as a kid. Starting at about ten years old, he wrote about anything from dragons to sentient jellybeans. Somewhere along the line, he lost that love. But now as a firefighter, husband, and father of two sons, he found it again. Unfortunately, he couldn’t find the really good stuff from back then…

“Kyle is a huge proponent of summer camps for burn survivor kids. [A portion] from every book he ever sells will go to the Washington State Council of Firefighters Burn Foundation, sponsors of Camp Eyabsut. For more info, or to donate money or time, go to www.campeyabsut.org.”

I’m truly delighted to close out the portion of this series submitted by authors with the return of K.R.R. Lockhaven to this site. I trust that you, like myself, will be most impressed by the thoughtful approach that Lockhaven brought to his selections. No, wait, that was someone else. Lockhaven’s approach is…well, it’s what one should expect from him. 🙂

Top 5 “Dessert Island” Books

When H.C. asked me to name my top 5 dessert island books, my mind went straight to the tried and true 100 Cookies: The Baking Book for Every Kitchen, with Classic Cookies, Novel treats, Brownies, Bars, and More. Then my mind wandered into a dreamlike image of what this supposed dessert island might look like. At first, it seemed wonderful—Candyland-esque in its sugary splendor. But then I thought about the longevity of such an island. Before long, things would start to get pretty bad. Baked goods don’t have the longest shelf life. Ice cream has even shorter still. I…

Sorry. I just realized my obvious blunder. It’s DESERT, not DESSERT. Unfortunately, my delete key is broken, so this has to stay in. I apologize again for being a dork.

So, now I understand what he was asking. What 5 books would I bring with me if I was to be stranded on a desert island for a prolonged period of time? Here is my list:
1. How to Build Your Own Boat From Scratch by John E. Traister
How to Build Your Own Boat From Scratch
I’ve always been fascinated by the idea of sailing the seas. This would be a good opportunity to build a boat and become the ship captain I’ve dreamed and written about. Not that some time alone on an island wouldn’t be nice in many ways. But I would start to miss my loved ones after a couple hours, so I’d like to be proactive in getting back to them.

2. The Sirens of Titan by Kurt Vonnegut
The Sirens of TitanShipbuilding, I’m guessing, is hard work. I would need to take breaks, and reading seems like a good way to pass the time while I’m resting. The first book that comes to mind for such a rest is The Sirens of Titan. This is probably my all-time favorite book. I first read it at a pivotal time in my life (junior year of high school), and I think it really changed things for the better. One way it did this was to open my mind to new ways of thinking. For example, its explanation for the purpose of all human life is one of the darkest and funniest things I’ve ever read. The idea that there was no ultimate purpose in life, or that such things could be joked about, was very freeing. My teenage mind hadn’t really contemplated such things before, but Vonnegut’s wisdom and satire had brought so many new ideas to the forefront. One of those ideas came from the following line: “I can think of no more stirring symbol of man’s humanity to man than a fire engine.” I credit this line with sparking my interest in becoming a firefighter. It’s strange to think about how one little line could have so much sway on where my life has gone (even if, in this scenario, it has led me to become stranded on a godforsaken desert island). This book also has one of my favorite lines: “A purpose of human life, no matter who is controlling it, is to love whoever is around to be loved” (which, in this scenario, would just be myself unless the shipbuilding thing worked out).

3. Miss Percy’s Pocket Guide (to the Care and Feeding of British Dragons) by Quenby Olson
Miss Percy’s Pocket Guide (to the Care and Feeding of British Dragons)I would like to have a cozy and often hilarious book on this island, and Miss Percy’s Pocket Guide seems just right. This book would comfort me whenever existential dread began to creep in. Plus, if I’m alone on the island for a long stretch of time, it might be helpful to learn how to smash through the fourth wall I’ll likely create in my mind. This book has the most brilliant form of fourth-wall-breaking I’ve ever read. It’s funny and fun and I want it on the island.

4. The Doors of Stone by Patrick Rothfuss
The Doors of StoneI know it’s not out yet, but I don’t currently have any travel plans that will take me over any large bodies of water, so I’m assuming I’ll be trapped on this island sometime in the future when the third book of The Kingkiller Chronicle is out. The main reason is that I don’t want to die without getting to the end of Kvothe’s story. I absolutely loved the first two books and I don’t think I’ve ever anticipated anything quite like I anticipate The Doors of Stone. Not that I want to put any pressure on Mr. Rothfuss. I’m currently writing book 3 of my own trilogy, so I understand the difficulties that come with such a task. Whenever he is ready, I’ll allow myself to go over the ocean. But not until then!

5. The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the GalaxyIt feels strange not to have a Terry Pratchett book on this list, but I’m going with this instead. For one thing, it’s fantastic. For another, I haven’t read it in too long so a reread is overdue. This is another book that presents the ultimate answer to the meaning of life (the universe, and everything) as something we can joke about. Humor is so damned important in the face of that pesky existential dread. In my opinion, we have to laugh at ourselves and our place in all of this to cope and find a slice of happiness in this unfathomable galaxy of ours. I imagine this kind of attitude will be beneficial as the existential dread of the desert island really starts to take hold.


Thank you, H.C., for letting me guest post on your wonderful blog! I hope this wasn’t too silly

If you aren’t rolling your eyes too hard at this, you might enjoy some of my writing. I have a humorous fantasy, two parts of a nautical fantasy trilogy, and a cozy fantasy you can find at krrlockhaven.com.

Lockhaven provided his own encouragement to visit his site (thoughtful of him to spare me the effort), but I want to say it myself—be sure to check out https://www.krrlockhaven.com and all the books there!

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Top 5 All-Time Desert Island Books with Jodie Crump

Top 5 All-Time Desert Island Books
I haven’t done a count or anything, but in the last five years, the blogger I’ve probably mentioned most often is our guest today, Jodie Crump of Witty and Sarcastic Bookclub. I’m pleased as punch to have her here today. Like some others, she cheats a little in her first choice–and then takes a daring move for the last few.

Before we dip into her list, let’s see what her site says about her:

“First of all, I’m a nerd. A huge nerd. Like, a Dungeons and Dragons, Magic the Gathering, quote-Firefly-and-proudly-call-myself-a-Browncoat nerd. I’m also a voracious reader, a homeschool mom, and an introvert. I’m more than a little awkward, and I express myself better in writing.

“I’ll read pretty much anything, with the exception of romance novels. Sadly, I’m bereft of any sense of romanticism. I tend to gravitate towards fantasy, YA, and sci-fi, but I’ve been branching out more into nonfiction lately.”

Thank you for having me!

I’m excited to talk about five books that I’d take with me to a desert island. Although, I’m more of a mountain fan so I’m mentally switching the beach out for a lovely, isolated cabin. Ah…that’s better.

Whether island or mountain, stranded or hermiting it up (I’m just creating words here), I have to start any list with a comfort read. You know, the kind that puts you at ease and makes you feel like you’re with old friends. This is where I cheat. I know, I just can’t be trusted! But my first choice would be…

1. The Dragonlance Chronicles by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman
You can find this trilogy in a lovely, annotated edition, so I can pretend it’s one book instead of three, right? This trilogy jumpstarted my lifelong love of the fantasy genre. I reread it every year, starting in Autumn and I’m actually reading it right now. These books follow a group of friends who have met up after being separated for five years. Instead of a quiet reunion, they find themselves on a quest that soon snowballs into a fight for the entire future of their world. Despite being an epic fantasy story, the trilogy is nonetheless character-focused. In fact, the red-robed mage Raistlin is the origin of my love of morally complex characters.

So, moving on to my second choice. I’d have to add a bit of magic, which means I’d go with:

2. The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern
I’m a sucker for beautiful, descriptive writing and The Night Circus delivers it in droves. Reading about the Circus is like entering a gorgeous dream. Everything has an ethereal quality. If it were possible, I would gladly forego sleep to go explore Le Cirque des Rêves. I’m a chronically exhausted parent, so that’s saying something.

I can’t head to a location to be determined for long enough to bring five books without having a least a few new releases.
First up is an upcoming release that I’ve been looking forward to for quite a while.

3. Legacy of a Hated God by Patrick Samphire
This is the final book in the Mennik Thorn series. These books are phenomenal and I’m both excited to see how things wrap up and sad to know that I’ll have to say goodbye to one of the best walking Murphy’s Law characters that I’ve had the pleasure to read. Of course, even the best characters can’t exist in a vacuum and Mennik is surrounded by some awesome characters. The world is fabulous, the plot development continues to surprise. This would be a perfect book to take on a long trip.

4. The Yawning Gap by C.V. Vobh
I just started this one (I mean that quite literally) and I’m excited to see where it leads. The premise, that of a band of wanderers being given the responsibility of fixing things that are so far broken it’s hard to tell if they even are fixable, is the sort that lends itself to a massive amount of imagination. Author C.V. Vobh’s writing has me immediately invested.

5. Shield Maiden by Sharon Emmerichs
Last but certainly not least, I’d bring Shield Maiden, an upcoming release from Orbit Books. This novel is inspired by Beowulf. I have a fascination with the epic poem and am always curious to see how other people see it, what additions they will make, and how that will change the story itself. I’ve read Tolkien’s version, Seamus Heaney’s translation (my very favorite), and several reimaginings. I’m fascinated by the idea of adding a female’s perspective to the story.

I think these choices will keep me occupied for a good long while. I do get to go on this hypothetical trip, right? No? Sigh.
Thank you for letting me ramble, Irresponsible Reader!

Be sure to check out Witty and Sarcastic Bookclub! If you read that blog and/or follow her on Social Media, you’ll see that Jodie’s the bee’s knees.

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Top 5 All-Time Desert Island Books with E.N. Crane/Noelle Rider/Noelle Neal-Crane

Top 5 All-Time Desert Island Books
So, first things first, I should’ve taken a minute to read this submission before I did the graphic and used the name she used on the post. Oops. But I’m behind schedule, so we’re sticking with that. Sorry, Noelle.

More importantly, here’s what Perry Dog Publishing has to say about this author: “Dog mom, Bark Box buyer and the authors known as E. N. Crane (thriller, humorous mystery, action adventure) and Noelle Rider (romance, witchy RomCom, general smut). My books are all focused on the bond between plus-sized women and their pets with romance, sass and A LOT of coffee.

“Please, for the love of dog, SEND MORE COFFEE!”

Noelle put a special, seasonal twist on this list. Which tempts me to reach out to her every few months to see what she’d come up with.

Top 5 Books for Spooky Season

-Noelle Neal-Crane (aka Perry Dog Publishing’s E. N. Crane & Noelle Rider)

The Irresponsible Reader asked for my top 5 “Desert Island” books to help with October content. Since I failed to complete my Author Interview (SORRY! Talking about myself is hard), I figured I owed him. More than owed him, I LOVE FALL!

So I added a twist – this is my Top 5 Spooky Season / Fall deserted cabin in the woods books. (You would never catch me on an island – Islands are humid and humidity makes me feel like I’m suffocating because sensory processing issues). I’m going to preface this by saying I’m not into scary Halloween. I don’t do horror, fear or loud sudden noises. Cute Halloween, like Mickey’s Halloween Party and friendly monsters are my jam. You will find no Stephen King here… who I dislike for his book On Writing and the narrative about the creation of Carrie… to be so nonchalant about bullying and… Sorry, not the placce.

All my picks are romance, it’s all I’ve been up for reading recently. The top 3 are available through the library (because that’s where I read them from) and one of them was written by me.

Without further ado – Let’s FALL into this!

5. Pumpkin Spice, Noelle Rider – Alright, this is shameless self-promotion (well, some shame or I wouldn’t feel the need to justify it… selling myself is hard… that’s what she said, OK I’m done). Pumpkin Spice is a fall themed Novella I wrote under my romance author pen name. Pumpkin Spice is an intro into the land of Pumpkin Valley and it’s a spicy small town romance with a plus-sized woman and awkward romancing. I loved writing it, but I’m not delusional, so I can admit that it needed more… more what I’m not sure, but more. I have a proper Witchy RomCom based in a supernatural valley in Northern Idaho in the works, so if you read this and you like it, join my newsletter to find out when Witching and Scheming, A Huckleberry Hollow Romance Novel is released!

4. The Wolf’s Return, Lucille Yates – This book is the second in the Bite of Magic Series, but it’s my favorite so far. Probably because of the werewolves instead of straight witches and magic. Just… werewolves. The Wolf’s Return is another Romance (as advertised, I’ve been on a kick), and it’s a second chance, fated mate, supernatural romantic suspense. There’s a plot line started in the first book regarding a big evil luming over Georgia (besides humidity, huge bugs, and racism) that continues into this one. I can’t guarantee you can start here without missing key points, but they are all good. Plus, Hailey is a total badass and watching her adjust to the furry lifestyle while holding her own is… #lifegoals

3. The Me You Love in the Dark, Skottie Young – An adult graphic novel, The Me You Love in the Dark is CREEPY. Like… horror flick dolls creepy. The novel has five parts, but I got 1-5 from the Library for the BCAF item in the Ultimate Book Nerd Challenge and… honestly, it’s disturbing with incredible art and an awesome story line composed of a few words and a lot of dark imagery. The story line is an artist moves into a rumored to be haunted house to work on her art for a big upcoming show. She’s not a believer but finds it suitably inspiring, and begins talking to the imaginary spirit who is supposedly inside. Though he isn’t imaginary… TW: GRAPHIC, demon, implied/ drawn on page sex, murder, dismemberment… there could be more.

2. A Witch’s Guide to Fake Dating a Demon, Sarah Hawley – A fake dating, accidental summoning romantic comedy. This book is, as advertised with romantic comedy, reasonably predictable and meets all trope expectations. HOWEVER, the way it got there was both unique and heartfelt. While I found the first chapter fairly long and a bit… slow, it picked up quickly. If you’re an advocate for nature, finding your voice and hot demons, this will be your new favorite read. Think Fern Gulley meets Sabrina the Teenage Witch (nineties style, not the new darker Netflix version) with an HBO finish that would make it NC17. This says its a series and the next book is out in November, hopefully it holds up!

1. Not the Witch You Wed, April Asher – A Maxwell triplet Supernatural Singles book… is absolutely HILARIOUS! Violet is sassy, smart and floundering. The first born triplet, she’s supposed to inherit her grandma’s position as leader of the supernatural council… except she has no magic. Lucky for her she has two more, very slightly younger, siblings and Rose is ready and willing. So Vi is bartending, volunteering, and holding petty grudges against men who betrayed her a decade ago… at least until she has to fake date and move in with the North American Alpha wolf shifter. I didn’t sleep for 24 hours to read this, it was so good.

Happy Autumn and blessed Samhain to you all! Read long and prosper.

Visit Perry Dog Publishing to learn more about all the books available there, and (presumably) to find a way to send her coffee!

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Top 5 All-Time Desert Island Books with Chris Monceaux

Top 5 All-Time Desert Island Books
Chris has been rambling about books for 2.5 years on his blog, Biblio Nerd Reflections. He loves to read fantasy, science fiction, romance, historical fiction, queer stories, or any combination of those genres. He also collects comics and is obsessed with LEGO. He lives in Shreveport, LA with his wife and their pets.

Only 2.5 years? He’s only been at this 2.5 years and is as good as he is? Wow. Also, this whole time I thought it was “Biblionerd”, it’s odd how much his spacing is messing with me. The thing his bio doesn’t state is that he has probably the best rating system around—I sometimes question how he applies it (and am sure he would think the same about mine), but it’s something that book bloggers should try to emulate. I’m talking too much about him and not letting him get on with his list, full of good books and it features one of the best strategies in this series.

While I hope to never be stranded on a deserted island because it sounds awful, having my favorite books might make the experience at least marginally better. Maybe? Probably not. Regardless, I do have some favorite books that I’d love to have along with me. At the very least, I’d be able to re-visit some of my favorite characters before dying of hunger or thirst, which I guess is a win. If I’m lucky enough to get rescued before death takes me, these stories would help ease the never-ending boredom, too. So, without further ado, here are my top 5 books (in no particular order) I’d want with me if I was stranded on a deserted island:

1. The Lord of the Rings by J. R. R. Tolkien (50th Anniversary One-Volume Edition) – How could I not put THE LORD OF THE RINGS on this list? It would give me hours upon hours of enjoyment, and this edition includes all three books, which is probably cheating a bit, but oh well. I love this story and these characters so much, and I’d definitely want it on an island with me because I could read it over and over again.

2. The Spear Cuts Through Water by Simon Jimenez – This book is one of my more recent favorites. It is so unique and completely enthralling. I can totally see myself getting lost in the words and forgetting about being isolated on an island, at least for a while.

3. The Darkness Outside Us by Eliot Schrefer – This is one of my favorite YA books I’ve ever read. The twist absolutely shattered me, and I’ve always wanted to go back and read it again knowing how it all ends. It is also quite existential in nature and focused on the importance of human connection, which would likely fit my mood while stranded on an island.

4. A Day of Fallen Night by Samantha Shannon – I loved THE PRIORY OF THE ORANGE TREE by this author, but I haven’t had a chance to read this standalone prequel yet. I figured I needed at least one book I haven’t read, and this is one I’m really looking forward to reading. Who says I can’t go on a new adventure while stuck on an island? I know this book will definitely take me on one!

5. The Rules and Regulations for Mediating Myths & Magic by F. T. Lukens – This book is just so ridiculous and fun, which is kind of lacking in my other picks. I’d definitely be reading this one anytime I needed a laugh or to pull myself out of a bad mood.

Those are the five books I’d want on a deserted island with me. I tried to focus mostly on standalones because not having the whole series would annoy me. Many of the books are also chonkers and could be used as weapons, if needed. 🙂

Be sure to check out Chris’ great blog Biblio Nerd Reflections!

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