Tag: HC Chats with ___ About ___

HC Chats with John Simons about RinthCon

I sat down a few days ago to talk with John Simons about the second year of his new Con, RinthCon, and the little twist to it that makes it an experience like no other you’ll find on the Convention Circuit today.

I posted a little something about RinthCon 2323 last year before the event, but didn’t follow up like I should’ve. I expect better of me this year.

Are you a Reader of Things and want to chat with me about an author/series/something other than promoting your own work (which we will do, just not primarily)? I’d love to keep trying this, but I’m not ready to start pestering people about it. So please let me know.

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HC Chats with JCM Berne about Jim Butcher

Here’s part two of my experiment with something new… there are some things I’ve wanted to try and the written word just ain’t gonna cut it. (and I hate saying that about the written word—maybe it’s just my capabilities with it that are the problem…that seems more likely).

When I listen to podcasts or other interviews with authors, one of the things I enjoy most is when they just talk about books they didn’t write or a specific author’s work. It’s a different way to learn about the author—and it usually makes me feel like we belong to the same tribe (reader). So that’s what I’m trying to do in this series (?) of chats. Just talk with an author, blogger, or someone who just wants to talk about some author about someone’s books. If I’ve read them—great. If I haven’t read the author in question, I may end up reading something by them after our chat—at the very least, I’ll learn about someone.

JCM was kind enough to chat with me about an author who has influenced us both, Jim Butcher, and a few other things. Sit back, watch, enjoy, tell us where we’re wrong…or all four.

I’m not sure how long we talked after I ended the recording, but I could’ve gone for a couple of hours. I had a great time with this and hope you enjoyed it.

Are you a Reader of Things and want to chat with me about an author/series/something other than promoting your own work (which we will do, just not primarily)? I’d love to keep trying this, but I’m not ready to start pestering people about it. So please let me know.

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HC Chats with Jodie from Witty and Sarcastic Bookclub about Self-Published Authors Appreciation Week

I’m dipping my toe into something new here. There’s some things I’ve wanted to try and the written word just ain’t gonna cut it. (and I hate saying that about the written word–maybe it’s just my capabilities with it that are the problem…that seems more likely).

Jodie was willing to be my first victim, er, chat partner. This comes across a little more interview-y than I’d hoped. I’ll get there, maybe. Still we chat about Jodie’s blog, the origins of Self-Published Authors Appreciation Week, what some of this year’s features are going to be like, some self-published work in general, and a little more. Hope you enjoy!

As an added bonus, you can watch me adjust settings while recording–because who doesn’t do that? And try to awkwardly find a comfortable way to sit while staying in frame. Clearly, I’m not a professional. I’m barely an amateur.

I’ve got one more trial balloon scheduled that you should see in a few days. We’ll see if I schedule more.*

* Obviously, part of that is going to depend on finding people to sit down with me. If you’re interested, let me know.

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