I’m H.C. Newton, just some guy with a hobby that’s gotten out of control. Irresponsible Reader. Bookish Weirdo. Book Wyrm. Ink Drinker. Pilcrow addict. Appreciator of the Strange, the Neat, and/or the Yummy.
I read widely and voraciously, with little discipline (although I have my bouts). And then I write about it—sometimes a little, sometimes more (not sure how often I get to “a lot”, so let’s go with “more” instead). I’m a Mystery junkie and have been as long as I can remember, I love Urban Fantasy, I can’t pass up good Science Fiction or Fantasy, I’ve been known to dabble in Chick Lit (‘tho, honestly, I’m more comfortable in “Lad Lit”), a decent Western will do the trick—and I’m even open to a well-written and highly recommended Romance novel.
On the Non-Fiction side, I admit I’m a bit more limited—if it catches my eye, though, I’ll read anything. I typically end up with Biography/Autobiography/Memoir or Politics on the mainstream side. I’m also a Theology Nerd, of the Reformed Protestant variety.
Anyway, the idea here is to write about these things, and other related topics—news about publishing/books/authors, books in general, and anything else that seems to fit.
Please comment, disagree, quibble, and whatnot throughout.
Professor VJ Duke
The professor loves quibbling, so… I’m sure you despise Pride and Prejudice, right?
Despise? Nah. I’m more confused and befuddled by it. I do not understand the acclaim and appeal. There’s a few sentences that show a little wit, but that’s it. Lousy and shallow characters, a plot that surely was predictable even when Austen pinned it. I really just don’t see why it has the following it does. Give me a book by a Brontë sister any day.
Professor VJ Duke
A relieved professor! I’m not sure the appeal either. All the ladies seem to like it, you know. So, do you recommend Wurthering Heights?
I do. Also, Jane Eyre. One of these days I’m going to have to work my way through everything the sisters wrote
I don’t see how to send you a message. So here…check out this post from Seth Godin about charting and reading. You’ll be amazed.
Gary H.
S. C. Flynn
appreciate it!
Walter Hackman
I am the author of a book titled No Problem, Mr. Walt. Please take a look at my website and see if the subject matter catches your eye. If so, I am interested in having you reviewing my book.
I look forward to hearing from you.
John Altson
Hi, H.C.
I have two books I’d love to have you review:
The Id from Eden is a fictional work about AI getting into the wrong hand (e.g. Satan)
The Black Line is non-fiction and about my team’s writing the software that flew the SR-71 spy plane for 22 years. It has interviews with two of the flight crews.
Any interest?
John Altson
H.R Phoenix, Author
Hi, I love your blog!
Aww, thanks!
H.R Phoenix, Author
No problem! So how long have you been doing book reviews for? And how many followers do you have?
Think I”ve been at this for 7 years now, my follower/reader count is on the low side I think. But enough to lift my ego
H.R Phoenix, Author
Cool. Best of luck for the future!
Jen Porter
What’s the best way to contact you if I would like to suggest a book (specifically my own book) for your review? Do you have an email address to which I might be able to send you a review copy?
It’s Christian dystopian sci-fi: The Frozen, by Jen Porter. Sadly, I just discovered your blog, a week or three too late to provide you with both a reminder and new material to review for Self-Published Author Appreciation Week…which I also did not realize was a “thing” until I started reading your blog!
I have enjoyed reading some of your thoughts on other books, agree with you on Wuthering Heights vs. Pride and Prejudice…am also of Reformed church affiliation…and, as a result, am very interested to see what you think of my book.
Let me know how to contact you and I would be happy to send you a review copy!
There’s a link on the sidebar (which may not be as prominent as I think): https://irresponsiblereader.com/read-my-book/ that will get me the info I need to get going in an easy-to-reference manner. The closest thing I have to a “review policy” is there, too. I hope you use it, because reading your site has piqued my interest in The Frozen.
Thanks for stopping by!