Tag: Kevin Jon Davies

My Favorite Non-Fiction Books of 2024

My Favorite Non-Fiction Books of 2024
My 2024 Wrap-up continues and now we’re on to the Non-Fiction list. While I liked a number of works that didn’t make this list, I felt strange calling them a “favorite.” So, we have 9 instead of the nigh-obligatory 10. These are the ones that stuck with me through the year; the ones I cited in conversation; that I thought about when reading something else or watching something on TV. Yeah, there’s some overlap between this list and the audiobook list from yesterday—lately, most Non-Fiction books I work through are in audiobook format. So it makes sense, even if it makes this post seem like an echo.

As always, I only put books that I’ve read for the first time on this list. I don’t typically return to NF books (outside of looking up things for one or three points), but occasionally I do—for example, The Pleasures of Reading in an Age of Distraction by Alan Jacobs would get a permanent spot on this list, were it not for this rule.

(in alphabetical order by author)

42: The Wildly Improbable Ideas of Douglas Adams42: The Wildly Improbable Ideas of Douglas Adams

edited by Kevin Jon Davies

My original post
This collection of material from the 60 boxes of personal artefacts, compiled by a longtime collaborator is moving (which I didn’t expect), funny (duh), strange (more duh), and fascinating (of course). I found this to be mind-bogglingly delightful. Which is pretty much what I expected, true. But there’s expecting to appreciate a book and then getting to experience it and discover that you were right. It’s is kind of a doubling of pleasure.

If you’re a fan of Adams, you’re going to find at least one thing here that will interest you more than you anticipated. If you’re a big fan of Adams, you’re in for a treat. He was the hoopiest of hoopy froods, and this book gives you a glimpse into just how hoopy that is.

5 Stars

Cover of Comedy Book by Jesse David FoxComedy Book: How Comedy Conquered Culture–and the Magic That Makes It Work

by Jesse David Fox

I ended this book thinking if Fox doesn’t know something about stand-up comedy, it’s probably not worth knowing. That doesn’t mean I agree with all of his opinions about it, but, wow. It’s like listening to an encyclopedia of stand-up. He talks history, he talks current stars, political humor (and the role of comedic news programs), lowbrow, how minority comics can help their communities–and how those communities can make new comics, he talks about some big names, some big names that fell apart, cancel culture (and how long that’s been a thing. Hint: ages.). He runs the gamut with insight, wit, and some third thing that I can’t think of at the moment, but is impressive.

4 1/2 Stars

Cover to Mystery Science Theater 3000: A Cultural History by Christopher J Olson and Matt FoyMystery Science Theater 3000: A Cultural History

by Matt Foy and Christopher J. Olson

My original post
This is the second year in a row that I’ve had a book about MST3K in my favorites. This is the more academic version of the book I featured last year, essentially. It’s geared more toward media studies and the impact the show has had on culture–media culture, in particular, as well as Internet commentary–as it was/is shaped by it.

I felt smarter after reading this, appreciated the show in a new angle or two, and was driven to watch an episode or three. (sure, it’s not a perfect book, it gave me an allergy to the term “intertextuality” for a couple of months)

4 1/2 Stars

Cover of Soundtrack of Silence by Matt HaySoundtrack of Silence: Love, Loss, and a Playlist for Life

by Matt Hay

WOW, this was fascinating. Both the way he talked about music, referenced music, did his best to pound certain songs and sounds into his brain so that when we went deaf, he’d be able to play them in his brain–such a great idea, you couldn’t help but get inspired by that.

And then when he describes the medical treatments, the agonzing process of ups and downs he went through to work on the tumor/side effects? It got even better–and I couldn’t stop talking about it. Hay describing this in his own voice adds so much to it all.

I’m so, so, so glad I listened to this one. (I don’t remember why I only gave it 3 1/2 Stars, I won’t argue with past me, but present me would rate it higher. Maybe you have to sit with it for awhile.)

3 1/2 Stars

The Body's KeepersThe Body’s Keepers: A Social History of Kidney Failure and Its Treatments

by Paul L. Kimmel, M.D., read by Lane Hakel

My original post
I have been learning about Kidney Disease, Transplants, Dialysis as an interested observer since my 20 year-old-son was 3 days old. But listening to this book made me feel like I’d never heard of any of it those things before. Granted, Kimmel focuses on other types of Kidney Disease (seemingly every other kind than he had), but still, a lot of what he wrote applies.

Just hearing about the early work on what we now call dialysis made this book worth it. (looking at a dialysis machine in 2024 and thinking about those passages is a little freaky). But then again, so is almost every chapter.

I have referenced this book in my own thoughts, conversations with family, friends, and coworkers so many times since I listened to it that I feel like I owe the author/narrator some royalties, and if I don’t move on to the next book on this list, I’m going to end up writing another 8 paragraphs on this book.

4 Stars

Cover of Red Dead's History by Tore C OlssonRed Dead’s History: A Video Game, an Obsession, and America’s Violent Past

by Tore C. Olsson

My original post
Fantastic idea for a class. Fantastic idea for a book. Taking a look at the historical setting and historical accuracy of a game that had the reputation of realism is so smart. It’s not a critique (generally), it’s an exploration of all the things that are shown, giving the background, showing all the things it got right (and would’ve got righter if they’d changed the year). Showing the ways that the real history was even worse–and occasionally better–than the game depicts.

It does so in an engaging way, too. American History buffs and/or video game aficionados should give this a read. Or people who get the appeal of either, but don’t have the energy for them (like me).

4 Stars

The Secret Lives of Booksellers and LibrariansThe Secret Lives of Booksellers and Librarians:
Their Stories Are Better Than the Bestsellers

by James Patterson and Matt Eversmann; Read by: Tom Force, Nancy Peterson, Jenn Lee, Jennifer Pickens, Amy Jensen, Deanna Anthony, Jane Oppenheimer, Susan Hanfield, Marni Penning, Daniel Henning, Rob Reider

My original post
Is this an overly-romanticized look at bookselling/being a librarian? Yes. Do I care? Not one whit.

This is an inspiring and entertaining look at the people who connect others with the books they want or need—whether they realize they want or need them or not. For a booklover, this is great to hear. They sound like what you want them to sound like.

The big problem with this book is that you’re going to fight the impulse to quit your job and go get your MLS or start working as a clerk in a bookstore as soon as you finish (or by the mid-point). As downsides go, it’s a pretty tame one, but it’s there.

4 Stars

Cover of Making It So by Patrick StewartMaking It So

by Patrick Stewart

My original post
I think I said it all yesterday (oops, should’ve left a little something) or in my original post. So, I’ll just repeat myself.

First off, any audiobook narrated by Patrick Stewart is worth your time. And then some. That’s a given, right?

When it’s him recounting events from his life–especially when he makes it clear that he was in the wrong, or foolish, or less-than-ideal in some way? It makes it even better.

I was captivated, I hung on to every word (as much as I could while working/driving). I annoyed my family (only some of who are fans of some of his work, the others don’t really care one way or the other) by retelling the stories. Oddly, none of them found them as entertaining as I did. Not that it stopped me…

If you’re a fan of any one of Stewart’s roles, it’s worth the listen just to hear him talk about that role. If you like multiple roles, you’ll have even more fun. If you listen to the whole thing, you’ll be a fan of the man, not just the actor.

4 Stars

Cover of Planet Narnia by Michael WardPlanet Narnia: The Seven Heavens in the Imagination of C. S. Lewis

by Michael Ward, read by Nigel Patterson

I honestly don’t know if a week has gone by since last January that I haven’t thought about this book (probably, but not many). One of my reading goals for the year is due to it (more on that soon). I don’t know that I accept Ward’s thesis (which I won’t restate here, go click on the links above). I do know that I can’t discount it. I also know I’m not smart enough to go further than that, I also don’t know Lewis well enough to argue one way or the other.

I discovered new depths to the beloved series here, regardless of what I think of Ward’s argument. It inspired me to think about this series more. I also clearly need to re-read the first two-thirds of his Space Trilogy (and to actually read the last third) as well as some of Lewis’ other work.

It’s dense. It’s thorough (at least it seems to be). It’s provocative. It’s absolutely worth your time, and I probably should’ve given it more stars just because of the space it’s taken in my brain since.

3 1/2 Stars

42: The Wildly Improbable Ideas of Douglas Adams edited by Kevin Jon Davies: A Tribute in Miscellany, Ephemeron, Bits and Bobs

42: The Wildly Improbable Ideas of Douglas Adams42: The Wildly Improbable Ideas of Douglas Adams

edited by Kevin Jon Davies

Publisher: Unbound
Publication Date: September 19, 2023
Format: Hardcover
Length: 299 pg.
Read Date: May 11-23, 2024
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What’s 42: The Wildly Improbable Ideas of Douglas Adams, Anyway?

from The Publisher:

When Douglas Adams died in 2001, he left behind 60 boxes full of notebooks, letters, scripts, jokes, speeches and even poems. In 42, compiled by Douglas’s long-time collaborator Kevin Jon Davies, hundreds of these personal artefacts appear in print for the very first time.

Douglas was as much a thinker as he was a writer, and his artefacts reveal how his deep fascination with technology led to ideas which were far ahead of their time: a convention speech envisioning the modern smartphone, with all the information in the world living at our fingertips; sheets of notes predicting the advent of electronic books; journal entries from his forays into home computing – it is a matter of legend that Douglas bought the very first Mac in the UK; musings on how the internet would disrupt the CD-Rom industry, among others.

42 also features archival material charting Douglas’s school days through Cambridge, Footlights, collaborations with Graham Chapman, and early scribbles from the development of Doctor Who, Hitchhiker’s and Dirk Gently. Alongside details of his most celebrated works are projects that never came to fruition, including the pilot for radio programme They’ll Never Play That on the Radio and a space-inspired theme park ride.

Douglas’s personal papers prove that the greatest ideas come from the fleeting thoughts that collide in our own imagination, and offer a captivating insight into the mind of one of the twentieth century’s greatest thinkers and most enduring storytellers.

A Few Short-Comings (only one of which is of any substance)

Not every piece of handwriting is transcribed—and no, I’m not referring to the more than a dozen examples of his signature (an interesting evolution to be sure). The majority of bits of handwriting are printed under, next-to, or following to make them legible. But not all—and there are a few things that I can’t quite suss out. And if you’d ever seen my handwriting, you’d know that I can figure out what a lot of messy writing says.

The other drawbacks are that the chapters covering Dirk Gently (in the various books) and The Last Chance to See (radio program and book) are too short. I could’ve used twice the material on both of those.

I Didn’t Expect to Get Misty-Eyed

Throughout the book are letters written by people who knew Adams to him, describing their relationship, what he meant to them, and how his death affected them. The first one, by Stephen Fry, is used as the foreword and threw me—I didn’t realize I was going to have an emotional experience while reading the book.

These were wonderful and heartfelt and make the reader feel close to someone they’ve only admired from afar. Sure, it’s a parasocial relationship at best (for almost everyone who reads the book), but especially reading those letters, it feels far less “para.”

An Overly Specific Suggestion

Do not read this book while recovering from abdominal surgery.

It is large (8.5″ X 11.9″ X 1.2″). For a book, it is heavy (roughly 4 pounds). There is no comfortable way to hold this book while reclining if you cannot rest it on your stomach.

That said, the large size, the high-quality paper, and the full-color pages are a wonderful way to present this material, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

So, what did I think about 42: The Wildly Improbable Ideas of Douglas Adams?

So, really, at this point, should I be allowed to rate books related to Douglas Adams? Probably not. But, this is my blog, so I get to set the rules.

There were some things that I’m not sure why Davies included, a couple of things I didn’t appreciate as much as I should’ve (some older British pop culture references/names that I’m too American to get/recognize). But by and large, I was captivated and entertained. I bet Davies had a blast compiling this and it couldn’t have been easy cutting some material (although I bet there was a bunch that he wondered why anyone hung onto in the first place).

While I (semi-) joked about the Dirk Gently and Last Chance to See chapters being too short, they really were the most interesting to me. I’ve read many, many things about THHGTTG over the years, and have seen a good amount about his career and education before then. but I’ve come across very little about these others—so I learned more, got more insight, and whatnot. I really could’ve read chapters that were three times as long on both counts.

Truth be told, the book could’ve been three times as long and I’d have been happy, too. Sure, you’d need a weightlifting belt to carry it around that way, so maybe it’s best that Davies stopped when he did.

You need to read Adams thoughts on the future of books—specifically ebooks. Other than the amount of money going to authors…he nailed it. You get great insight into how his mind worked by seeing early drafts (and the way he’d write to himself to keep going when it got difficult).

I found this to be mind-bogglingly delightful. Which is pretty much what I expected, true. But there’s expecting to appreciate a book and then getting to experience it and discover that you were right. It’s is kind of a doubling of pleasure.

If you’re a fan of Adams, you’re going to find at least one thing here that will interest you more than you anticipated. If you’re a big fan of Adams, you’re in for a treat. He was the hoopiest of hoopy froods, and this book gives you a glimpse into just how hoopy that is.

Disclaimer: I contributed to the crowd-funding to get this book published (my name’s right there on p. 314), so who knows if that makes me biased. But then again…when am I not?

5 Stars

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